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Battlefield Strategies From Ancient Times Promise a Better Life Today

by chuck cory and max carr

enturies ago, the art of ninjutsu was born YOU CANNOT CONTROL YOUR

C into a world enveloped in war. That one fact

makes it vastly different from styles like
aikido and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which were
founded during peacetime. Because of its violent
childhood, ninjutsu matured into a system that fo-
At the foundation of ninjutsu lies the basic under-
standing that you have little to no control over your
attackers. Whether they're physical, psychological
cused on fighting methods that worked on the bat- or emotional sources of stress, to waste time fret-
tlefield, behind enemy lines and against multiple ting, panicking or denying the truth of the circum-
attackers. The art grew to encompass principles stances is to invite frustration. Or failure.
for psychological self-defense that enabled its ad- The inhabitants of the ninja villages in Japan's
herents to live out their lives on their own terms, Iga province were attacked almost daily. Instead
free from fear. of wallowing in their misery, they prepped them-
Those same principles are now used by military selves to function in fearful or stressful environ-
personnel around the world-even though they ments. Accounts abound of training sessions in
probably don't know where the teachings came which students ran through dark forests while
from. Because we all face adversity-granted, their partners waited for an opportunity to effect
it may not be as severe as that experienced by a surprise attack. By mastering their breathing,
a black-clad warrior 500 years ago or an Army their senses and their awareness, they were able
Ranger today-ninja wisdom is just as valuable in to function. What's more, they' learned how to re-
the 21st century as it ever was. main relaxed under stress.

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