Badge: Icebreakers For Adults

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Badge Program larajla.

The Enrichment Project
Icebreakers for Adults
1. Provided PDFs.
SUPP_Icebreaker_Sampler.pdf is provided for this badge program by the Enrichment
Project. Download it to review as you work through the steps. As you review them, note
that many of the icebreakers may be done by adults or kids.
2. Introducing icebreakers.
You may nd resistance from adults to participate. You can help encourage participation
Being enthusiastic
Choose volunteers who are not embarrassed
Be prepared to move on if the icebreaker doesnt have the intended efect
Finish icebreakers while theyre being enjoyed, not when your adults are tired
of it
Make sure they are age and ability appropriate
Taking these into consideration, select a few icebreakers for an event, meeting or training.
3. Themes for your icebreakers.
Look through your collected icebreakers. Find themes or common threads that you can
incorporate with your meetings, events or trainings. You want your icebreakers to work
with your activity, not be a distraction from it. You may need to adjust an icebreaker to
t your needs. For example, if you are doing an outdoor training, you may want to
incorporate outdoor elements into your icebreaker.
4. Choosing icebreakers.
When you need to choose icebreakers, there are considerations beyond theme and age
Youll need to determine how much time you have for your icebreakers. Some will take less
than ve minutes while some may take half an hour. Unless you plan for your entire event
to be icebreakers, keep the length in mind.
The size of the group is very important. If you ask for ve favorite animals from ve
people, that will take a lot less time than those same ve animals for twenty people.
Also, sometimes the Icebreakers require individuals, pairs or even groups of ve or more
to be efective.
The area you have to work with will have a great deal to do with your choices. If you will
be in an unfamiliar location, nd out if you can visit it before your event. Ask if there are
restrictions. Check to see if you have enough room for more active icebreakers. Also, if you
need to put items on the wall, are you allowed to pin or tape them up?
What other restrictions might afect choosing and doing icebreakers?
for Adults
Icebreakers are used
to get individuals or
groups unfamiliar
with each other to
interact. It can help
people become
more comfortable in
a new activity, event
or gathering.
This badge program
is geared toward
more adult

5. Know your stuf.
A successful icebreaker needs step-by-step instructions and then needs to be demonstrated.
They are most efective when they are thought out, practiced and have clear instructions.
Take the icebreakers you chose and review them thoroughly. Ask yourself the following
Do the directions sound clear and thorough?
Can I explain the directions in my own words?
Do I have the materials I need?
Can I acquire any materials I need to create or nd beforehand?
Have I thought of ways to adapt the icebreaker to help it work better with
my theme?
Do I have a person / people to try the icebreaker to verify I have everything
and it works?
6. Search the Web.
The icebreakers in the provided PDF may not provide what you need. Go out on the Web
and nd more icebreakers you can use with your adults. There are many free ones online.
Save the ones you think look interesting.
7. Breaking the rules.
Sometimes the icebreaker doesnt work the way it is written. Keep notes on any
adjustments you incorporate to make it workable before the event.
If you tried to run it and it didnt work, reect on the situation to determine what went
wrong and if you could use it again. Make sure you keep track of your thoughts so you
dont repeat a bad experience.
8. Icebreakers introductions to energizers.
Icebreakers can be used to introduce people to each other and relax before starting your
event. Sometimes your icebreakers can be used as energizers. Watch your audience for
information overload, boredom or distraction. This is your hint to do something diferent
to get everyone back on track. Usually youll want to plan two or three icebreakers for a
two-hour activity. Review your icebreakers. Which can be used as energizers? How can you
adjust your chosen icebreakers to t with your theme?
9. Develop your own icebreakers.
Sometimes its dif cult to nd appropriate ice breakers and you will need to make your
own. Try developing an icebreaker and share it. Before you do, here are a few things to
keep in mind.
Your program should be 60-70% of your time, with the remainder for icebreakers
Determine the abilities / dynamics of your group
What is the goal for your icebreaker? Warm up and introductions? Energizer?
Bridging to another topic?
To illustrate as an example of what you are showing
Amount of physical and mental exertion of participants
Individual, pairs or group participants
10. Invite adults to lead.
Adults may have participated in icebreakers previously. They appreciate the opportunity
to share their knowledge and experience. At your activity, you can ask for any adjustments
that they have made to your chosen icebreakers. You can also ask them to lead. Make sure
to give them enough time to prepare.

Selection of ice breakers to start this badge program
Sites to Explore
Check out larajlas Enrichment Project
to start your own adventure.

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