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_ Sheffield Wednesday emerged this distinction as a Second Division "There were some players out there
Wfrom a haze that had club, and against the hot favourites, who needed their backsides kick-
enshrouded their city of steel for reflects particular credit upon man- ing."
more than half-a-century, when they ager Ron Atkinson - the man Man- Wednesday, on the other hand,
deservedly defeated Manchester chester United sacked as their man- settled quickly and steadily grew in
United in this Rumbelows League ager in 1986. confidence. Though they possessed
Cup Final. Ironically, it was a former Man- few individuals to match some of
They were still playing with those chester United player, goalkeeper United's stars, they played better as
udden-like brown, laced footballs Chris Turner, who finally ensured a team.
and sporting those voluminous that the Cup would go to Hills- Their two centre-backs, Peter Shirt-
o s when the people of Sheffield borough with a splendid flying save liff and Nigel Pearson, dominated
elcomed home a team with to Brian McClair's powerful header the air almost totally. Few defences
eo England's top three trophies. just seven minutes from the end. have managed to subdue so suc-
as in 1935, when Wednes- cessfully the threat of Mark Hughes
a e eated W.B.A. in the F.A. Cup and, though McClair did break to
F a THREATENING take a couple of chances, he was
Fro a point, the city that had generally kept at a distance.
given bi h to football had remained United had been threatening to get Wednesday's first threat came in
in the misty shadows of the game back into the game and, had they the fifth minute, following a foul by
whilst others, like Liverpool, Man- equalised at that moment, they Gary Pallister. Sheridan's in-swing-
chester, Birmingham and London, might well have gone on to win. ing free-kick from the left was
soared above the clouds to earn Apart from a few phases during the punched out by Les Sealey as two
success at home and in Europe. second half, United rarely got their Wednesday forwards made their
Until John Sheridan volleyed his game properly together. One of challenge.
splendid winning goal at Wembley, their former stars, Scotland interna-
that is. tional Paddy Crerand, put it quite
That Wednesday should achieve succinctly when he proclaimed: Continued on page 18

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