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Macule: small flat blemish or discoloration that is level with the skin surface. A spot.

Solely a
color change, flat and circumscribed, less than 1 cm. Examples: freckle, flat nevus,
hypopigmentation, petechia, measles, scarlet fever.

Papule: a small, solid, raised skin lesion less than 1 cm in diameter.A pimple.Something you can
palpate, i.e., solid, elevated, circumscribed lesion less than 1 cm in diameter. Examples: elevated
nevus (mole), lichen planus, molluscum, wart (verruca), nonpustular acne.

Vesicle: Elevated cavity containing free clear fluid, up to 1 cm. Examples: herpes simplex, early
varicella (chickenpox), herpes zoster (shingles), contact dermatitis

Pustule: a small circumscribed elevation of the skin containing fluid that is usually purulent

Nodule:Solid, elevated, hard or soft lesion larger than 1 cm; may extend deeper into dermis than
papule. Examples: xanthoma, fibroma, intradermal nevus. A small node or nodelike structure.

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