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Generic Classification Indication Action Special Contraindication Side Effects Dosage and Nur

Name Precaution Availability Res

LACTULOSE Gastrointestin Lactulose is - Relieves Patients with Patients who Side effects: (Adults) 10-20 g -As
al agent, suited for the constipation diabetes, require a low (15-30 ml) P.O. con
hyperosmotic treatment of pregnancy. lactose diet Abdominal daily, increase befo
Duphalac, laxative constipation - Decrease cramps, to 60 ml/day if ther
Cephulac, and in hepatic blood ammonia Patients with belching, needed reg
Cholac, encephalopaty concentration galactosaemia or diarrhea, mon
Chronulac, . disaccharide distention, effe
Constulose, deficiency flatulence
Enulose, -Be
Generlac, Patients on a Adverse rea
Kristalose galactose and/or Reaction: inte
lactose free diet Nausea,
vomiting -Re
Patients with

RANITIDINE Anti- duodenal and Inhibits action patients with Patients Side effects: Dosage: -Be
ulcerative gastric ulcer, of H2 at hepatic hypersensitive to (Adults)150 mg rea
maintenance, receptor sites drugs or any of Blurred vision, twice a inte
Aceptin, therapy for of dysfunction its vertigo,
Ceranid, duodenal parietal cells, -pregnant components malaise, day or 300 mg -As
Danitin, Eu-ran, ulcer, decreasing women jaundice, after con
Incid, Renfort, gastroesopha gastric acid -breastfeeding burning or every meal or at star
Ulcin, Zeptag, geal dysfunction. itching at bedtime ther
Zantac reflux dse, mother/wome injection site ther
erosive n Available forms: dru
esophagitis for Adverse
occasional Reaction: Capsules: 150 -Ins
heartburn, mg, 300 dru
acid with
ingestion & Angioedema, mg
sour anaphylaxis, Tablets: 75 mg,
stomach reversible 150
leukopenia mg,300 mg
Syrup: 15 mg/ml
150 mg

MANNITOL Diuretic, -diuretic to Increases pregnant Side effects: Dosage: -As

Osmotic prevent osmotic women Those with (Adults & con
or treat the pressure of -breastfeeding anuria, Headache, children 12 befo
Osmitro oliguric glomerular pulmonary confusion, up) 50-100 g IV reg
phase of acute filtrate, edema, severe circulatory of a 15 mon
renal inhibiting dehydration, overload, effe
failure before tubular progressive heart failure, % 25 % solution
irreversible reabsorption of heart failure or tachycardia (Adults) 1.5-2 -Mo
renal water and pulmonary g/kg as a cen
failure occurs electrolytes. congestion after Adverse 15-25% ven
This elevates mannitol Reaction: solution, fluid
-to reduce blood therapy. Seizures infused over 30- inta
intraocular or osmolarity, 60 min. hou
intracranial enhancing Available forms:
pressure water & sodium Injection: -Ins
flow into 5%,10%,15%,2 cath
extracellular 0%, 25% com
fluid. inco
of fl

DOPAMINE Adrenergic, -to increase use with Side effects: Dosage: Obt
Inotropic, cardiac Increases caution Patients with shock pati
Intropine, Vasopress output cardiac output, during tachyarythmias, Headache, (Initial) 2-5 mcg und
Revimine blood lactation ventricular vasoconstriction befo
-to treat shock pressure, renal fibrillation , /kg/min: then, ther
and perfusion (in -use nausea, increase
correct low doses) cautiously in vomiting, in increments of -Du
hemodynamic patients with dyspnea 1-4 freq
imbalances occlusive mcg/kg/min at mon
vascular Adverse 10-30- pre
-to improve dse., cold Reaction: min intervals outp
perfusion injuries, until
to vital organs diabetic Bradychardia, desired -Mu
endarteritis, hypotension, response is befo
arterial asthma obtain. use
embolism attacks,
anaphylaxis severely ill
(Initial) 5
. mcg/kg/min:

then increase in
increments of 5-
mcg/kg/min up
to 20-50
mcg/kg/min as
Available forms:

40mg/ml, 80
mg/ml, 160
mg/ml as
concentrate for

CLOPIDOGRIL Pharmacologi Reduce Chemical CNS: Dosage: - As

c Class: atherosclerotic effect: inhibits Use cautiously Contraindicated depression, of
Plavix events in binding of ADP in in patients fatigue, Adults: 75 mg OTC
Inhibitor of patients to its platelet patients with hypersensitive to headache, P.O. asp
adenosine with receptor, which hepatic drug or any pain. daily. or N
diphosphate atherosclerosi inhibits ADP- impairment of its Adults: start her
(ADP)- s mediated and in components, ad CV: chest pain, therapy rem
induced documented activation and those at risk in edema, with a single - As
platelet by subsequent from those with hypertension. 300-mg incr
aggregation recent stroke, platelet increased pathologic PO loading bru
MI, aggregation. bleeding bleeding, such EENT: dose, and befo
Therapeutic or peripheral Because drugs from trauma, as peptic epistaxis, then continue at and
Class: arterial dse. acts by surgery ulcer or rhinitis 75-mg ther
Antiplatele irreversibly or other intracranial PO daily.
- Reduce modifying the conditions. hemorrhage GI: abdominal - Do
atherosclerotic platelet ADP pain, Available forms: pati
events in receptor, constipation, Tablets: 75 mg with
patients platelet diarrhea, imp
with acute exposed to dyspepsia, an i
coronary drug are gastritis, blee
syndrome, affected for Hemorrhage, trau
including their lifetime. surg
those Therapeutic ulcers. path
managed effect: con
medically Prevents clot GU: UTI Info
and those who formation Hematologic: dru
are purpura may
to be vention Musculoskeletal with
or :
coronary arthralgia, back
artery pain.
bypass graft.
dyspnea. Upper
respirator tract

Skin: Rash,
Other: flu-like

EPINEPHRINE Pharmacologi - Chemical Use Contraindicated CNS: Dosage: Bris

c Class: Brochospasm effect: cautiously in patient nervousness, oS
Adrenalin, Adrenergic s, in with tremors, Adults: 0.1 to or I
Bronkaid Therapeutic hypersensitivit patients angle euphoria, has
Mistometer, Class: y Stimulates with long anxiety, cold 0.5 ml of dru
MicroNefrin, reactions, alpha and beat standing c limbs, 1:1,000
Nephron, Bronchodilato anaphylaxis. receptors in bronchial losure glaucoma, vertigo, subcutaneously -Dis
Primatene Mis r, sympathetic asthma shock (other headache or IM red
vasopressor, -Hemostasis nervous than drowsiness, Children: 0.01 afte
cardiac - Acute system. o anaphylaxis) diaphoresis, ml of
stimulant, asthma r emphysema organic brain disorientation, 1:1,000/kg -Do
topical attacks. Therapeutic who have damage, cardiac agitation, fear, subcutaneously; pre
antihemmorh - Prolonging effect: developed dilation. weakness, repeat chil
agic local Arrhythmias. cerebra; q 20 minutes to und
anesthetic Relaxes degenerative hemmorhage, 4 hours,
effect bronchial C increased prn.
smooth h oronary rigidity and
- Restoring muscles, eart dse. And insufficiency or tremors in Available forms:
cardiac causes cardiac in those with cerebral patients Aerosol inhaler:
rhythm in stimulation, hyperthyroidis arteriosclerosis. with Parkinson’s 220
cardiac relieves m, CV dse, dse.
arrest allergic signs A stroke. mcg/metered
and symptoms, hypertension, lso spray
helps stop psychoneurosi contraindicated CV: palpitations, Injection: 0.01
local bleeding, s in patients widened pulse mg/ml
and decreases and receiving general pressure, Nebulizer
pain sensation diabetes. anesthsia with hypertension, inhaler:1%
In pregnant halogenated ventricular (1:100)
women hydrocarbons fibrillation, Parenteral:
not in labor, in or shock, anginal 5mg/m
children, in cyclopropanes pain,
elderly and ECG changes.
patients use in
cautiously patients in GI: nausea,
labour. vomiting
Some hyperglyscemia,
products glycosuria
contain sulfides Respiratory:
and are dyspnea
contraindicated Skin: Urticaria,
in patents pain
with sulfites Other: Pallor,
allergies except
when drug is Hemorrhage at
used for Injection site.
serious allergic
reaction and
in other

In conjunction
with local
epinephrine is
for use in
fingers, toes,
ears, nose or

A pregnant
woman in labor
Also with

FUROSEMIDE Diuretic -IV for acute - use with -Never use with Side effects: Dosage: - Sl
pulmonary Inhibits the caution in ethacrynic (Adults) initial: resu
edema reabsorption of premature acid. Jaundice, 20–80 doe
Lasix sodium and infants and - hypersensitivity tinnitus, not
- Edema dichloride neonates to drug, hearing mg/day as a How
associated in the proximal due to severe renal impairment, single disp
with CHF, and distal prolonged disease hypotension, dose. For disc
nephrotic tubules half- associated with water/electrolyteresistant inje
syndrome, as well as the life in these azotemia and depletion, cases, dosage
hepatic ascending loop clients oliguria, pancreatitis, can be - Gi
cirrhosis, and of Henle; this hepatic coma abdominal pain, increased by wee
ascites results in the - geriatric associated dizziness, 20–
- PO to treat excretion of clients may with anemia 40 mg q 6–8 hr - Fo
hypertension sodium, be more until bioa
in con chloride, and, sensitive to electrolyte Adverse desired diuretic furo
junction with to a lesser the usual adult depletion Reaction: response is ultim
spironolactone degree, dose. -Lactation Aplastic anemia, attained. the
, potassium and cardiac arres Maximum daily
triamterene, bicarbonate dose
and ions should not
other diuretics exceed
600 mg.
nic Available forms:
Injection: 10
mg /mL;
Oral Solution:
mg/mL, 40 mg/5
Tablets: 20 mg,
40 mg,
80 mg

CLONIDINE Antihypertens treat mild to  Stimulates -use with obstetric, Side effects: Dosage: If dr
ives moderate alpha- caution postpartum, or Initial: disc
hypertension adrenergic during perioperative Dry mouth, so g
- treat receptors of the lactation and pain drowsiness, o.1 mg twice a per
Catapres, spasticity CNS, resulting in the dizziness, day; 4 da
Catapres-TTS- in inhibition of presence of sedation, then, increase
1, the severe constipation by 0.1– - Do
-2, and -3, sympathetic coronary in 0.2 mg/day until pre
Duraclon vasomotor sufficiency, Adverse desired give
centers and recent Reaction: response is
decreased MI, cardiac attained - St
nerve cerebrovascul conduction con
impulses. ar defects, Maintenance: roo
Thus, bradycar disease, or arrhythmias Dis
dia and a fall in chronic 0.2–0.6 mg/day unu
both SBP and renal failure in
DBP occur. divided doses
- safe use in (maxi
children mum: 2.4
not mg/day)
Available forms:

Tablets: 0.1 mg,

0.2 mg,
0.3 mg
Injection: 0.1
0.5 mg/mL

RIFAMPICIN Pharmacologi In the Pulmonary Use cautiously Side effects: Dosage: Ass
c Class: treatment of Tuberculosis. and Contraindicated
Macrocytic both Meningococcal under strict in ataxia, 10mg/kg PO or con
Rifadin, Rifadin Antibiotic tuberculosis carriers. medical patients behavioural IV star
IV, Therapeutic and the Prophylaxis of supervision in hypersensitive to changes, daily in single ther
Rimactane, Class: meningococca Haemophilus patients with drug confusion, dose. reg
Rimycin, Rofac l carrier state, influenzae type liver or any of its dizziness, Maximum, 600 ther
Antituberculot the small B. dse. components fatigue, mg the
ic number of Leprosy headache, daily. dru
resistant cells In drowsiness,
present within breastfeeding generalized Available forms: -
large women use numbness, Capsules: 150
populations of cautiously. It’s visual mg, Mon
susceptible unknown of disturbances, 300 mg CBC
cells can the drug exudative Injection: 600mg leve
rapidly appears in conjunctivitis,
become the breast epigastric -
predominant milk distress,
type anorexia, Adv
nausea, take
vomiting, taki
pain, diarrhea, --
flatulence, sore
mouth Wa
and tongue, dro
hemoglobinuria, ora
hematuria, sali
menstrual and
worsening of
shortness of
urticaria, flu-
like syndrome,
discoloration of


acute renal

ENALAPRIL Antihypertens indicated for effective alone Symptomatic CNS: asthenia, Clo
ive the treatment or in hypotension; patients who are headache, 1 tab daily, may pre
Vasotec of combination vol-depleted hypersensitive to dizziness, be increased to to d
hypertension. with other or salt this product and fatigue 2 tabs daily. Mon
antihypertensiv depletion, in patients with a Discontinue inta
e agents, ischemic heart history of CV: prior diuretic leve
especially or angioedema hypotension, therapy, if Ask
thiazide-type cerebrovascul related to chest pain, possible, for 2-3 mak
diuretics. The ar disease, previous angina pectoris days to sus
blood pressure aortic treatment with an minimize pati
lowering effects stenosisor angiotensin GU: decreased symptomatic diffi
of VASOTEC hypertropic converting renal function hypotension
and thiazides cardiomyopath enzyme inhibitor
are y; pre-existing and in patients Hematologic:
approximately renal disease, with hereditary or bone marrow
additive renal idiopathic depression
imparement,bil angioedema.
ateral renal Skin: rash
reduction in
LOSARTAN Antihypertens Hypertension. angiotensin- Hypersensitivit Dizziness, Avo
ive Reduction in converting y. Children with doselareted Initial and sma
Cozaar the risk of CV enzyme Hypotension glomerular orthostatic maintenance pati
morbidity and inhibitors and filtration rate <30 effects, rashes, dose: 50 mg volu
mortality in (ACEIs) and electrolyte/flui ml/min/1.73m², angioedema, once daily, may corr
hypertensive angiotensin d imbalance. hepatic hepatitis, liver increase to 100 Det
patients with receptor Liver and imparement. function mg once daily, func
left ventricular blockers kidney Neonates. abnormalities, may increase to with
hypertrophy. (ARBs) exert function myalgia, 100 mg once with
Renal neurohumoral imparement. migraine, daily. unil
protection in inhibitory Child who are ulticaria, sten
type 2 diabetic actions, such intravascularly pruritus. exis
patients with as the inhibition volume insu
proteinuria. of vascular depeted. sign
Hypertensive remodeling and Pregnancy, aor
pediatric >1 smooth muscle lactation. Use
month-16 yr. cell hep
proliferation dos
and the be n
amelioration of
effects, render
those agents
appropriate for
use in the
treatment of
CHLORPROM Antipsychotic -preanesthetic Has significant Pregnancy Side effects: Dosage: The
AZINE s to relieve antiemetic, -use during category c P.O
restlessness & hypotensive, pregnancy if -hypersensitivity Constipation, Oral and
apprehension and sedative benefits to drowsiness, concentrate, for
effects, outweigh risks blurred vision, tablets, syrup: adu
Thorazine -adjunct to moderate -lactation phynothiazine decreased (Adults) 10 ado
treat tetanus anticholinergic Children less derivatives sweating, mg3-4 sho
and than 6 -comatose state difficulty times a day or the
-severe extrapyramidal months except -withdrawal from urinating, dark 25 mg bas
bahavioral effects. where alcohol urine, swollen 2-3 times a day
problem in potentially life- -brain damage breasts -So
children 1-12 saving Suppository, con
years old Adverse rectal: avo
marked by Reaction: (Children) 1 con
combativenes tremo mg/kg clot
s and or (0.5mg/lb) q 6-8
explosive hours -Th
hyperexcitable as needed is
bahavio ligh
Available forms: from
Injection: 25 amb
Tablets: 10 mg,
mg, 50 mg,
200 mg

HALOPERIDO Antipsychotic severe Blocks PO dosage Pregnancy Side effects: Dosage: -Sto
L behaviour dopamine has not category C Tablets: 15-
Haldol problem in receptors in been -lactation Drowsiness, (Adults) 0.5-2 ˚C (
children the determined in -client’s with dizziness, mg 2- -As
tuberoinfundib children, older Parkinsonism blurred elec
-short term ular system to adult vision, GI upset, 3 times per day live
treatment of cause or debilitated salivation, dry for func
hyperactive sedation.Also patient mouth severe
children causes alpha- symptoms -Ins
who show adrenergic -glaucoma Adverse (Children 3-12 fam
excessive blockade, Reaction: years avo
motor activity decreases Seizures, or 15-40 acti
release of tardive kg)0.05- that
growth dyskinesia 0.075 aler
hormone, and mg/kd/day effe
increases Availability: rea
prolactin Tablets: 0.5 mg,
release by 1
pituitary. mg, 2 mg, 5 mg,
mg, 20 mg
DIAZEPAM Antianxiety - management Reduces use IV narrow-angle Side effects: Dosage: - Id
drug of anxiety by diazepam glaucoma Adults: 2–10 mg ther
Diastat, anxiety disor increasing or with extreme - children under Drowsiness 2 to cha
Diazepam ders or for facilitating the caution 6 months (transient), 4 times per day. S&S
Intensol, short-term inhibitory in the elderly, - lactation ataxia, Children, anti
Valium relief of symp neurotransmitt in very - Pregnancy confusio initial:1– resu
toms of er ill clients, and category D 2.5 mg 3–4
anxiety activity of in times per -M
GABA. The those with day and
- adjunct skeletal limited LFT
therapy in muscle pulmonary Availability:
convulsive relaxant effect reserve Injection: 5 - Re
disorder may be due to as apnea or mg/mL leve
- tetanu enhancement cardiac Oral Solution:1 iden
of GABA- arrest may fact
mediated occur mg/mL
presynaptic Rectal Gel: 2.5
inhibition mg,
at the spinal 5 mg, 10 mg, 15
level as well as mg,
in the brain 20 mg
stem reticular Solution,
formation Intensol:
5 mg/mL
Tablets: 2 mg, 5
10 mg
ASPIRIN Nonsteroidal -pain from Antipyretic is -use with hypersensitivity Side effects: Dosage: -No
anti- due to an caution to (Adults) 325- nas
inflammatory integumentary action on the during salycylates Dyspepsia, 500 mg poly
drug, structure hypothalamus, lactation and -clients with nausea, ulce
ZORpin, analgesic, -myalgia resulting to in the asthma, hay epigastric q 3 hr, 325- dse
Easprin antipyretic -headache heat loss by presence of fever, severe discomfort 600mg q
- vasodilation of gastric or anemia 4 hr. Or 650- -No
dysmenorrhea peripheral peptic Adverse 1000 mg of
blood vessels ulcers, in mild -children or Reaction: q 6 hr . Asp
acute and promoting diabetes, teenagers with use
rheumatic sweating. Anti- erosive chicken-pox or Massive GI (Pediatrics, 2-3 for
fever inflammatory gastritis flu due to bleeding, years): 162 mg use
effects are possibility of potentiation of q 4 hr
probably development of peptic ulcer, as needed -Do
mediated Reye’s bronchospasm, disc
through syndrome asthma like Available forms: und
inhibition of symptoms, 12.
cyclo- anaphylaxis Tablets: 325mg, chic
oxygenase, 500
which results mg or t
in a decrease Tablets,
in Chewable:
prostaglandin 81 mg
synthesis and Suppositories:
other 120
mediators of mg, 200 mg,
the pain 300 mg,
response. 600 mg
Gum: 227.5 mg
Tablets, Enteric
coated: 81 mg,
mg, 325 mg,
500 mg,
650 mg, 975 mg

HEPARIN Anticoagulant Prevention Heparin White Clot Contraindicated Hemorrhage, ADULTS Adj
and treatment inactivates Syndrome, with Local Irritation, SC (deep SC acc
of venous factor XA, Heparin hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity injection) coa
thrombosis therefore Resistance, to heparin; • resu
and inhibiting Increased severe For general befo
heparin sodium pulmonary thrombus and Risk to Older thrombocytopeni anticoagulation: (30
injection embolism clot formation Patients, a; IV loading dose inte
Hepalean Treatment of by Especially uncontrolled of 5,000 units 4–6
(CAN), Heparin atrial blocking the Women bleeding; any and then IV d
Leo (CAN) fibrillation with conversion of patient who 10,000– The
vvvv embolization prothrombin to cannot be 20,000 units SC APT
Diagnosis and thrombin and monitored followed by con
treatment of fibrinogen to regularly with 8,000–10,000
DIC fibrin, the final blood units q 8 hr or •
Prevention of steps in the coagulation 15,000–20,000 Alw
clotting in clotting tests; labor and units q com
blood samples process. immediate 12 hr. othe
and heparin Heparin also postpartum Initial IV bolus of •
lock sets and inhibits the period; women 50 units/kg and Use
during dialysis activation of older than 60 then 100 nee
procedures factor XIII, yr are at high risk units/kg IV q 4 rep
Unlabeled thrombin- for hr, or 20,000 •
uses: Adjunct induced hemorrhaging. units/m2 per 24 Giv
in therapy of activation of hr by continuous inje
coronary factors V and • IV infusion. hep
Use cautiously inje
occlusion with VIII. with pregnancy; •
acute MI, dysbetalipoprotei Do
prevention of nemia; recent inje
left ventricular surgery or injury on h
thrombi and (he
CVA post-MI, to
prevention of hem
cerebral form
thrombosis in •
the evolving App
stroke inje


METFORMIN Antidiabetic - improve Decreases -metformin -Acute or chronic Side effects: Dosage: - In
glycemic hepatic should metabolic Oral solution: dos
Fortamet, control glucose be promptly Hypoglycemia, Type bas
Glucophage, in clients with production, withheld in the acidosis diarrhea, N&V, 2 diabetes. tole
Glumetza, type 2 decreases presence of - Abnormal asthenia, effe
Riomet diabetes intestinal any condition hepatic function flatulence, Individualize
absorption of associated - Dehydration headache, dosage: (Adults -Giv
- Extended- glucose, and with and lactation abdominal pain/ and star
Release increases hypoexmia, -Pregnancy discomfort. adolescents a lo
form used to peripheral dehydration, category B over 16 gra
treat type uptake and or Adverse years of age)
utilization of sepsis. Reaction:
2 diabetes as glucose. Lactic acidosis Up to esc
initial - hepatic
therapy disease 2,550 mg/day; -Inf
- Lactic (Children, 10– may
acidosis 16 cau
years of age) up tast
to sho
2,000 mg/day.
mg/5 ml
Tablets: 500
850 mg, 1000
Release: 500
750 mg, 1000

ALLOPURINOL Antigout drug Gout Chemical pregnant and Contraindicated Side effects: Dosage: - Ass
To prevent effect: Breast feeding in patients Adults: mild hist
Allorin, Apo- acute gouty women use hypersensitive to headache, gout, Gou
Allopurinol, attacks. Reduce uric cautiously. drug or any drowsiness. sec
Capurate, Hyperuricemia acid production of its cataracts, 200 to 300 mg to d
Zyloprim s secondary by inhibiting components retinopathy, PO or
to the necessary nausea, daily; severe chro
malignancies. biochemical vomiting, gout poly
Recurrent reaction abdominal pain, with large tophi, mul
calcium ans
oxalate Therapeutic diarrhea, 400 pso
calculi. effect: uremia, to 600 mg PO
Alleviates Gout daily. - be a
symptoms anemia, Rash, Dosage varies rea
woth inte
pruritus, severity of dse
urticarial and - Give
and pulpuric can be given as imm
lesions, single dose or in mea
ichthyosis, divided doses, to m
severe doses GI
furunculosis larger than rea
of nose 300mg
should be - hav
Adverse divided. plen
Reaction: Maximum of fl
dosage, dru
renal 800 mg daily. con
cyt Available forms: - Ad
osis, aplastic Capsules: 100 to ta
anemia, mg, alco
Thrombocytope 300 mg dru
nia. Tablets: 100
Hepatitis, mg,
exfoliative 2000, mg 300
lesions, mg
erythema Allopurinol
multiforme, toxic sodium
epidermal Injection:
necrolysis 500m/30-
ml via
STREPTOMYC Antibiotic Streptococcal Chemical Use cautiously Contraindicated Dosage: Dosage: - Ass
IN endocarditis. effect: in in patients Adults: 1g IM q infe
SULFATE - patients with hypersensitive to Ototoxicity, 12 befo
Inhibits protein impaired drug or nausea, ther
Primary and synthesis by kidney other vomiting, hours for 1 and
adjunct binding function or aminoglycoside eosinophilia, week, ther
treatment in directly to 30S neuromuscula in exfoliative and then 500 to m
tuberculosis. ribosomal r dse. patients with dermatitis, mg q effe
subunit. labyrinthine dse. hypersensitivity 12 hours for 1
- In reaction, week, - Obt
Enterococcal Therapeutic breastfeeding In pregnant given with cult
endocarditis. effect: Kills women and women, drug is Adverse effect: penicillin. tess
- Bacteria elderly, contraindicated. exc
Tularemia use cautiously neuromuscular Available forms: tube
blockade, Injection: ther
nephrotoxicity 400mg/ml, resu
leukopenia. 1 g/2.5-ml
Thrombocytope ampules - Be a
ni rea
a, apnea, inte
anaphylaxis. - prot

- instr

MORPHINE Narcotic -relief of Decreased -clients with -Heart failure Side effects: Dosage: - Lis
SULFATE analgesic moderate to permeability of known secondary to pre
severe pain the cell seizure N&V, Oral solution;
Avinza, membrane to disorders chronic lung constipation, Tablets; - No
Astramorph PF, - sodium, which disease somnolence, Tablets, diso
Duramorph, preoperatively results in -use with -cardiac headache Soluble or h
Infumorph 200 for diminished extreme arrhythmias 5–30 mg Mon
and 500, sedation and transmission of caution in -brain tumor (solution or VS
Oramorph SR to reduce pain impulses aged or -acute tablets) on a stat
apprehension and therefore debilitated alcoholism regularly
analgesia. clients -delirium scheduled -He
-supplement tremens basis q 4 hr at cou
to anesthesia the and
-control -convulsive lowest dosage exe
postoperative states level ince
pain -cardiac that will achieve spir
arrhythmias adequate dec
-pregnancy analgesia of a
category C
Available forms:

Pellets: 20 mg,
mg, 50 mg, 60
100 mg
Injection: 0.5
to 50 mg/mL
15 mg, 30 mg,

METHERGINE Drugs acting To prevent For routine Caution Hypertension; Seizures, Intramuscularly: Mon
on the and treat management should be toxemia; dizziness 1 mL, 0.2 mg, BP,
Generic Name: Uterus/ postpartum after delivery of exercised in pregnancy; and headache, after delivery of uter
Methylergonovi preparations hemorrhage the placenta; the presence hypersensitivity. hypertension, the anterior
ne for caused by postpartum of sepsis, chest pain, shoulder, after Rep
Maleate vaginal uterine atony atony and obliterative palpitations, delivery of the cha
conditions or hemorrhage; vascular nausea, placenta, or freq
subinvolution subinvolution. disease, vomiting, during the uter
Brand Name: Under full hepatic or dyspnea, puerperium. and
Methergin obstetric renal diaphoresis May be amo
supervision, it involvement. repeated as blee
may be given Also use with required, at
in the second caution during intervals of 2-4
stage of labor the second hours.
following stage of labor. Intravenously:D
delivery of the The necessity osage same as
anterior for manual intramuscular.
shoulder. removal of a Orally:One
retained tablet, 0.2 mg, 3
placenta or 4 times daily
should occur in the
only rarely puerperium for a
with proper maximum of 1
technique and week.
allowance of
time for its
PARACETAM Nonopioid Mild pain or Chemical Use cautiously Contraindicated Side effects: Dosage: - as
OL analgesic, fever. effect: in in patients Adult and pain
antipyretic - patients with Hypersensitive to hemolytic children tem
Abenol, Osteoarthritis May produce history drug. anemia older than age and
Acephen, analgesic effect of chronic jaundice. Rash, 12:325 dur
Aceta, Aceta- by blocking alcohol urticaria
Elixir, pain impulses, abuse to 650 mg PO or - be
Dymadon, by inhiiting because Adverse PR q rea
Panadol, prostaglandin hepatoxicity Reaction: 4 hours prn or 1 inte
Tempra, or pain may g PO
Tylenol receptor occur after Thrombocytope tid or qid, prn. - Give
sensitizers. therapeutic nia, Alternatively, 2 chil
May relieve doses. neotropenia, extended pati
fevr leukopenia, release trou
by acting in In pregnant pancytopenia, caplets Po q 8
hypothalamic and liver hours.
heat-regulating breastfeeding damage, Maximum, 4 g
center. women, use hypoglycaemia. daily.
cautiously Dosage for long
Therapeutic term
effect: relieves therapy
pain and
reduces fever should’nt
exceed 2.6 g
monitored by

Available forms:
Infant drops:
Capsules: 150

300 mg
Injection: 600mg

80 mg,
120 mg
Tablets: 160
mg, 325
mg, 500 mg
(chewable); 80
mg, 160 mg

LITHIUM Antimanic control of A decrease in safety and cardiovascular or Side effects: Dosage: -Mo
mania in cyclic efficacy renal Acute mania. leve
Lithobid, manic- AMP levels have not been Due to initial kidn
Lithonate, depressive caused by established for dse. therapy: Capsules; func
Lithotabs clients lithium which children less -brain damage Fine hand Syrup; stud
decreases than 12 -lactation tremor, Tablets; dec
- premenstrual sensitivity of years of age -pregnancy polyuria, thirst, Tablets,
tension hormonal- category D transient and Extendede- -Wi
sensitive -use with -dehydration mild release con
- alcoholism adenyl caution in - clients nausea, general doc
accompanied cyclase geriatric receiving discomfort (Adults)300–600 infla
by receptors clients diuretics mg age
depression because Adverse use
lithium is Reaction: 3 times per day
- tardive more toxic to or - Do
dyskinesia the peripheral 600–900 mg stat
- bulimia CNS in these circulatory twice per CV
clients collapse, severe day of slow- che
bradycardia release func
causing form urin
syncope, coma and
(Elderly and ECG
grams/day in
three doses
Available forms:
Capsules: 150
300 mg, 600
Tablets: 300
300 mg, 450
Lithium citrate
Syrup: 300 mg/5

METRONIDAZ Trichomonaci -serious Inhibits growth -blood Side effects: Dosage: - Re

OLE de, infections of trichomonae -use with dyscrasias thos
amebicide due to and amoebae caution in -active organic Following Amebiasis: with
Flagyl I.V., susceptible by binding to those with disease of systemic use: Acute - Do
Flagyl 375, anaerobic DNA, resulting evidence the CNS Headache, amebic with
Flagyl ER, bacteria in loss of or history of - trichomoniasis vaginitis, dysentery or Al n
MetroGel, helical blood during the nausea, metallic amebic liver
MetroLotion, - peritonitis structure, dyscrasias or first trimester of taste, abscess - Do
Vandazole - skin structure strand in pregnancy genital pruritus, indi
infections due breakage, those with -lactation bacterial Available forms: ther
to inhibition of impaired infection, flu- cha
Bacteroidessp nucleic acid hepatic like symptoms Capsules: 375
ecies synthesis, and function mg -M
cell death. Adverse Cream: 0.75 %, and
including B. Reaction: 1% cult
fragilis seizures, bone Gel (Topical):
um aplasia 0.75%,
species and 1%
Injection: 5 mg/
Peptococcus 1 mL
niger (ready-to-use)
Injection, Lyophi
500 mg
Lotion: 0.75%
Tablets: 250
mg, 500
Release: 750

MEBENDAZO Anthelmentic -whipworm Blocks the hypersensitivity Side effects: Dosage: -No
LE -pinworm glucose uptake -use with to Transient con
-roundworm of the caution in mebendazole abdominal Whipworm, of o
-common and organisms, children under -pregnancy pain, diarrhea roundworm, and and
thereby 2 category C hookworm cha
Vermox American reducing their years old and S&S
hookworm energy until during Tablets, any
death results. lactation Chewable: fact
(Adults and Iden
children) 1 con
tablet morning pote
evening on 3 -Ta
consecutive che
days swa
Pinworm food
1 tablet, one
time -Te
Available forms: pra
Tablets, per
Chewable was
100 mg reg

Insulin diabetic coma Increases hypersensitivity Side effects: Dosage: -No

INSULIN product -diabetic synthesis of -pregnant to insulin SC leve
(REGULAR) acidosis glycogen in the diabetic Hypoglycemia, (Adults) 5-10 con
-clients liver clients inhibits hypokalemia, units und
Humulin R, suffering milk injection (Pediatric) 2-4 dse
Novolin R, production) site units. trial
Velosulin BR from labile reactionpruritus,
diabetes rash Injection is -Mo
given 15- HbA
30 mi before U/A
meals ren
and at bedtime. and

Available forms: -Te

Injection: 100 adv
units/ml or

ACETYLCEST Mucolytic -chronic Reduces the -lactation -sensitivity to Side effects: Dosage: -Us
EINE emphysema viscosity of drug plas
Acetadote, -emphysema purulent and -use with - Pregnancy Bronchial/trache Direct instillation glas
Mucomyst with nonpurulent caution in category B al into stee
pulmonary elderly and irritation, N&V, tracheostomy adm
bronchitis secretions and clients rash,stomatitis 1-2 ml of 10% or
-tuberculosis facilitates their with asthma 20% -Aft
-chronic removal by solution every 1- neb
asthmatic splitting 4 tha
disulfide bonds hours four
Closed tent or with
croupette pre
Up to 300 ml of
10% -No
or 20% solution find
per dete
treatment. spa
Available forms:

Injection: 20%
Oral Solution
sodium): 10%,

LANOXIN Antiarrhythmi Treatment of Increases the Electrolyte Digitalis Adverse (IV)Adult:DigitilizAss

cs, inotropics CHF, force of abnormalities ( glycosides are Experience ing Dose – I0.6- adm
Tachyarrhyth myocardial hypokalemia, contraindicated 1 mg (10-15 ass
mias, atrial contraction. hypercalcemia in patients with Digoxin Patients mcg/kg) given apic
Brand Name: fibrillation and Prolongs , and ventricular Cardiac as 50% of the min
Lanoxin atrial flutter, refractory hypomagnese fibrillation or in Palpitation, dose initially adm
Generic Paroxysmal period of mia may patients with a Ventricular and additional Mon
Name:Digo xin predispose to known extrasystole, fractions given outp
atrial the AV node. toxicity),Geriat hypersensitivity Tachycardia, at 4-8 hr dail
tachycardia. Decreases ric patients, to digoxin. A Heart arrest interval. for
conduction MI,Renal hypersensitivity Gastrointestinal: and
through the SA impairement, reaction to other Anorexia, (PO)Adult: for
and AV nodes. Obese digitalis Nausea, Digitalizing dose thro
Increased patients, preparations Vomiting, – 0.75-1.25 mg Bef
cardiac output Pregnancy, usually Diarrhea, (10-15 mg/kg) initi
(positive and Lactation constitutes a Abdominal pain given as 50% of dete
inotropic effect) contraindication CNS:Headache, the dose initially pati
and slowing of to digoxin. Dizziness, and additional digi
the heart rate Mental fractions given in th
(negative disturbances, at 4-8 hr wk.
chronotropic Rash, Death intervals. bee
effect). Maintenance an i
dose – 0.063- falls
0.5 mg/day as Ass
tablets or 0.350- pre
0.5 mg/day as per
capsules, Ass
depending on wou
patient’s lean give
body weight, toxi
renal function, pain
and serum level. nau
or h

CIPROILOXAC Antibiotic, - acute Interferes with safety and -hypersensitivity Side effects: Dosage:
IN fluoroquinolo sinusitis due DNA gyrase effectiveness to After systemic Pyelonephritis, - Al
Ciloxan ne toHaemophilu and of quinolones use: acute dela
Ophthalmic, s topoisomerase ophthalmic, -use in children uncomplicated dru
Cipro, Proquin IV. DNA gyrase PO, or IV -lactation Headache, (Adults)1,000 it m
XR influenzae, is an enzyme use have not -Pregnancy N&V, mg take
Streptococcus needed for been category C diarrhea, with
pneumoniae,o replication, determined in restlessness, once daily of mea
r transcription, children rash extended- reco
Moraxella and repair of release dos
catarrhalis bacterial DNA. -possible After ophthalmic tablets for 7–14 is 2
antibiotic use: mea
- Chronic
bacterial resistance Irritation, days. - No
prostatitis due when burning, for
toE. used to treat stinging, itching, Availability: S&S
colior Proteus inflammation Injection: 200 cult
mirabilis Pseudomonas mg, - St
-UTI aeruginosa Adverse 400 mg IV u
infections Reaction: Ophthalmic 5–3
Ointment: 3.33 86°
Intestinal mg/g from
perforation, (equivalent to 3 exc
toxic epidermal mg and
necrolysis base)
Tablets: 100
mg, 250
mg, 500 mg,
750 mg
Release: 500
1,000 mg

PHENYTOIN Antiarrhythmi -Chronic Acts in the -acute, -hypersensitivity Side effects: Dosage:
c, Class IB epilepsy motor cortex of intermittent to Oral - Lis
Anticonvulsa - control sei the brain to porphyria hydantoins Ataxia, suspension; ther
nt, hydantoin zures reduce the clients with - exfoliative drowsiness, Tablets, ons
Dilantin during spread of a history of dermatitis slurred speech, Chewable cha
Infatab, neurosurgery electrical asthma or - sinus confusion, N&V, S&S
Dilantin-125 - Severe discharges other allergies bradycardia rash, (Adults, initial) pre
preeclampsia from - impaired - Lactation constipation/ 100 mg bloo
the rapidly renal or -Pregnancy diarrhea, (125 mg of the othe
firing hepatic category C gingival suspension) 3 trial
epileptic foci in function
this area. - heart hyperplasia times - No
disease per day; adjust and
(hypotension, Adverse dos of s
severe Reaction: age at 7- to 10- add
myocardial day loca
insufficiency) increased intervals until freq
seizures, seizures dur
toxic epidermal are controlled cau
necrolysis, toxic stic
hepatitis (Pediatric, trigg
initial) 5 find
mg/kg/day in - Do
two to sub
three divided pro
doses exc
Availability: bioa
Tablets, phe
Chewable: vary
50 mg
125 mg/5 mL

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