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BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy's background as Mos... http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.


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BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate

Sarkozy's background as Mossad agent
I have translated this French article as well as I could. Its content is just unbelievable and I couldn't wait any
longer for someone else to translate it so that I could share it.

Frankly, I don't know how it is that a MAJOR French newspaper reports such news and it is not headlines all
over the world... We have been saying in this blog that Sarkozy has Zionist 'preferences'... We were saying
that Sarkozy was a Zionist agent... Well take a Xanax and read this article...

Strange Accusations of a Cyber-raven

Le Figaro, October 12, 2007

INTERNET The PJ (Police Judiciere) investigates an electronic mail that was sent during the presidential
election to one hundred top responsible of the police force. The email affirms that Sarkozy, like Balkany,
Lellouche, Devedjian and Aeschlimann were connected to Mossad. Did a dispensary want to destabilize
Nicolas Sarkozy during the presidential campaign? An inquiry entrusted to the Police Judiciere (Judiciary
Police) must establish this. At the end of March, 2007, in the 'last right' of the election, all departmental
managers of the Public Security, around one hundred senior civil servants, were sent a strange electronic
mail. The future president was bluntly accused of having been recruited in 1980s by Mossad, the Israeli
secret service.

The sent text comes in the form of a “synthesis “ of two pages. Its title is: « The infiltration of the Israeli
Mossad in the UMP. Nicolas Sarkozy: the fourth man. » Above, a pseudo-logo of the "DGSE". « All this
smells heavily of manipulation, with reek from the extreme right », warns a senior executive in the ministry
of the Interior.

According to the author of the email, in 1978 the government of Menahem Begin ordered the infiltration of
the Gaullist party to make a kind of partner of it for Israel. The operation was set up by Rafael Eytan, an
Israeli spy-master. « Three French citizens predisposed to collaborate » would therefore have been targeted:
Patrick Balkany, Patrick Devedjian and Pierre Lellouche. Balkany is introduced as the leader of "network".

In 1983, Patrick Balkany would have recruited the "young and promising" Sarkozy, the « fourth man of the
Mossad ». The fifth recruit came to complete the implement in the 1990s: Manuel Aeschlimann,
deputy-mayor of Asnières (Hauts-de-Seines). The cyber-raven affirms that this one is close to Sarkozy « and
is in charge of establishing contacts with Iranian representatives in France ». A proposition all the more
perfidious as his city of Asnières really receives a strong Iranian community.

No traces.

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BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy's background as Mos...

Embarrassed, the police at the time must have reported the contents of this strange email and the quality of
its addressees in high places. Immediately, an inquiry was carried out diligently and entrusted to PJ. The
policemen discovered that the message came from a cybercoffee in Vald' Oise.

But the raven chose well the place from where to blow the whistle in a trade where anonymity is the rule. He
chose a cybercafé where law does not impose to introduce papers to access computers and there was no
video surveillance. No footprint and no trace of DNA could be exploited. The expertise of machines gave
nothing. No more than the semantic analysis of the text.

And the inquiry continues at the request of the Office of Public Prosecutor. At the risk of giving in this affair
an importance which it did not deserve.


Here is the original French article:

Les étranges accusations d’un cybercorbeau


Le Figaro, October 12, 2007

INTERNET La PJ enquête sur un courriel envoyé durant la présidentielle à cent hauts responsables de la
police. Il affirmait que Sarkozy, comme Balkany, Lellouche, Devedjian et Aeschlimann, étaient liés au
Mossad. UNE OFFICINE a-t-elle voulu déstabiliser Nicolas Sarkozy durant la campagne présidentielle ? Une
enquête confiée à la Direction centrale de la police judiciaire doit l’établir. Fin mars 2007, dans la dernière
droite de l’élection, tous les directeurs départementaux de la sécurité publique, soit une centaine de hauts
fonctionnaires, ont été destinataires d’un étrange courriel. Le futur président y était taxé, ni plus ni moins,
d’avoir été recruté dans les années 1980 par le Mossad, le service secret israélien.

Le texte envoyé se présente sous la forme d’une « note de synthèse » de deux pages. Son titre : «
L’infiltration du Mossad israélien dans l’UMP. Nicolas Sarkozy: le quatrième homme. » Au-dessus, un
pseudo-logo de la « DGSE ». « Tout cela respire la manip à plein nez, avec des relents d’extrême droite » ,
prévient un cadre dirigeant au ministère de l’Intérieur.

Selon l’auteur du message, en 1978, le gouvernement de Menahem Begin aurait commandité l’infiltration du
parti gaulliste pour en faire une sorte de partenaire d’Israël. L’opération aurait été montée par Rafael Eytan,
maîtreespion israélien. « Trois citoyens français prédisposés à collaborer » auraient donc été ciblés : Patrick
Balkany, Patrick Devedjian et Pierre Lellouche. Balkany est présenté comme le chef du « réseau ».

En 1983, Patrick Balkany aurait recruté le « jeune et prometteur » Sarkozy, le « quatrième homme du
Mossad » . Une cinquième recrue serait venue compléter le dispositif dans les années 1990: Manuel
Aeschlimann, député-maire d’Asnières (Hauts-de-Seine). Le cybercorbeau affirme que ce proche de Sarkozy
est « chargé d’établir des contacts avec des responsables iraniens en France » . Une assertion d’autant plus
perfide que sa ville d’Asnières accueille effectivement une forte communauté iranienne.

Aucune empreinte

Embarrassé, l’état-major policier d’alors a dû rapporter en haut lieu le contenu de ce courriel farfelu et la
qualité de ses destinataires. Aussitôt, une enquête a été diligentée, confiée à la PJ. Les policiers ont découvert
que le message est parti d’un cybercafé du Vald’Oise.

Mais le corbeau a bien choisi le lieu de ses persiflages : dans ce commerce où l’anonymat est la règle, puisque
la loi n’impose pas de présenter ses papiers pour accéder aux ordinateurs, il n’y avait pas de
vidéosurveillance. Aucune empreinte, aucune trace d’ADN n’a pu être exploitée. L’expertise des machines
n’a rien donné. Pas plus que l’analyse sémantique du texte.

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BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy's background as Mos...

Et l’enquête se poursuit à la demande du parquet. Au risque de donner à cette affaire une importance qu’elle
ne méritait pas.

Posted in cyber cafe France Israel Menachim Begin mossad Nicolas Sarkozy Rafael
Eytan sarkozy spies spying zionist lobby Cherifa Sirry's blog Login or register to post

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Thanks for the post!!!

I know powerful people know what's happening behind the covers -- but what's really astonishing is that this
is being brought to the public.

In other words, the GOYIM are stepping up, standing up against their "MASTERS" the "Chosen Ones", aka

The other BIG EXAMPLE was when the cover was BLOWN, which exposed the SHIPMENT OF
NUCLEAR WEAPONS eastwards (i.e. towards Iran).

Basically, powerful GOYS know what the Crypto-Jews and their Zionists puppets (e.g. "Christian" zionists,
racist grops, etc) are up to --- and they absolutely do NOT want WWIII (hinted by puppet George Bush just

In other words, whatever it takes, they are taking shots at the Rothschilds' puppets (e.g. Sarkozy).....

...... interest (and terrifying) times ahead !!!

The Great Revealer | Mon, 2007-10-22 08:04

Thanks Cherifa, I did NOT know had a FORUM

Wow, simply amazing! All this time I've been vising and following their news and
articles, but not once this I notice they had a forum ---- not until I saw that link at the bottom.

So, curious I am, I checked it out. And to my amazement it's VIBRANT, OUT-SPOKEN and

These people who participate there KNOW THEIR HISTORY!

I'm adding it to my daily "to visit" list, and recommending it.

PS: There's also forums in other languages as well (always a good idea to spread the TRUTH universally).

The Great Revealer | Mon, 2007-10-22 08:14

We no longer have an ANONYMITY on the Internet.

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BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy's background as Mos...


"But the raven chose well the place from where to blow the whistle in a trade where anonymity is the rule.
He chose a cybercafé where law does not impose to introduce papers to access computers and there was no
video surveillance. No footprint and no trace of DNA could be exploited. The expertise of machines gave
nothing. No more than the semantic analysis of the text."


The above quote may not apply for much longer (i.e they may install cameras INSIDE the cyber-cafes or
outside, so at least the "authorities" can narrow it down to a smaller list of who went in).


Also, I wanted to mention this for a long time, but had not.

For those who have been following tech news for the past few years, will have heard of TOR.

TOR is an anonymizing system of 'peer' computers, with several 'central nodes' (server-like).

HOWEVER, you may also have heard of several ARRESTS of TOR SERVERS around the world, or in the
very least ORDERED TO SHUT THEM DOWN -- the most recent two were in Germany.

In other words, the REMAINING TOR servers are operated by Big Corporations, Governments and
Universities --- what this means (and you can guess it), it that TOR is now under the control of ......

With the TOR servers all "accessible" by authorities, there is no longer a reliable and extensive system of
anonymity on the World-Wide-Web (please let me know if you know of one).

There is one promising new technology, the OFF System. I'll check to see what their current status is....


signing off....

The Great Revealer | Mon, 2007-10-22 08:31

The French police does not investigate

Sarkozy´s Mossad connections, according to this article. They investigate the identity of the guy who sent a
few letters from an internet cafe.
The Sarkozy-Mossad connection is rumoured from other places as well.

B.t.w, the internet never was really anonymous, I.P.s and servers could always be found. This does not scare
away the political opposition which is forming thanks to the loads of information we can access on the

And even if they should shut down the internet, the information has been spread beyond the internet already
and will not go away.

erlenda | Mon, 2007-10-22 15:37


It is the "PJ Police Judiciere" that is investigating the email with it contents as is precisely written:

"INTERNET La PJ enquête sur un courriel envoyé durant la présidentielle à cent hauts responsables de la
police. Il affirmait que Sarkozy, comme Balkany, Lellouche, Devedjian et Aeschlimann, étaient liés au
Mossad. UNE OFFICINE a-t-elle voulu déstabiliser Nicolas Sarkozy durant la campagne présidentielle ? Une
enquête confiée à la Direction centrale de la police judiciaire doit l’établir. Fin mars 2007, dans la

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BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy's background as Mos...

dernière droite de l’élection, tous les directeurs départementaux de la sécurité publique, soit une centaine de
hauts fonctionnaires, ont été destinataires d’un étrange courriel. Le futur président y était taxé, ni plus ni
moins, d’avoir été recruté dans les années 1980 par le Mossad, le service secret israélien."

As the Great Revealer mentions... the more interesting part is that such an article was even published... and
where?? No less than the famous Figaro. The Figaro is a very serious news paper and it is not the NYT... If
the Police Judiciere also objected to what was written in the Figaro, why didn't they react? Another point is
that according to this article, this email was received by highly placed French security officials quite some
time ago during the French elections. Now that Sarkozy is firmly in place, this critical information was
released. I find this quite interesting.

Cherifa Sirry | Mon, 2007-10-22 18:50

You are right Cherifa Sirry,

it is indeed interesting, that the mainline media printed this kind of information.
And it might be a sign of hope, in so far as that the Zionists are loosing part of their control over the mainline

The book written by a German mainline journalist also made a similar claim, in one sentence, even
connecting the Mossad to the riots which brought Sarkozy´s hardline politics so much election advantage.

About the French police, I only understood, that they were more interested in trying to catch the whistle
blower, and not really so much in investigating the claim this man had made.

erlenda | Tue, 2007-10-23 09:26

..why does this not surprise

..why does this not surprise me at all? we have KGB putin, SNB dush and kerr, CIA gore.. military-
intelligence secret-society puppet-dictators all over the place, seemingly in goose-step with the khusurpers of
all time!

Grim Reaper | Mon, 2007-11-12 09:32

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