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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Labs ]

Course No. CAP214 Course Title: FUNDAMENTALS OF WEB PROGRAMMING L: 3 T: 0 P: 3 Cr: 5

Course Planner :- 13106 :: Satinder Saini


1. Author: Bayros Ivan,Title: Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript,Publishers: BPB

Other Specific Books

2. The Internet Complete Reference, Second edition Tata Mcgraw Hill
3. Beginning JavaScript, by Paul Wilton, Jeremy McPeak, Wrox
4. How the Internet Works – Preston Gralla, Michael Troller, QUE
5. Author: Harson Word,Title: Internet Marketing & E-commerce,Publishers: Thompson
6. Black Book HTML, Wiley Publications

Other Readings

Sr. No. Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference)

7 (Articles based on HTML)

8 based on JAVASCRIPT)

9 (Articles based on HTML)

10 based on JAVASCRIPT)

Relevant Websites

Sr. No. Web adress (only if relevant to the courses) Salient Features

11 Provides details about Java script

12 Provides details about Java script

13 Provides details on Java script.

14 History of Internet

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15 Provides details on internet connectivity methods

16 Using search engines

17 MIME types

18 browser compatibility

19 javascript history

20 navigator object

21 string manipulation methods

22 string manipulation methods

23 timer in web page using javascript

24 ECMA Script

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Pedagogical tool
Chapters/Sections of
Homework to be Demonstration/case
Week No. Lecture No. Topic Textbook/other
Assigned to students study/images/anmation
ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Internet Fundamentals: Origin, Connectivity ->Reference :14, ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Lecture 2 Network protocols: TCP/IP ->Reference :2,Chapter 33 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

page 748 2

Lecture 3 GOPHER ->Reference :2,Chapter 33 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

page 749 3

Week 2 Lecture 4 FTP, Telnet ->Reference :2, Chapter 33 HomeWork 1 Allocation ca/regular/cap214/lecture
page 750 4

Lecture 5 Electronic mail, Search Engines ->Reference :16, ca/regular/cap214/lecture

->Reference :1,Chapter 5 page 5
Lecture 6 Newsgroups, UUCP, USENET ->Reference :1,Chapter 11 ca/regular/cap214/lecture
page 267 6

Week 3 Lecture 7 MIME Types ->Reference :17, Term Paper 1 Allocation ca/regular/cap214/lecture

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Part 1
Week 3 Lecture 8 Browsers - Plug- ins ->Reference :1,Chapter 17 ca/regular/cap214/lecture
page 388 8

Lecture 9 Net meeting and chat ->Reference :2,Chapter 9 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

pages 224-227 9

Week 4 Lecture 10 Basic HTML tags ->Reference :1,chapter 2 HomeWork 1 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Submission 10
Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 11 static creation of HTML web pages ->Reference :1,chapter 2 HomeWork 2 Allocation ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Lecture 12 Commonly used HTML tags - title Tag ->Reference :1,Chapter 2 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Week 5 Lecture 13 Text Formatting, bold, italics ->Reference :1,Chapter 2 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Lecture 14 superscript, subscript ->Reference :1,Chapter 2 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Lecture 15 Ordered list, Unordered list ->Reference :1,Chapter 2 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Week 6 Lecture 16 Image tag, Anchor Tags ->Reference :1,chapter 4 HomeWork 2 ca/regular/cap214/lecture
Submission 16

Lecture 17 Hyperlinks ->Reference :1,chapter 6 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Lecture 18 Creating tables, its ->Reference :1,Chapter 5 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

attributes and advantages 18

Week 7 Lecture 19 Creating Form elements – textbox, button, radio button, checkbox, ->Reference :1,chapter 3 ca/regular/cap214/lecture
textarea 19

Lecture 20 Creating Frames and their usage ->Reference :1,chapter 7 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Lecture 21 Creating Internal and external stylesheets ->Reference :1,Chapter 12 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Part 3
Week 8 Lecture 22 Introduction to Java Script, JavaScript in web pages ->Reference :1,Chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Lecture 23 advantages, writing JavaScript into HTML ->Reference :1,Chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


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Part 3
Week 8 Lecture 24 Javascript statements-comments, variables, operators, comparisons ->Reference :1,Chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Week 9 Lecture 25 History of Javascript: Javascript and Web ->Reference :1,Chapter 8 HomeWork 3 Allocation ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Lecture 26 Script Tag and browsers compatibility ->Reference :1,Chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Lecture 27 Data types: Numeric, Text, Boolean, Conversion ->Reference :1,Chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Week 10 Lecture 28 Arrays ->Reference :1,chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Lecture 29 Decision making and Loops in Javascript ->Reference :1,chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 30 JavaScript Programming Techniques: Data types and literals ->Reference :1,Chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Week 11 Lecture 31 typecasting ->Reference :1,Chapter 10 HomeWork 3 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Submission 31

Lecture 32 conditional checking, control loops ->Reference :1,chapter 8 HomeWork 4 Allocation ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Lecture 33 JavaScript Arrays - one dimensional, multidimensional ->Reference :1,chapter 8 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Week 12 Lecture 34 JavaScript function and Dialog Boxes: Built in functions ->Reference :1,chapter 9 Term Paper 1 ca/regular/cap214/lecture
Submission 34

Lecture 35 user defined functions, Recursive function ->Reference :1,chapter 9 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Lecture 36 Dialog boxes- alert, prompt, confirm ->Reference :1,chapter 9 ca/regular/cap214/lecture


Week 13 Lecture 37 Javascript events ->Reference :1,chapter 9 HomeWork 4 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

Submission 37

Lecture 38 Understanding DOM Model: Window, History, Location ->Reference :1,Chapter 9 ca/regular/cap214/lecture
->Reference :19, 38

Lecture 39 Navigator, document object ->Reference :1,Chapter 9 ca/regular/cap214/lecture

->Reference :20, 39

Spill Over

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Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 40 Network protocols: TCP/IP, GOPHER, FTP, Telnet ->Reference :2,chapter 33

Lecture 41 Arrays, decision making and loops in JavaScript ->Reference :1,chapter 8

DOM ->Reference :1,chapter 9

Details of homework and case studies plan

Nature of homework
Homework No. Topic of the Homework (group/individuals/field work

Homework 1 Internet fundamentals, Email, FTP, TELNET, WWW Individual

Homework 2 HTML tags, forms, lists, CSS Individual

Homework 3 Javascript, scripting languages Individual

Homework 4 Frame objects, Web standards Individual

*Normally all the homeworks shall be submitted online but in special courses where homeworks cannot be submited online , the insructor can edit the mode of submission while
entering the IP Details

Scheme for CA:out of 100*

Component Frequency Out of (If any) Marks for each Total Marks

Homework 3 4 15 45

Term Paper 1 25 25

Lab Assesment 10 12 3 30

Total :- 100

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS

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List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper)
Sr. No. Topic
1 J&K Tourism
2 Yellow Pages
3 Punjabi Culture
4 Guest book
5 Hospital management System
6 Library management System
7 Bank Management System
8 Distributor Management System
9 Interior Designing
10 University Management System
11 Hotel Management System
12 Electronic Goods
13 Life of Mumbai
14 Marine Life
15 Yoga
16 Lakme products

*Each experiment of the lab will be evaluated using following relative scheme:

Component % of Marks

J/E 50


WR 20

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List of experiments :-

Expt. No Title Equipment Used Reference of Lab manual

Before Mid-Term

programming 1 Using Email PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 2 WWW, Internet PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 3 search engines PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 4 Chatting using Net meeting PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 5 Working with HTML Tags. PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 6 Working with HTML Tags. PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 7 Working with HTML Tags. PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 8 Creating HTML Pages. PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 9 Creating HTML Pages. PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 10 Creating HTML Pages. PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 11 Using various HTML Tags PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 12 Using various HTML Tags PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 13 Linking documents, hyperlinking PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 14 Linking documents, hyperlinking PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 15 Creation of Ordered List and PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

Unordered List
programming 16 Creation of Ordered List and PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA
Unordered List

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programming 17 CSS PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 18 CSS PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

After Mid-Term

programming 19 Use of JavaScript PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 20 Use of JavaScript PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 21 Scripting PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 22 Scripting PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 23 Loops in Java script PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 24 Loops in Java script PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 25 Frame Object PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 26 Frame Object PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 27 Opening new window, Moving PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

and resizing window
programming 28 Opening new window, Moving PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA
and resizing window
programming 29 Working with various objects in PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA
programming 30 Working with various objects in PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA
programming 31 DOM Model in JavaScript PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 32 DOM Model in JavaScript PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

programming 33 DOM Model in JavaScript PC+LCD+Internet Explorer+Notepad NA

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