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Why do we know what is good for us but often

make a different choice?

I just came back from a hike up in Bear Hallow this morning. I

hadn’t been in a while. I had let so many other thoughts lead me
away from doing and experiencing this one simple joy. I actually
pondered this thought for a moment during my hike. Knowing I
am not alone, I wondered why so many of us know what is “good”
or “true “ for us but often make a different choice?

Then my focus shifted to what happens when you do make the

“good” choice. For me, a “good” choice is authentic. The measure
of its authenticity comes from completely embracing it within my
heart, mind and soul. I feel it from the inside out. It’s the kind of
choice that is so self loving and centering it connects me to my
essence… my knowing. Once here, I am free to just to be. This is
presence. When I am present I am no longer weighted down by
the past or concerned with future. “Just being” facilitates a
release of all judgment and comparison. It moves me into a state
of grace, that place where all the undefined spaces within me are
filled with gratitude. This is the moment I remember who I am.

Nature is one of my “good” choices. It has a wonderful way of

reminding me that I am a part of something so much bigger, that I
am not alone and the little things really do matter. Nature helps
me to quiet the chatter in my mind just enough so that I can pay
attention to my “eternal voice.”

After the initial incline up the mountain, I decided to be gentle with

myself and take an easier route. During this time I happened to
glance upward to see two hawks floating in the sea of wind.
Neither of them were trying to do anything. They were just there
enjoying the view seemingly relax and peaceful, fully enjoying the
moment. Not long after that, a gust of wind drew my attention to
the trees. I noticed how the leaves from the Aspens rustled in
cooperation with the wind. Even the tree’s themselves seem to
sway as if they had chosen the wind as their new dance partner. It
was so elegant, no forcing, no grasping, no fighting… an evolving
flow…nature. And just like that, through an exquisite collaboration
between wind’s song, dancing trees and soaring skies, I
experienced grace once again and I remembered who I am.



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