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Purpose: Week’s “Big Idea” will be inserted here.

Grade Level: Grade Level Subject: Subject Prepared By: Your Name
Essential Question: Insert Essential Question Education Standards Addressed
Guiding Question: Insert Guiding Question (Insert 4.1 Standards here)

DOK Activities Teacher Role Student Role

List DOK activities with levels Monday: (List your role in the lesson) (List student expectations) Materials needed (for the
• Material List

Vocabulary words: Tuesday: (List your role in the lesson) (List student expectations)
List of Vocabulary Words

DAILY Assessment: Wednesday: (List your role in the (List student expectations)
List Formative and lesson)
Summative Assessments

Thursday: (List your role in the lesson) (List student expectations)

Friday: (List your role in the lesson) (List student expectations) Additional Notes
(Any notes added)

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