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How to Write an Article Review

Different instructors use different terms for this kind of assignment, including
article review, article summary, and article critique. Moreover, each instructor will
probably have his or her own guidelines for writing an article review; however, some of
the more common elements of an article review are described below:
Generally, an article review is headed by a citation of the source being reviewed.
For instance, the top of the paper may look like this:

Name of Student
Date, Name of Class, etc.

Review of Joe Smith’s “Missouri Butterflies”

Smith, J. (2001). “Missouri Butterflies.” Scientific Missourian, 36(2), 25-28.

Text of paper starts here and generally uses present tense to describe the article
(e.g., “This article contains the long-awaited results of Smith’s field study of butterflies in

The first paragraph or so usually contain a summary of the highlights of the

article. Subsequent paragraphs may explain the significance of the article: Does it fill a
void in the existing literature? Does it contain breakthrough information? Will it cause
others in the field to revise their ideas about the subject? Conversely, is it just a rehash of
previously known information?
Concluding paragraphs may contain your own evaluation of the article: Is it
well written? Clear? Complete or missing important information? Is more research on
the topic needed?
Remember, your instructor may want you to include other information, such as
how this article will help you in your studies or future career, or how this article relates to
the content of the course.

The Writing Center

Central Missouri State University, Humphreys 116
How to Write an Article Review, page 103

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