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a Radius inner conductor [m]

b Radius outer conductor [m]

J Flow density [A/m2]
E Electric field [V/m]
H Magnetic field [A/m]
S Surface of the cross section of the inner conductor [m2]

Ampère’s Law:

H dS J.dS1 + ∂D. dS1

. =
C1 S1 ∂ t S1

The component 
∂ D. dS1 = 0 because of the following conditions:
∂t S1
 D = Є E (inside the inner conductor E=0)
 E.dS (in this inner product E is perpendicular to the normal n of
surface S, so the cosines of 90 ⁰ is equal to zero)

So the equation can be reduced to:

H dS J.dS1
. =
C1 S1
The inner product H.dS = H2πrcosφ. The angle φ is 0⁰⁰ because H and the
normal n of surface S are in the same direction this means cos φ = 1, so

H dS = H2πr
. [1]

The inner product of J.dS1 = J.nS1 = JS1cosφ.

The angle φ is 0⁰⁰ because J and the normal n of S1 are in the same direction

this means cos φ = 1, so

J.dS1 = JS1 = i [A] [2]

From [1] and [2] follows:
H = i/2πr [A/m]

The magnetic flux is:

φ = B.dS2

With: S2 is the surface enclosed by the contour C2

With B = µH we get the next formula:

φ = µ H.dS2

The potential of the electric field is:

With: dS2 = L.dr

And because H is opposite to n.S2 we may write:

φ = - µ H.dS2

or: φ = - µ ∫ (i/2π).l.dr/r
= (µil/2π) ∫dr/r
= (µil/2π) ln (b/a)

So with: L=( φ/i.l) [induction / unit length]

L = (µ/2π) ln (b/a)

With Zo = √(L/C) we have to determine C [capacity / unit length]

We have: Q = C.∆V

With: ∆V = - ∫E.ds [negative sign because E and ns are opposite]

Because by definition ∆V = - ∫E.ds

The electric field is given by: E = (q/2π r).dr


So ∆V = (q/2π ) ∫dr/r = (q/2π ) ln(b/a)

and so: C = q/∆V = (2π )/ ln(b/a)

So the characteristic impedance Zo = √(L/C)

Or: Zo = √(µ/2π).ln (b/a).ln(b/a)/ 2π

= (1/2π). √( µ/ ). ln(b/a)

With √( µ/ ) is the wave impedance , Zo can be written as:

Z0 = (/2π). ln (b/a)

Note:  = √( µ0 µr/ o r) = o√( µr/ r)

For none magnetic material µr = 1, so:  = o/√

√ r with o = 120π

So for Z0: √ r). ln(b/a)

Z0 = (60/√

Conclusion: Z0 = F(a,b, r)

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