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BBC A History of Horror –part 1

1. What senses do horror films engage and what is watching one like?



2. How does the scene in Phantom of the Opera capture the essence of being a horror movie fan?



3. According to rumour, where does the ghost of Lon Chaney still haunt?


4. What happened in 1929, and what effect did it have on Hollywood?



5. Why was Universal’s production of Dracula important?


6. What are some of the film techniques that are used in Lugosi’s Dracula that make him appear sinister?



7. What are some of the differences between Dracula and the later Frankenstein?



8. How many films had Boris Karlof completed before he had acted in Frankenstein?


9. Why was the monster’s head misshapen in Frankenstein?


10. What are the ‘bolts’ in the neck of the creature?


11. What is the creature initially like in the film Frankenstein?


12. What did the children think of the creature in Frankenstein?


13. What was so controversial about in the film Frankenstein?



14. What were the twin pillars on which the cinematic genre of horror was built?


15. What type of camera treatment was used to create the effect of seeing through Jekyll’s own eyes?


16. How was this special effect achieved?


17. What was different with Warner Brother’s horror films?


18. What similarity did The Mystery of the Wax Museum have with Universal’s Phantom of the Opera?


19. Who was Universal’s stylish director that set their horror films apart from the others?


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20. RKO’s Cat People was restricted by budget. Why was this not a problem?

21. What is a “Lewton Bus”?



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