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1 Internship Report: Warid

A Study on
Customer Service of Warid Telecom
International Limited.

2 Internship Report: Warid

“A Study on Customer Service of Warid Telecom
International Limited”


Mr. Monjur Murshed

Asst. professor
Faculty of Business
ASA University Bangladesh.


A.K.M. Arifuzzaman Talukder

MBA, 2nd Batch
ID No. 073-14-0045
Faculty of Business
ASA University Bangladesh.

Date of Submission: 27th September 2009

3 Internship Report: Warid

Date: 15/09/09

Mr. Monjur Murshed

Asst. professor
Faculty of Business and Supervisor
ASA University Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of Internship Report.


It is my pleasure to submit the report on “A Study on Customer Service of Warid Telecom

International Limited” as a part of my Internship Report in spring 2009.
I have enjoyed preparing this Internship report which enriched my practical knowledge of the
theoretical concept. I tried to reflect the practical operational aspects of the organization which is
complementary to the theoretical lessons.
Should you need any further information to evaluate the Internship report, it would be my
immense pleasure to furnish you the same.

Sincerely Yours

A.K.M. Arifuzzaman Talukder
MBA, 2nd Batch
Id: 073-14-0045
Faculty of Business
ASA University Bangladesh

4 Internship Report: Warid


Date: 17/09/09

I hereby certified that this Internship report titled “A Study on Customer Service of Warid
Telecom International Limited” Is a bonafide record of the research work done by A.K.M.
Arifuzzaman Talukder, MBA student of ASA University Bangladesh having ID 073-14-0045.
This report represents an independent and original work prepared on the basis of primary and
secondary data collected and analyzed by the candidate. This report has not been accepted for
any other degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree.

The entire work has been planned and carried out by the candidate under my supervision and
guidance. In my opinion, this report is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of
the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) from ASA University Bangladesh.


Mr. Monjur Murshed

Asst. professor
Faculty of Business and Supervisor
ASA University Bangladesh

5 Internship Report: Warid


At first my heartiest thanks to Almighty Allah allowing me to prepare my report

and in the same time I would like to express my sincere gratitude and cordial
thanks to my reverend teacher and Supervisor Mr. Monjur Murshed Asst.
professor, ASA University Bangladesh, for his constant supervision, moral
support, valuable instructions and helpful advice during the course of studies and
research work.

I also express my warm gratitude and cordial thanks to another supervisor Dewan
Hamid altamas Manager, Quality Assurance, Customer Service Under the
guidance of Jafri Shamim, Manger, Customer Service, Warid Telecom
International & for his kind prior permission and introducing me to different
sections where received generous helps. His direction, critical comments, criticism,
generous patience greatly helped me in improving the research capability, writing
skills. It would have been quite impossible to carry on the report and give it a final
shape without his encouragement.

I am also grateful to all of my colleagues of Warid Telecom International and to

my friends.

And last, but not the least, my heartiest thanks and deepest gratitude is to my
parents and family members for their long encouragement patience, sacrifice and
tolerance showed to me during my study period.

6 Internship Report: Warid


The mandatory internship in MBA (regular) program is very beneficial to have

practical exposure of how things really go in the market. Being a student who
wants to make a mark in marketing field, the best place to gain practical
understanding of marketing was to do internship in the customer service,
marketing department of telecom industry. I took the internship with Warid
Telecom International which stands as a prominent name in Telecom industry. I
am proud to work as an internee with Warid and this experience will surely help
me in my future assignments as a marketing professional. The absolute guidance
and concern of higher management, perfect working environment with immense
cooperation of the staff of all departments especially the Customer Service
department facilitated in making my internship a wonderful learning experience in
all aspects. Internship duration offered to me was twelve weeks and based on
projects with marketing collateral section; new city launches section, events
section, BTL advertising section, prepaid segment section and mainly Quality
assurance section Through these projects, I was able to get direct interaction with
staff of Customer service, procurement and logistics, marketing, marketing
communications, public relations, information technology, administration and
human resources departments of Warid telecom.

7 Internship Report: Warid


Chapter one INTRODUCTION ................................................................................9

INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ......................................10
Chapter Two HISTORY OF CELL PHONE .........................................................13
Chapter Three BANGLADESH AND CELL PHONE INDUSTRY .......................16
Chapter Four BACKGROUND OF WARID TELECOM .....................................19
The Network ........................................................................................... 23
Research & Development ....................................................................... 23
Our place at the technological frontier .................................................. 24
Exclusive Customer Care........................................................................ 24
Best Practices.......................................................................................... 24
Innovation ............................................................................................... 24
Policies.................................................................................................... 25
Chapter Five BUSINESS STRUCTURE AND STRATEGY ..................................27
Chapter Six DEPARTMENTS .................................................................................33
Segmentation and Strategy Division...................................................... 35
Process Flow in Marketing Department ................................................ 36
Sections of segmentation and strategy Division .................................... 37
Marketing Operations Division ............................................................. 38
Marketing Communications Division.................................................... 41
Marketing Finance Division .................................................................. 42
Loyalty Division .................................................................................... 42
Warid Telecom Internationl in Dhaka................................................................ 45
Warid Telecom Internationl in Comilla ............................................................. 48
Warid Telecom Internationl in Chittagong. ....................................................... 49
Warid Telecom Internationl in Sylhet................................................................ 50
Warid Telecom Internationl in Bugora. ............................................................. 51
Warid Telecom Internationl in Khulna. ............................................................. 52
Chapter Seven THEORIES IMPLEMENTATION...................................................54
Strengths of Warid .................................................................................. 55
Weaknesses of Warid.............................................................................. 55
Opprortunities for Warid ........................................................................ 56
Threats for Warid.................................................................................... 56
Chapter Eight LEARNING AS A STUDENT INTERN ..........................................57
Duties...................................................................................................... 58
Target Groups ......................................................................................... 58
Method of Survey ................................................................................... 59
Chapter Nine FINDINGS..........................................................................................70
Reception ................................................................................................ 71
CSR Performance ................................................................................... 71
First Contact Resolution ......................................................................... 72
Overall Business Center Performance .................................................... 72
Chapter Ten CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...........................73
Chapter Eleven GLOSSARY......................................................................................75

8 Internship Report: Warid



9 Internship Report: Warid

WARID Telecom


MBA academic program is the building up of the theoretical knowledge about business administration
which is the base of practical knowledge. MBA project work is an attempt to provide business students an
orientation to a real life business situation in which we can observe and evaluate the use and applicability
of the theoretical concepts which were taught in the classrooms. As per norm this report is the
requirement of the fulfillment of the project work. This report is the out come of our work in Warid
Telecom International Limited


Broad Objectives of the Study: To find out whether quality in customer service retains customers.

Specific Objectives of the Research:

1. To find out whether (pre & post sale-) customer service can make an operator ‘different’
(better or worse in customer perception) from its competitors -
2. To identify the effect of product / service availability on customers’ perception
3. To identify the effect of lead time variability on customers reaction toward an operator
4. To identify the effect of ‘system recovery time’ on customers’ level of satisfaction
5. To find whether having a shadow system makes customers satisfied
6. To identify the effect of system information availability on customers’ perception toward
an operator
7. To identify effect of post-sale support system on customer perception
8. Mystery survey at different mobile operators Business Centers in order to observe the
overall impression of the Customer Service Representatives (CSRs).
9. To find out the satisfaction level of Warid Telecom’s subscriber.
10. Compare Warid with other operators Customer Services.

10 Internship Report: Warid


The scope of the study is limited within telecommunication business in

Bangladesh. It is also limited within the organization of Warid Telecom
International. And for that reason that information was very much restrictive within
the organization as the telecommunication business is going to be very much
competitive. Here we discuss with the topics related to the profile of the
organization, Customer Service Activities of Warid Telecom International.

¾ Time Limitations

¾ Covers only Dhaka City (outside Dhaka city was not possible)

¾ Lack of Manpower

¾ Banglalink has a Care Center inside the Airport which was not covered for entry

11 Internship Report: Warid


¾ The company does not have sufficient source of secondary data and collecting of
data was not smooth.

¾ Analyzing financial data is much more confusing and complicated than any other

¾ It was really difficult for me to accumulate confidential financial data.

¾ Sample sizes for Warid, Tele Talk and City Cell subscribers are short of the
planned so any deductions based on these samples regarding Tele Talk and City
Cell might not be statistically correct

¾ Many of the findings & concepts from the qualitative study could not be
accommodated. Some of them (as following) were dropped from quantitative

o Development of new features in mobile packages

o Role of pricing in customer perception etc.

¾ Customer service (a comprehensive construct) was replaced by 6 parameters –

product/service availability, lead time variability, availability of shadow system,
system recovery time, availability of system information, and availability of post
sales support service.

¾ Respondents of the quantitative survey have shown a tendency to over state the
time for which they are using the current operator

12 Internship Report: Warid


History of cell Phone

13 Internship Report: Warid


Cell Phones are everywhere and their use is growing. Basically a cell phone is a radiotelephone
and its application is growing because of the rapid rise of digital computers and very small and
powerful microprocessors. One of the most important advantages of microprocessors is their
ability to do very complicated operations with high reliability.

The problem with early radiotelephones was that they quickly ran out of available frequencies,
i.e. channels. Often a wealthy individual with a radio telephone in his car would have one of his
employees make a series of calls starting very early in the morning to reserve a channel for
himself and guarantee that he could have his radio telephone available as he was being driven to

The problem was that to be useful, a radiotelephone had to work throughout a whole
metropolitan area, and a large area even back then made for a large number of users. The
problem could be solved by having many small areas (now called cells) which all shared the
same frequencies. A small area only had a small number of users so that the number of
frequencies was adequate. In principle doing automatic switchovers from one cell to another
could solve this problem, but such automatic switches were very complicated to implement.
Enter the digital computer, it was capable of doing the complex job of managing the switchover
so that the call would not be lost, and the modern cell phone was born.

At first the speech was analog, and the logic to manage the switchover was digital (i.e. done by a
digital computer). These types of cell phones are known today as analog phones even though the
switching is digital. A true all digital cell phone, however, would also represent the speech as a
series of numbers, i.e. in digital form. A cell phone which also digitizes the speech improves the

14 Internship Report: Warid

sound quality; gets rid of static on the line, and incidentally, increases the battery life by 3 to 5
Since also making the speech digital was even more complicated than just making the switchover
digital, the true all digital cell phone had to wait for microprocessors to get smaller and more
powerful. This has now been achieved, and one can have truly high quality cell phone service
with the new digital units. All digital cell phones have now become so capable, the call rates so
low, and the battery life so long that it makes sense for some businesses to have only cell phones
for their business extensions.


The cell phone was invented by Bell Labs from about 1947 to 1967, but a controversy has arisen about
this. According to an Associated Press Article in the April 12th issue of the San Francisco Chronicle, Page
D3 and an April 3, 2003 Chronicle Article, the Cell Phone was invented by Martin Cooper who at that
time was a vice-president at Motorola. Both articles state that he made the first cell phone call in 1973 on
a street corner in New York using a base station at the top of a tall building in that city. Motorola
introduced its cell phone in 1983 after five generations, 15 years, and $90 million; but as mentioned
above, the first commercial cell phone service was started by NTT in Japan on December 3, 1979.

This by no means the whole story, however, Cooper himself in the 10th paragraph of the April 3rd
Chronicle article states that “Bell Labs had invented this thing called Cellular Technology”. What Martin
Cooper apparently did was build a relatively small radiotelephone, which could be carried by a person. He
did not develop the idea and the mechanism for automatically switching over when a phone went from
one cell to another. The true inventor of the cell phone is the person or group who developed the concept
of small cells and implemented the automatic switchover system and this was Bell Labs.

Finally the explosion of cellular technology, which we now see around us today, was caused by the
Microprocessor, i.e. a computer on a small single chip. Intel primarily pioneered this although Motorola
and AMD have played significant roles.

15 Internship Report: Warid




16 Internship Report: Warid


To understand the potential demand for cell phones in Bangladesh, let us look at some of the key

macro-indicators of the country. With a population of nearly 147 million people living in an area

slightly larger than the United Kingdom, Bangladesh (total land area 133,910 square kilometer)

is the most densely populated country in the world, with roughly 1079 people per square

kilometer. More than 80% of its population lives in the rural areas, where two thirds of the

population is engaged in agricultural activities. Its standing in the Human Development Index

(HDI) remains almost unchanged at 137th position, according to the United Nations Development

Report released last year.

Bangladesh is also one of the world's ten poorest countries, with a GDP per capita of USD$ 421

with a lower average of USD$ 171 for rural areas. However, the GDP per capita PPP is USD$

2,000, with a growth rate of nearly 5% in the last 5 years. It has been often cited that

Bangladesh’s low level of income is the main reason for its low level of penetration.

In a country such as Bangladesh where the state owned operator, the Bangladesh Telegraph &

Telephone Board (BTTB), dominates the landline telephone system and provides poor services

and infrastructure, cellular phones tend to be substitute for landlines. According to the year end

review of BTRC in 2006, there were approximately 1.5 million fixed line and 17 million mobile

subscribers available in the country.

17 Internship Report: Warid

For poor countries and rural areas, it is cheaper to build mobile infrastructure than fixed line

communications. In terms of topography, Bangladesh is a flat country where 90% of the country

is dominated by alluvial river plains, which does not raise more than 10 meters above sea level.

The highest peak is Keokradang (1230 Meter), 80 K. M. South-West of Chittagong in the Hill

Tracts. The flatness facilitates the construction of base stations and improves its coverage area.

Besides reviewing the macro indicators to identify potential demand, consumer demand for

cellular services has also been studied. A case study conducted by the Telecommunications

Development Group for the “Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)”, found that

there was a consumer willingness to pay for cellular phone services and a significant consumer

surplus experienced by the villagers. According to the report, the consumer surplus for a single

phone call from a village to Dhaka (the costs of a call that replaces the physical trip to the city

and the costs of wages) ranges from 2% to 12% of mean monthly household income, which

translates to a saving of 132 to 490 TK.

18 Internship Report: Warid



19 Internship Report: Warid


The Dhabi Group is a multinational company based in the UAE, which owns and operates a wide
range of business concerns that are spread across 3 different continents. It has a diversified
business interest in the institutions that have enjoyed commercial success as a result of its strong
financial resources and extensive management expertise. The Abu Dhabi Group's major
investments are in the following sectors:

¾ Telecommunications
¾ Hospitality services
¾ Property development
¾ Oil exploration and supplies
¾ Banking and financial services
¾ Automobile industries.

Warid Telecom takes pride in being backed by the Abu Dhabi Group, one of the largest groups
in the Middle East and in Pakistan.

Warid Telecom is currently operational in Bangladesh and Pakistan, while it is also setting pace
to initiate its operation in Uganda & Congo. Within the markets Warid is already operating, it
has quickly developed a large customer base and established itself as one of the leaders of
telecom service sector.

In Bangladesh, Warid Telecom commenced its operations under a landmark MOU agreed upon
by the Dhabi Group and the Government of Bangladesh worth USD 1 billion, out of which USD
750 million was exclusively committed for investment in the telecommunication sector of the
country. Succeeding the MOU signing, the BTRC license for telecom service provision was
issued to Warid Telecom, followed by the signing of interconnectivity agreement with all the
existing telecom companies of Bangladesh.

In May 10th, 2007, Warid Telecom launched its commercial operations in Bangladesh with a
network encompassing 26 districts. By November 2007, the network had been expanded to cover
61 districts and being used by 2 million customers.

20 Internship Report: Warid

Based on the NGN (Next-Generation) network, Warid Telecom's operational activities in
Bangladesh aim to achieve a new and modern corporate identity, which is congruent with the
dynamic changes taking place in the telecom industry today. With a reflection of a new strategy,
our aim is to be perceived not only as a telecommunication operator of voice services, but also as
a universal provider of comprehensive communications services for both residential and business

The subscriber base of over 2 million users in our first year of operation alone serves as a
testament to Warid telecom's customer-driven business mandate. These achievements have only
been possible due to Warid's uncompromising commitment to provide maximum network
coverage and clear connectivity at the most affordable price.


Warid Telecom's vision is "To be the leading national communication provider with a
strong international presence."

To become the essential communication provider in Bangladesh of high quality voice and
innovative data services by offering affordable products and services to all market segments and
to become an integral part of their everyday lives.

Warid Telecom's brand values include:

¾ Simplicity
¾ Honesty
¾ Innovation
¾ Quality
¾ Dynamic
¾ Friendly

21 Internship Report: Warid


¾ Establish and sustain as a customer centric organization

¾ Provide high quality and innovative communication services, through state of the art
infrastructure and a team of professionals
¾ Continuously develop, motivate and empower our people
¾ Achieve profitable growth for all our stakeholders


Warid Telecom's brand values include:

Quality - We want to make a difference to people's lives. Our optimism is contagious. We are
passionate about what we do and we have confidence in ourselves.
Simplicity - For us, clarity comes through simplicity. We recognize that we are people
communicating with other people. We are always direct and easy to understand.
Innovation - We constantly look to do things differently and in a better way. We give color to all
that we do. We are ready to push the boundaries and take risks.
Honesty - We are always open and honest. We say what we do and we do what we say.
Friendliness - We enjoy working and succeeding together by building close relationships. While
we have a sense of purpose, we also have a sense of humor. We consider the needs both of our
customers and of each other.

22 Internship Report: Warid


The Network

At the corner stone of Warid Telecom’s operational agenda is ensuring that comprehensive
network coverage is provided to all subscribers across all locations. In this context, Warid
Telecom has decided to opt for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) technology
for its network in Bangladesh, as it is the global standard for digital cellular telephone service.
GSM networks support enhanced data applications and more than 1 billion customers in 109
countries are using this technology. Warid Telecom would be launching its cellular services
based on 900 and 1800 GSM technology, in order to optimize the utilization of frequency, thus
ensuring the highest quality and service.

Warid Telecom’s GSM network is set to cover 61 districts of Bangladesh to ensure that our
service can seamlessly reach out to every corner of the country. We are also in the process of fast
expanding our nationwide network to cover all thanas by the end of 2007.

We are partners with some of the leading vendors in the telecom industry who help in providing
the best and the latest network solutions for our businesses. These vendors include cellular giants
Ericsson, Nortel, Siemens, Cisco and Huawei.

Research & Development

We have made no compromise on investments required for research and development. With a
projected capital expenditure of over US $700 million, Warid Telecom has been set up to
provide a premium quality GSM service, which will reach out to most parts of Bangladesh by the
end of 2007.

23 Internship Report: Warid

Our place at the technological frontier

Warid has pioneered in key technologies which include the following:

¾ Custom-made network for Bangladesh’s environment

¾ Congestion-free connectivity in all coverage areas
¾ Roll out plan for complete national populated coverage by 200X
¾ Future professional network (GPRS compatible and 3G upgraded with soft switch and
media gateway architecture)
¾ State of the art IP based contact center and leading data center

Exclusive Customer Care

Our mandate for doing businesses by keeping customers at the forefront is reflected in our 'one
stop' concept for all your telecom requirements. We have the maximum number of Sales and
Customer Service Centers countrywide, equipped with cutting edge technologies to ensure that
customer needs and demands are catered for in the shortest possible time. Our highly trained and
well-groomed team of Customer Service Executives is on hand 24 hours to provide you support
in any area- all to make sure that your communication experience with use is facilitated in the
smoothest way possible

Best Practices

We believe in a process driven setup with comprehensive business processes covering all our
activities. All business processes are ETOM compliant as per accredited international standards.


Warid is committed to providing superior level of professional services to all its customers -
before, during and after the deployment of our leading solutions. To accommodate our
customer's demands, we have deployed a state-of-the-art 2.5G EDGE compliant network. There
are also innovative services of various standards that cater to a wide spectrum of users.

24 Internship Report: Warid


Warid Telecom believes in working with strategic partners and employees for long term relationships. As
a consequence of the above Warid Telecom is looking for the following to deliver its vision: Strategic
vendors and partners to assist in rolling out these services in a timely and efficient manner with a focus on
turnkey solutions and premium propositions; Strong partners to assist in launching these services and
creating effective sales & marketing / business development opportunities for all to operationally and
financially gain; Consultants and experts to help deliver this vision; Well rounded employees who wish to
become part of this adventure.


1. Bank Alfalah Limited: Fully licensed commercial bank with operation in the major
financial areas of Bangladesh. They also have many branch networks in Pakistan.

2. United Bank Limited: A leading commercial bank in Pakistan with a vast branch
network of approximately 1,100 branches including 23 international branches.

3. Alfalah Exchange Company: Fully licensed exchange company in Abu Dhabi

4. Iranian Sanden Industries PJS Co.: A joint venture with Sanden Singapore to
manufacture car air conditioners in Iran. The project has the capacity to produce up to
300,000 air conditioning units per annum

5. J.C. Maclean and Co.: Manufacturers of high quality furniture

6. Neo Pharma LLC: Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products

25 Internship Report: Warid

7. National Telesystems and Services (NTS): A joint Venture with Bin Jaber
Group Ltd. and Thales International Middle East Holding S.A.L.

8. Al Jazira Management Mall: Management joint venture

9. Abu Dhabi Vegetable Oil Company: Manufacturer of edible oils

10. Nama Development Enterprises: Representation of leading companies in the

UAE in the field of oil and gas, engineering, equipment suppliers, consultants etc.

11. Wholly Owned Properties and Companies

12. Le Royal Meridien Hotel, Abu Dhabi, previously known as the Abu Dhabi Grand
Hotel, is a 5-star hotel in the heart of Abu Dhabi. It will soon be offering 300 deluxe
rooms, suites and other facilities.

13. Dhabi Contracting: A special category construction company

14. Dhabi Drilling Offshore Rig operations in collaboration with Sedco Forex

15. Al Ain Palace Hotel: A 4-star hotel in Abu Dhabi Dhabi Enterprises Leasing:
Leasing a number of groups and real estate properties across Abu Dhabi.

26 Internship Report: Warid



Warid Telecom

27 Internship Report: Warid


Mr. Muneer Farooqui

Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Muneer Farooqui is the CEO of Warid Telecom International Ltd. He is holding a Master degree in
Computer Science from Preston University, USA. He has professional experience of more than 16 years
of continuous advancement and expertise in process re-engineering, CS, sales, international business,
product support & systems implementations.

Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad Khan, Ph.D

General Manager HR & A

Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad Khan is General Manager Human Resource & Administration in Warid
Telecom International Limited, Bangladesh. He bags over thirty five years of varied and
multidimensional experience where his major work association has been with the telecom sector.
He is PhD in Human Resource Development (HRD)

Mr. Ashraful H. Chowhdury

General Manager of Govt & Operator

Mr. Ashraful H. Chowhdury is the General Manager of Government and Operator Relations. He
has 22 years of experience in Private Sector Business Development, HRD Management &
Personnel Administration, Project Management & Corporate Communication, International
Marketing and Export Development, ICT & Telecommunication Project Management in South
Asia, Europe, Scandinavia, North America and the Caribbean.

28 Internship Report: Warid

Mr. Mahboob Hossain
General Manager, Sales Division

Mr. Mahboob Hossain is leading the Sales Division of Warid Telecom International Limited. His
work experience in telecom sector is around ten years. Prior to joining Warid, he was heading
Direct Sales of the Sales Discipline in Grameenphone. He has also been a part of RANGS
Electronics where he was taking care of the operations pertaining to sales and marketing.

Mr. Yasir Ishaq Ansari

Chief Information Officer
Mr. Yasir I. Ansari is the CIO of Warid Telecom International, Bangladesh. He bags 15 years of
Systems Engineering and Management experience in IT and Data networking with “Tier 1”
technology firms. Expertise in design, commissioning, policy making and delivery of cost-
effective, high performance information technology infrastructures and applications to address
complex business problems.

Mr. Amyn Merchant

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Merchant possesses 15 years of long and enriched international financial management
experience in various celebrated companies like, Ernst & Young and Advanced Telecom Co - a
pioneer prepaid calling card company, in Saudi Arabia, British Telecom - in Saudi Arabia & the
UAE, & Hewlett Packard in Canada.

29 Internship Report: Warid

Mr. Azmat Mushtaq Khan
Deputy General Manager Strategic Planning & Business Development

Mr. Azmat Mushtaq Khan is handling the business affairs pertaining to strategic planning and
business development. He has completed his MBA from Asian Institute of Technology, 1997. As
the precursor to developing a strategic plan, it is desirable to clearly identify the current status,
objectives and strategies of an existing business or the latest thinking in respect of a new venture.
He has the ability to work on such lines and develop business strategies for the Company.

Mr. Nauman Fakhar

Head of Customer Service

Mr. Nauman Fakhar has joined Warid Telecom International Limited on May 07, 2008 as Head
of Customer Service Division. He bags 11 years of work experience both in telecom and banking
sectors. Before joining Warid, he served in Telenor Pakistan as a lead in Customer Relationship
Management. He also worked in American Express Bank for around eight years in various

30 Internship Report: Warid










Z.S.M Sr.Executive

B.C.M Jr.Executive


31 Internship Report: Warid


Warid Telecom (Pvt.) Ltd. Head office is in EFU House on Jail road, Lahore. Warid has the maximum
number of Sales and Customer Service Centers countrywide, backed by two state-of-the-art Contact
Centers of international standards that are equipped with the right facilities to ensure real-time online
services. Their highly trained and well-groomed team of Customer Service Executives provides round-
the-clock-support. Warid has setup Corporate Lounges, with a customer-friendly environment to provide
personalized care to our corporate clients. Furthermore, an extensive network of franchises, kiosks and
mobile units ensure easy and convenient accessibility. Different divisions, department and functionaries
working in the head office are


2. Human Resources

3. Financial Accounting & Revenue Assurance

4. Sales & Customer Services

5. Administration

6. Products & Services

7. Procurement & Logistics

8. Legal Affairs

9. Engineering & Information Technology

10. Audit & Risk Services

11. Quality Assurance

12. International Business

13. Public Relations 1

4. Operations and Project Management

15. Govt. Relations

32 Internship Report: Warid

Warid Telecom

33 Internship Report: Warid


Marketing is one of the core departments of any Telecom industry. Marketing consists of five

Segmentation and Strategy Marketing
Finance Marketing
Communications Marketing
Operations Loyalty

Each of above divisions consists of sections

Segmentation and Marketing Operations Marketing

Strategy Division Division Communications
Masses Segment Retail Operations ATL
Youth Segment New City Launches Artworks designing
Female Segment BTL
Postpaid Segment Collaterals
Prepaid Segment Events

Loyalty Division Marketing Finance Division

Sales Records Signing CEO notes
Issues related to payments
Preparing PRs
Keeping financial records

34 Internship Report: Warid

Segmentation and Strategy Division

Warid Telecom has divided its segmentation and strategy division into five segments on the basis
of their characteristics. Markets consist of buyers and buyers differ in one or more ways. They
may differ in their wants, resources, locations, buying attitudes and buying practices. The core
concept behind companies using marketing segmentation concept is to divide large
homogeneous markets into smaller segments that can be reached effectively and efficiently with
products and services that satisfy needs, wants, desires and trends of certain segment.

Characteristics that govern segmentation and strategy development in Telecom industry

specifically mobile services according to a certain segment are

¾ Age
¾ Educational background
¾ Gender
¾ Income
¾ National, regional or other geographical areas of origin
¾ Social class
¾ Religion
¾ Culture
¾ Behaviors
¾ Population
¾ Tele density in area to be segmented

Now, the roles and responsibilities of different segments are to consider above characteristics
and then to

35 Internship Report: Warid

Process Flow in Marketing Department

¾ Develop an idea that would satisfy the above considerations. The idea can be

1. Development of a product or service; that idea is then shaped in the form of the
product or services with the help of Products and Services department, I.T and
Engineering departments to develop a product or service.
2. Event to improve sales, public relations, brand awareness e.g. events such as
Kabaddi Takkar Series between Pakistan and India in collaboration of Pakistan
Kabaddi Federation, Tape Ball tournament and Concerts.

After getting the idea approved by the authorities by preparing a feasibility report. The next
step is to get documentation done for idea conversion costs.

¾ Idea Conversion Costs that note and getting it approved by the authorities. After getting
the idea approved will be incurred in converting an idea into reality. This step includes
developing a CEO note. CEO note is developed with the help of departments related to
the project.

¾ Artworks, TVCs elaborating the ideas are designed by the communications department
and then it is forwarded to marketing operations for execution of ideas.

36 Internship Report: Warid

Sections of segmentation and strategy Division

1. Postpaid Segment Section

Postpaid Segment is the one which includes individuals with good income and usage more than
that of prepaid customers. Postpaid customers •

¾ Pay bill at the end of month depending on the service used.

¾ Pay specific amount in line rent every month, no matter they use service or not.
¾ Enjoy better range of value added services than prepaid customers.

Postpaid Segmentation Section designs marketing activities to better satisfy the needs of
postpaid consumers.

2. Masses Segment Section

Masses Segment is the biggest segments involving most no of people. Masses segmentation
section develops marketing ideas and activities to perform, so that masses customers enjoy
maximum benefits. Consumers from masses segments use relatively less. Masses customers

¾ Pay before using the service.

¾ Enjoy basic and VAS services
¾ Have less brand loyalty in most cases.
¾ Ready to switch to other mobile services in case of cheaper services.

3. Female Segment Section

Importance of role of females cannot be overlooked in this modern era. That’s why Warid
Telecom has also developed females segment as a separate segment. The role of Female
segmentation section is to develop ideas that would entertain female population in Pakistan.
Currently ongoing “Zem Baton ke committee Campaign” promoted by Bushra Ansari is such an

37 Internship Report: Warid

4. Youth Segment Section

Youth drives a nation; similarly, youth is taken by cellular companies as a segment which can
drive other segments as well and affect trends of customers of other segments too. If the youth is
targeted in better way, lot of customers can be gained. Warid Floodlight Tape Ball tournament
for youth segment is one of such examples.

5. Corporate Segment Section

Corporate segment is niche segment which can be source of great revenue for organization.
Corporate Segmentation section develops idea that can provide maximum support and facilities
to their most profitable segment. Ongoing “Black Berry Campaign” is one of its examples.
Corporate segments are provided with

¾ Best possible VAS

¾ Better rates
¾ Security and Network Solutions
¾ Corporate Series for employees

Marketing Operations Division

Marketing operations is the part of marketing that is responsible for executing the ideas,
turning scraps into whole and giving best possible finishing to the idea. Marketing
Operations slogan is “we are those, who execute ideas”.
Warid Telecom has divided its marketing operations division into five parts and each
part is responsible for carrying out its related tasks. Everything that is seen in market
from retailer facias to wall chalking, event branding to billboards, pole signs to panels,
road branding to posters, banners to flyers, everything is done by operations. Artworks
for the marketing collaterals are provided by the marketing communications. Any
execution mishandled by operations team can result in failure of great ideas.

38 Internship Report: Warid

1. Retail Operations Section

Retail operations include branding done at retail shops; that includes facias, availability signs at
shops e.g. Easy load Availability.

Retail operations is responsible for

¾ Spotting the retail shops

¾ Finalizing the terms and conditions for contracting
¾ Installing Facias / Retail branding

2. New City Launches Section

A new city launch refers to the branding or marketing promotions whenever Warid has launched
its service in a new city. The responsibility of this section is to create prelaunch hype and
attraction once a service is launched. Branding options that are used so often are

¾ City Branding
¾ Wall Chalking
¾ Shutter Paints
¾ Retail Fascia’s
¾ Events

3. BTL (Below the line) Advertising Section

Below the line advertising section of Warid typically focuses on direct means of communication,
most commonly direct mail, e-mail, hoardings, gantries, billboards, pole signs, and traffic signs
at prime locations to maximize response rates. Warid Telecom is a telecom company, so here
direct mail and email can’t be used effectively. In case of Warid Telecom; the focus is on use of

¾ Gantries
¾ Billboards
¾ Pole signs
¾ Sponsoring traffic signs
¾ Streamers
¾ Hoardings

39 Internship Report: Warid

4. Marketing Collaterals Section
Warid focuses a lot on effective use of collaterals to create hype for campaigns and events.
Marketing collateral, in marketing and sales, is the collection of media used to support the sales
of a product or service. These sales aids are intended to make the sales effort easier and more

Warid has a well maintained collateral section in marketing operations division that is
responsible for following collaterals supporting Warid promotions and campaigns

¾ Tariffs
¾ Flyers
¾ Standees
¾ Posters
¾ Coupons
¾ Catalogues
¾ Visual aids
¾ Web content
¾ Brochures
¾ Leaflets

5. Events
Warid not only participates in events but also organizes such events and activities that highlights
its commitment to have good public relations, create brand awareness, taking social
responsibilities programs. Instances of such events include Warid sponsoring OIC IT and
Telecom expo and conference 2008, taking part in ITCN 2008.

These events include sponsoring and organizing

¾ tournaments
¾ conferences
¾ parties
¾ seminars
¾ CSR activities

40 Internship Report: Warid

Marketing Communications Division

Marketing communications in Warid Telecom deals with artworks to be used in BTL & ATL
advertising, then its execution and broadcasting in print and electronic media. Above the line is a
type of advertising through media such as TV, cinema, radio, print, banners and search engines
to promote brands. Major uses include television and radio advertising, web and Internet banner

Marketing Communications division divided into two sub-divisions

1. ATL Section
The ATL section of marketing communication comprises of team responsible for

¾ Preparing content for

9 Artworks of campaigns
9 TVCs
9 Newsletters
9 Press releases for media

¾ Contacting with

¾ Electronic media including Televisions, websites and webzines for issues related to
broadcasting TVCs and sponsorship

¾ Print media including news papers and magazines for placing advertisement of
campaigns, giving press releases, sponsoring columns and special information
such as sports events, special occasion such as namaz timings, Iftar and sehri

2. Artworks Designing to be used in ATL and BTL

The artwork designing section is responsible for providing artworks to be used in ATL
and BTL advertising. The artwork designing section

¾ Design artworks itself

¾ Outsource artworks to different artworks designing agencies

41 Internship Report: Warid

Marketing Finance Division

Warid has a division in marketing department that is responsible for financial activities
incurred related to marketing promotions, campaigns, and events. It is not a big division;
its main purpose is to act as interface b/w marketing and finance departments.
Marketing Finance is responsible for

¾ Signing CEO notes from authorities

¾ Preparing PRs
¾ Keeping financial records of costs incurred
¾ Issues related to payments of vendors as per invoices

Loyalty Division

Loyalty division of Warid Marketing Department designs marketing programs to benefit

the loyal customers that can be prepaid customers, but in most cases Post-paid and
Corporate clients. Loyalty programs are structured marketing efforts that reward, and
therefore encourage, loyal buying behavior which is potentially in benefit of Warid.
Loyalty benefits can include loyalty card, rewards card, points card, advantage card, or
club card. Examples of such programs are McDonalds Campaign. Loyalty division is
responsible for

¾ Identifying loyal customers

¾ Designing marketing programs to benefit the loyal customer
¾ Keeping up-to-date profiles of loyal customers: their buying records and patterns
¾ Carrying out regular campaigns for the post-paid and corporate clients

42 Internship Report: Warid


Business Overview
Warid has eleven customer care centers around the country located at key locations. These
centers are directly run by Warid itself. Warid has another 120 franchises spread across
Bangladesh, the largest chain of retail outlets in the country, which is further backed up by a
chain of sub-franchises, affinity partners & distributors. SIM Cards, Scratch Cards and
sometimes mobile sets are sold at these outlets. Bill collection for post paid users and Zem top up
for pre-paid users can also be availed at the franchises. These franchises directly appoint dealers
and sub-dealers in their designated areas

Business Center of Warid Telecom Internationl.

Business Center Address

Tajwar Center Tajwar Center

House#34 Road#19/A, Banani, Dhaka 1213

ASA Tower ASA Tower (Ground Floor)

23/3 Khilji Road, Shyamoli Dhaka-1207
Novera Tower, Novera Square
Dhanmondi Road #2 House#5 Dhanmondi, Dhaka

Motijheel 64/1, Purana Paltan Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka 1000

Quaderi Chamber, Quaderi Chember,

Chittagong 37 Agrabad Commercial area, Chittagong

Rahman Tower, Sylhet Rahman Tower,

House#A/2 Bangabir, Naiorpool Sylhet

Dolphin Housing, Bogra Dolphin Housing,

Jaleshwaritola, Bogra 5800

43 Internship Report: Warid

Parents Plaza Alupotty,
Parent's Plaza, Rajshahi
Ghoramara Boalia, Rajshahi

Uttara Business Centre, Siaam Tower, Dhaka - Mymensingh Road, Plot No. 15, Sector-3,
Uttara Uttara, Dhaka-1230

Cox's Bazar Business

Hotel Sayeman (Ground Floor) Baharchara, Cox’sBazar – 4700.

Rangamati Business
New Court Road, Rangamati.

Khagrachori Business
Syed Building,Shapla Chattar, Khagrachori

Bandorban Business
Abeda Plaza (Ground floor) Opposite of Govt. High School,

44 Internship Report: Warid

Franchise Center of Warid Telecom Internationl in Dhaka.

Sl # Area Franchise Location

1 Uttara House-9, (1st Floor), Road-12, Sector-6, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka

58, Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sharani, Goldeen Plaza, 1st Floor,

2 Tejgaon
Rasulbag, Mohakhali, Dhaka

1107/A Ring Road; Baitul Aman Housing Society; Shyamoli;

3 Shamoly
Adabor; Dhaka - 1207

Hasan Apartment Gate, Beside Hasem Plaza, Savar EPZ, Savar,

4 Savar EPZ

5 Savar Bazar B-110, Bazar Road; Savar - 1340

6 Mirpur 11 House # 01, Road # 03, Block # A, Mirpur # 6, Mirpur, Dhaka

7 Mirpur 01 10; Darus Salam Road; Mirpur-1; Dhaka - 1216

8 Kuril KA - 218/3 Kuril, Progoti Sharani; Dhaka - 1229

Darul Anam, 143, Senpara Parbata, Begum Rokeya Sharani, 1st

9 Kazi Para
Floor, Mirpur, Dhaka - 1216

10 Kachukhet 75, Ibrahimpur, Kachukhet, Dhaka.

11 Hatirpool 345/3, Sonargaon Road; Hatirpool; Dhaka - 1205

12 Dhanmondi Shop # 35, Road # 2, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205

13 Gulshan 121, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1212, Dhaka

14 Farmgate A 78, Airport Road, Tejkunipara, Tejgaon, Dhaka - 1215

Centre Point Concord (Ground Floor), 14A & 31A Tejkunipara,

15 Farmgate B
Framgate, Dhaka-1215

16 Shabujbag 374/B, Khilgaon, Taltola, Dhaka - 1219

17 Sadarghat 43 Johnson Road, Sutrapur Dhaka - 1100

45 Internship Report: Warid

18 Rampura 64/B, Malibagh Chowdhury Para, Malibagh, Dhaka - 1219

19 Paltan 50/F Inner Circular Road

20 New Market Subastu Arcade, New Elephant Road, Dhaka-1205

21 Nawabpur 223/2A; Bangshal Road, Dhaka

22 Motijheel 131, Motijheel C/A; Dhaka - 1000

House # 227 (New),331 (Old) Outer Circular Road, Boro Mogbazar,

23 Mogbazar
Dhaka - 1217

24 Lalbag 37/7, Azimpur Road, Dhaka-1205

Shop # 4,5,6, Mona Trade City; Zinzira, Highway Road; Keraniganj,

25 Keranigonj

26 Jurain 325 South Jatrabari, 1st floor, Dhaka-1204

27 Jatra Bari 33/1, Uttar Jatrabari, 1st floor, Dhaka-1204

28 Badda 73/2, North Badda, Progoti Sharani, Dhaka.

171/1, Hasan Banejoya Bitan, Jor Pukur Road, Joydevpur, Gazipur-

29 Gazipur East

30 Gazipur West Tasnin Tower, B.I.D.C Road Joydevpur, Gazipur

31 Tongi Islamia Market, Mymensing Road, Tongi Bazar, Gazipur

32 Joydevpur Chandna Plaza,Dhaka Road, Chandna Chourasta, Gazipur

M/S. Hafizur & Brothers,Section-B Kharampur, Sherpur

33 Sherpur

34 Jamalpur Kathakoli Market, Doyamoyee More, Jamalpur Town, Jamalpur

35 Netrokana Imran Plaza,Choto Bazar, Netrokona

36 Tangail Al-Hur Super Market (Talukder Market), Old Bus Stand, Tangail

37 Mymensing West Holding # 33, C. K Ghosh Road, Ward # 16, Mymensingh

46 Internship Report: Warid

38 Mymensing East 15, Madan Babu Road, Mymensingh

39 Kishoregonj Station Road, Kishorgonj Sadar, Kishorgonj

40 CTG Road Shop # 71, 73, AR Rahman Super Market, Shidhirgonj, Narayangonj

41 Chashara 81/D, B.B.Road, Naryanganj

42 Bandar 638, Wilson Road; Ward No # 2; Bandar; Narayanganj

43 Fatullah Mostafiz Center, 72 Pagla road, Fatullah, Naryangong

44 Madaripur 1500 Shabujbag, Main Road, Madaripur

45 Faridpur Shamsul Ulum Biponi, Mujib sarak, Faridpur

46 Shariatpur 543/1, Tulashar, shariatpur sadar.

47 Rajbari

48 Narshindi 18 Islam Plaza, Narsinghdi Sadar

49 Manikganj 26, Shahid Sharani; Sunlife Insurance Building; Manikganj

50 Munshiganj 443 Jogodhatripara, Jubli Road, Ward-2, Munshigonj Sadar

51 Gopalganj Jimi Market Plaza (Ground Floor), D.C. Road , Gopalganj-8100.

47 Internship Report: Warid

Franchise Center of Warid Telecom Internationl in Comilla.

Area Franchise Location

Laxmipur Hazi Super Market,Bag Bari,Laxmipur

Feni - Mohipal Jahan Complex,SSK Road,Feni Mohipal

Brahmanbaria Ether Telecommunications,T.A Road Brahamanbaria

Chowmuhoni Star Plaza,Feni Road,Chowmuhoni,Noakhali

Chandpur Kalibari Moor,Stadium Road,Chandpur

Chawk Bazar Hazi Safar Ali Plaza,Kaporiapotti,Shatipotti,Chawk Bazar,Comilla

Race Course Rashid Steel House,Race Course,Comilla

Bishwa Raod Upozila Krishi Office,Poduar Bazar,Bishaw Road,Comilla

Feni - Sadar Rajia Mahal,Stadium Road,Sadar,Feni

48 Internship Report: Warid

Franchise Center of Warid Telecom Internationl in Chittagong.

Sl # Area Franchise Location

61 Alankar Abdur rahim tower, A K Khan Morr, Alankor

62 Muradpur 158 CDA Avenue, Mohammadpur, Muradpur

63 Mohora Mohora Railgate, Kamal Bazar, Mohora

335 CDA Avenue, Shah Puri Tower, Near Ispahani Mour,

64 Wasa
Chittagong 4000

65 Agrabad Shakoza Plaza, Gr. Fl, Amir Hossain Dubash Rd, Chittgaong

House # 1; Road # 1; Block # L; Agrabad Access Road; Boropool,

66 Halishahar

Bandartila, Opposite Sailors Colony, Near EPZ, South Halishahar,


68 Chomohoni 232, Sk. Mujib Road, Chittagong 4100,

69 GEC Hotel Pavalion Bldg, CDA Avenue, GEC, Chittagong.

70 Lal Dighi Momin Road, Andarkilla,Beside City Corporation, Chittagong

71 Kazir Dewri Fourm Center, Ground Floor, 23 MM Ali Road, Chittaging

72 New Market JBC Market, Station Road, Chittagong

73 CXB - Tekpara Kalur Dokan, Takpara, Tarabaniar Chora, Main Road Cox's Bazar

74 CXB - Kolatoli / Jhowtola Hotel Holiday; Jhawtola, Main Road; Cox's Bazar

49 Internship Report: Warid

Franchise Center of Warid Telecom Internationl in Sylhet.

Sl # Area Franchise Location

Usmany & company, laldhigirpar,Sylhet. (Beside Rupaly

75 Bandar Bazar

76 Pathantula, Subidbazar Patantula point, sunamgonj Road,Sylhet. (Beside pubali bank),Sylhet

77 Chowhatta Point 110 Mirboxtula,Chawhatta,Sylhet

78 Uposhahar Shahzalal Plaza,Shop no-6(Ground floor),Subanighat,Sylhet

79 Habiganj Habiganj sadar, Post office road,Habiganj

80 Sunamganj One palace market, Station road,Sunamganj

Dhaka Sylhet Road,Kushumbag area,(Beside patakhury shop),

81 Moulvibazar - Sadar

82 Srimangal Afzal Plaza,Moulvibazar Road, Srimangal

50 Internship Report: Warid

Franchise Center of Warid Telecom Internationl in Bugora.
Sl # Area Franchise Location

83 Rajshahi - Greater Road Osman Super Market, Greater Road, Rajshahi

84 Rajshahi - Shaheb Bazar Moni Chattor, Shaheb Bazar, Rajshahi

85 Rajshahi - Laxmipur Laxmipur More, Rajshahi

86 Jhawtola Jautola, Borogola, Bogra

87 Sherpur Road Amicus Center, Mofiz Paglar More, Sherpur Road, Bogra

88 Shirajgonj SS Road, Sirajganj

89 Panchagarh Cinema Hall Road, Panchagarh

90 Dinajpur Lilyr Mor, Bahadur Bazar, Dinajpur

91 Thakurgaon Bus Stand Road, Takurgaon

92 Nilphamari Hazee Md. Mohsin Sadak, Nilphamari

93 Lalmunirhat Puran Bazar, Kalibari, Lalmonirhat

94 Kurigram Pouroshava Road, Kurigram

95 Gaibandha Park Road, Gaibandha

96 Natore Half Rasta, Natore

97 Joypurhat Pouro Biponi Bitan, Sadar Road, Joypurhat

98 Pabna Thana Road, Shalgaria, Pabna

99 Rangpur Station Road, Near Khkalque pamp, Rangpur

100 Naogaon Muktir More, Main Road, Naogaon

101 ChapaiNawabganj Nimtola More, C'PaiNawabganj

51 Internship Report: Warid

Franchise Center of Warid Telecom Internationl in Khulna.

Sl # Area Franchise Location

Jessore - Dora Tana More/

102 Chowrasta Morr; Opposite of Singer Showroom; Jessore

103 Jessore - Palbari More Zahurul Huq Market; Murtir Morr; Palbari, Jessore

104 Khulna - Boyra Shahnaz Complex, Boyra Bazar Bus Stand, Khulna

105 Newmarket Plot # 11, Alek Mansion, besides New Market, KDA avenue, khulna

106 Daulatpur 780, Khan-A-Sabur Road; Doulatpur Bus Stand; Pabla, Khulna

107 Shib Bari / KDA City Trade Centre, 75 KDA avenue, Khulna

1/4, KCC market;(besides Meena Bazar), Khan a Sabur Road,

108 Ferighat

109 Rupsha 97 Khan Jahan Ali Road, Khulna

Vital Medical Services; East Side of Sadar Hospital; Opposite of

110 Magura
Technical School & College; Magura

111 Barashal - Sadar Road S.S. Tower, 109, Sadar Road, Barisal

Barisal - DB Road / Police

112 Stall No. 1; East Police Line Road; Barisal - 8200

113 Meherpur Badal fancy market, Mail Road

114 Kushtia 136, N.S Road, Kushtia

115 Chuadanga Sayeed A. Kashem Road, Railbazar, Chuadanga

116 Jhenaidha H.S Road, Jhenaidha-7300

117 Narail Mochipol Moor, Rupganj Bazar, Narail

118 Satkhira Moni Super Market, Polashpool, Satkhira

52 Internship Report: Warid

119 Bagerhat 122 Khanjahan Ali Road, Bagerhat

120 Pirojpur Shatabdi Bhaban, Parer Hat Road, Pirojpur

121 Jhalakathi 16, Moha Monpari, Jhalokathi

122 Bhola Habib Hotel, Mohajan pottry, Sadar Road, Bhola

123 Barguna Katpotti Sadar Road, Barguna

124 Patuakhali Hotel Safari (Ground Floor), Sabujbagmor, Patuakhali

53 Internship Report: Warid


54 Internship Report: Warid


In order to find what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facedby Warid
Telecom International. How can they increase their market share in Bangladesh Cellular

The SWOT Analysis of Warid Telecom is given below .

Strengths of Warid

¾ Superior product quality for customers

¾ Better customer relationship than competitors
¾ Extra features and services
¾ Committed and efficient staff
¾ Strong financial base
¾ Products innovations ongoing
¾ Good reputation among customers
¾ Good packages according to the target market
¾ Management is rational and understanding the situation
¾ Low price as compared to quality provided

Weaknesses of Warid

¾ Less time in market as compared to major competitors

¾ Less coverage as compared to major competitors
¾ Less experienced employees than competitors
¾ “Seth organization”
¾ Not able to capitalize on start

55 Internship Report: Warid

Opportunities for Warid

¾ A developing market
¾ Mergers, joint ventures or strategic alliances
¾ Could develop new products
¾ Extension to overseas
¾ Decline of major competitors
¾ Technologically better environment
¾ New launches
¾ More customers after relaunch

Threats for Warid

¾ Emerging companies in market

¾ Unstable political conditions
¾ New companies in market
¾ High public expectations
¾ Low prices of competing brands

56 Internship Report: Warid



57 Internship Report: Warid



This program was designed to accomplish three objectives. These objectives were identified
through a closer interaction and exchange of views with the management of CS. The objectives
are as follows:

(1) Mystery survey at different mobile operators Business Centers in order to observe the
overall impression of the Customer Service Representatives (CSRs).
(2) To find out the satisfaction level of Warid Telecom’s subscriber.
(3) Compare Warid with other operators Customer Services.

Target Groups

During my internship I used to visit the following target groups:

(1) Warid Telecom international limited

(2) Grameen Phone

(3) Aktel

(4) Banglalink

(5) City cell

58 Internship Report: Warid

Method of Survey

Based on the topic chosen, my supervisor was assigned me to visit different Business Centers of
all the mobile operators to show the current status of their Customer Service Divisions. The
prime functions and activities of the Warid Quality Assurance department is control all the
activities of the Customer Service department which includes Centralized Call Centers,
Customer Relations Centers, Business Centers and Franchises.

¾ Project Planning

¾ Questionnaire & Evaluation Form Preparation

¾ Train the Surveyor

¾ Sampling & Perform the Survey

¾ Data Entry & Validation

¾ Database completion & Data Analysis

59 Internship Report: Warid

Sample Questionnaire for Business Center Mystery Shopping
February 2009

General Information
Name of the mystery shopper
Name of the company
Location of the business center
Date & time
Name of the csr/counter number
(applicable for warid telecom only)


Service or sales Complaint New marketing promotion

Fnf Sim repalcement Zem(prepaid)
Internet Network Zahi(postpaid)
Mms activation No coverage For sms
Gprs activation Call does no connect Easy load
Edge Call drop Vas
Ownership No audio
Easy load Noise in audio
Package change Bamance transfer
Handset setting Echo problem
Bill payment Network busy
To activation no. Signal fluctuating
Deactivate no. Scratch card
Termination of no.
New sale(prepaid)
New sale(postpaid)
Q1.Please tell us reason for your today’s visit

Q2.For resolution of this problem did you first go to?

Franchise Yes No
Called 786 Yes No

60 Internship Report: Warid


Q3 Was there a greeter in Business Center YES NO Don’t know

Q4 Did Greeter welcome you YES NO Don’t know

Q5 Was Queue Machine working YES NO Don’t know

Q6 Did Greeter give you the token YES NO Don’t know

Q7 Did Greeter guide you towards the counter YES NO Don’t know

Q8 Dress of the CSR YES NO Don’t know

Q9 Attentiveness of the CSR YES NO Don’t know

Q10 Way of talking of the CSR YES NO Don’t know

Q11 Product Knowledge YES NO Don’t know

Q12 Overall impression of the CSR YES NO Don’t know

Q13 Was your problem solved YES NO Don’t know

Q14 Did you come for the same problem previously YES NO Don’t know

Q15 Do you wish to continue using WARID YES NO Don’t know

Q16 Overall your work was done Quickly Late Very late

Q17 Over all are you satisfied YES NO

61 Internship Report: Warid

Q18. What did you like best today’s visit

Q19. What did you not like today’s visit

Q20.Overall Business Center cleanliness

Q21. Any suggestion for improvement


Do you use Warid YES No

Do you use other connection YES No

62 Internship Report: Warid


Operators Gulshan/Banani Motijheel/Kakrail Dhanmondi Uttara Shamoli/Mirpur

GP -25% 13% 7% 12% -2%

AT 5% 37% 28% -67% 12%
BL 8% 53% 0% 0% 0%
CC 5% 20% 0% 0% 0%
WT 75% -10% -55% 10% -145%

63 Internship Report: Warid


¾ BBC (Banani Business Center):It’s in the top position among all business centers in
¾ MBC (Motijheel Business center): Its in the second position.
¾ DBC (Dhanmondi Business Center): This business center is in the third position.
¾ UBC (Uttara Businees Center): Uttara Business Center holds the fourth position.
¾ SBC (Shyamoli Business Center): It has the lowest score and takes the last position.

Business center Score of the center percentage%

BBC 15 75%
MBC -2 10%
DBC -11 -55%
UBC 2 10%
SBC -29 -145%

Area wise Warid Business Center Performance


10% 10%

-50% Percentage Score



Percentage Score 75% 10% -55% 10% -145%
Busness Center

64 Internship Report: Warid



Was there a greeter in Business Center Reception 11 73% 9 60% -15 -100% 4 67% -6 -100% 1

Did greeter welcome you Reception -1 -7% -5 -33% -15 -100% 4 67% -6 -100% 1

Was Queue machine working Reception -1 -7% 15 100% -15 -100% 0 0% -6 -100% 1

Did greeter give you the token Reception -1 -7% -7 -47% -7 -47% 2 33% -6 -100% 1

Did greeter guide you towards the counter Reception -9 -60% -13 -87% -15 -100% 0 0% -6 -100% 1

Dress of the CSR CSR Perf. 15 100% 7 23% 13 87% 6 100% 2 33%

Attentiveness of the CSR CSR Perf. 2 7% 2 7% 14 47% 4 33% 12 100% 1

Way of talking of the CSR CSR Perf. 0 0% -6 -20% 2 7% 8 67% 0 0%

Product knowledge CSR Perf. -18 -60% 12 40% 8 27% 4 -33% 12 100% 1

Overall impression of the CSR CSR Perf. -3 -20% -7 -47% 3 20% 0 0% -2 -33%

Was your problem resolved FCR -2 -7% 6 20% 16 53% 4 33% 4 33%

Overall are you satisfied BC Perf. -12 -80% -16 -53% 8 27% 0 0% 2 17%

Overall your work was done BC Perf. -6 -13% 6 13% 12 27% 9 50% 15 83%

From the above table it is clearly seen that, according to the position in points and percentage
Aktel is in the top position and City cell is in the lowest position. Warid is in the third position
among all the industries.

65 Internship Report: Warid

Reception -1% -1% -89% 33% -100%
CSR Performance. 5% 1% 37% 33% 40%
FCR -7% 20% 53% 33% 33%
BC Performance. -47% -20% 27% 25% 50%

Category wise Industry Performance





0% Reception
S c o re

-40% BC Perf.



Operator Name

™ Warid scored negative in all category except CSR Performance

™ Bangla Link Scored positive in all categories

AkTel & City Cell does not provide any Greeter

66 Internship Report: Warid


Questions WARID GP B.Link Aktel City Cell

Was there a Greeter Yes Yes Yes No NO
in the BC
Did Greeter Not in all BC Not in all BC Almost in all No No
welcome you BC
Was Queue machine Not all time Yes Yes No No
Did Greeter Give Not all time No Yes No No
you the token
Did Greeter guide Not all time Not all time Yes No No
you towards the
Dress of the CSR Well Dressed Not too good Well Dressed Well Not too
Dressed good
Attentiveness of the No No Yes Yes Yes
Way of talking of Average Poor Excellent Quite Not too
the CSR good good
Product knowledge No YES No Yes Yes
Overall Impression Bad Bad Good Good Bad
on the CSR
Was your problem No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Overall are you No No Yes Yes Yes
Overall your work Very late Late Quickly Late Quickly
was done

67 Internship Report: Warid

Question wise Industry Score

40% WT
20% GP
S c o re

0% AT
-20% BL
-40% CC
Was Did Was Did Did Attentive Way of Product Overall Was your Overall Overall
Dress of
there a greeter Queue greeter greeter ness of talking of knowledg impressi problem are you your work
the CSR
greeter in welcome machine give you guide the CSR the CSR e on of the resolved satisfied was
WT 73% -7% -7% -7% -60% 100% 7% 0% -60% -20% -7% -80% -13%
GP 60% -33% 100% -47% -87% 23% 7% -20% 40% -47% 20% -53% 13%
AT -100% -100% -100% -47% -100% 87% 47% 7% 27% 20% 53% 27% 27%
BL 67% 67% 0% 33% 0% 100% 33% 67% -33% 0% 33% 0% 50%
CC -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% 33% 100% 0% 100% -33% 33% 17% 83%

¾ Most of the cases Warid, Grameen Phone & Bangla Link Greeter was present

¾ Bangla Link Greeters are more efficient than Warid Greeter

¾ Warid CSR were less attentive while City Cell CSR are most attentive towards

¾ Warid failed to provide First Contact Resolution

¾ Warid is very late in case of Service Delivery

68 Internship Report: Warid


Total Score of the Customer Service Point of Telecom Operators

[Industry Average 7%]


WT -10%
GP 1%
AT 3%
BL 31%
CC 13%
Operator Name


69 Internship Report: Warid


70 Internship Report: Warid



¾ Most of the cases Greeters are available

¾ The Greeters are not welcoming

¾ The Queue Machine was not working properly

¾ Greeters should be Welcoming & Friendly

¾ Training on Greeting & Gesture will help us to achieve maximum service quality

CSR Performance

¾ CSRS are not attentive to the customers and most of the cases more interested in
side talking, SMS Checking

¾ There is a significant Lack of Product Knowledge

¾ Attitude of the CSR are not friendly & welcoming

¾ The way of Talking of the CSR are failed to ensure good Customer Experience

¾ CSR are not proactive

¾ Immediate Training on Customer Service Etiquette is necessary

¾ CSR should stop interacting with each other and should not use Cell phone for
personal use while serving customers

71 Internship Report: Warid

First Contact Resolution

¾ The knowledge level of the complex situation handling are not similar

¾ Failed to provide complex queries solution

¾ Daily Refreshers on Top Queries will help them to provide more efficient and
effective service

Overall Business Center Performance

¾ Banani & Uttara Business Centers’ performed best

¾ Overall Business Center service delivery is very late

¾ Motijheel Business Center is very uncomfortable due to Temperature and Crowd

¾ Waiting Time is high

¾ Dhanmondi Business Center is too small so most of the time customers need to
wait outside business center. We can

Decorate with plants and arrange some sitting arrangements so that they
can relax

¾ Dhanmondi Business Center is too small so most of the time customers need to
wait outside business center. We can

Decorate with plants and arrange some sitting arrangements so that they
can relax while waiting

¾ More AC needs to be setup for comfortable environment as customers need to

wait long for service

More AC needs to be setup for comfortable environment as customers

need to wait long for service

72 Internship Report: Warid



73 Internship Report: Warid


With some changes at higher level including advisor to CEO, G.M Marketing much has
improved this year in Warid Telecom market rating. Warid Telecom certainly has
potential to capture good market and to give tough time to the competitors, but for this
at least following steps should be taken

¾ Warid telecom is offering cheap rates for its prepaid and postpaid customers as
Compared to its competitors but the main area they are lacking is the way to
Communicate it to customers.

¾ Seth Culture should be avoided.

¾ Network should be enhanced to much more cities.

¾ There should be consistency of brand ambassadors, jingles, colors and graphics in

their print and electronic media ads to create strong brand recognition.

¾ More regional departmentalization should be there, so as to create strong presence

and market analysis at regional levels.

¾ More staff to should be hired in some departments to meet the requirements.

¾ There should be more decentralization and employees should be encouraged for

their ideas.

¾ Compensation and benefits plans should be revised, as it can be used as a very

important tool to create motivation in employees.

74 Internship Report: Warid


75 Internship Report: Warid


ATL (Above-the-line advertising) BTL (Below-the-line advertising)

Term refers to main media expenditure, TV, Expenditure on promotional activities which
print, radio, outdoor, cinema and its are used to be managed within the company
traditional accounting treatment. Now used (now many specialized agencies take on
for all traditional media expenses incurred these task); promotional activities other
through an agency; mainly used to create, than 'above the line' e.g. sales promotion,
maintain brand awareness/interest POP, direct response are examples of BTL.

Tariff Procurement
Noun. Price, rate; protective tax Noun. Purchase, sale, acquisition

Logistics Marketing Communications

Activities involved with the orderly and The formal and informal messages that
timely acquisition and transportation of sellers transmit to buyers; that can be
materials required for production, and systematic (planned) as well as the
with the storage, handling and dispatch of unsystematic (unplanned) promotion by a
finished goods to customers. firm of its products to its markets.

Hoarding Operations
Noun. Billboard (British usage); temporary Noun. Act of operating; working,
tall fence made of boards enclosing a performance, handling; venture,
construction site; fence made of hurdles; undertaking;
temporary balcony made of wood that is
hung from the upper walls from which
missiles could be dropped
Marketing Public Relations
Act or process of buying or selling at a A deliberate, planned and sustained effort to
market; development of a strategy for the establish and maintain positive
sales of a certain product; promotion and understanding, good image, between a
selling services; distribution of goods company and its publics. Such publics
include customers, shareholders, employees
Sales Customer Service
Total revenue amount collected for goods The process of meeting every customer need,
and services provided; see also gross sales, before, during and after the sale; the dept.
net sales, return on sales. Sales charge - responsible for looking after the customer.
same as commission

76 Internship Report: Warid

Loyalty Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The extent to which customers repurchase a The total market value of all final goods and
particular product or brand. services produced in a country in a given
year; equals total consumer, investment and
government spending, plus the value of
exports minus the value of imports.
Franchise Verb. Grant a franchise to an Warehouse
individual or group; grant the right to vote Storage for goods and services prior to
customer purchase
Corporate Governance Vendor
1. The control structure of a corporation. Noun. Salesman; supplier, equipment
2. The term used, following recent salesman (for example in the field of
Government sponsored reports, to describe computers, etc.); automatic machine for
the policies and procedures that the selling goods
company’s directors’ employ in their
conduct of the company’s affairs, and their
relationships with shareholders to whom
they are responsible as managers of the
shareholders interests in the company, and
of its assets.
Quality Assurance Administration
The name given to the procedures used to Noun. Management (of an office, project,
ascertain that measurement data are good etc.); execution of managerial duties; people
enough for their intended purpose. It in charge of directing or managing,
involves supervisors, leadership
1. Quality control: those procedures and
activities utilized to verify that the quality
control system is operating within
acceptable limits and to evaluate the quality
of the data; and
2. Quality assessment: those procedures and
activities utilized to verify that the quality
control system is operating within
acceptable limits and to evaluate the quality
of the data.

77 Internship Report: Warid


CEO: Chief Executive Officer

RSM: Regional Sales Manager
ZSM: Zonal Sales Manager
GM: General Manager
CIO: Chief Information Officer
FM: Franchise Manager
BCM: Business Centre Manager
BEC: Board Executive Committee
CEO: Chief Executive Officer
GP: Grameen Phone
AK: Aktel
CC: Citycell
BL: Banglalink

Major Reference
(1) Newsletter of Warid Telecom Bangladesh Limited
(2) Newsletter of Grameen phone
(3) Newsletter of Banglalink
(4) Annual Report and Press Release of All Telecom

Web Addresses

78 Internship Report: Warid

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