Q3 2010 Report

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TO: Council FILE: 0640-30 REP:

FROM: Annette Antoniak, City Manager DATE: Nov. 15,2010 RES:

SUBJECT: 03 Report


THAT the corporate quarterly report for the period ending September 30, 2010 be received for information.


Community Charier


In accordance with the requirements of the Community Charter, Council and the community were provided with the 2009 annual report in June of this year.

At that time, it was determined that in addition to the annual report, quarterly updating on the goals and objectives of each division would be provided to Council and the community moving forward.


Further work continues on the refinement and presentation of the quarterly report in order to provide Council and the community with the most accurate information.

Staff will continue to strive for excellence in our reporting on a quarterly basis and welcome any suggestions, and/or recommendations for future reporting.

n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and staUstics\0640-30 reports\201 0\q3\201 0-11-15 council report.doc

The Corporation of the City of Penticton

Quarterly Report - Q3

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A Place to

September 30, 2010

n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\201 O\q3\final q3 report. doc

1.0 Summary & Interpretation

Executive Summary

Strategic Issues

• Corporate Review

• PIB Relations and Communications

• Economic Development Partnerships

• Financial Strategies - Innovations, revenues, expenditures, infrastructure grants, regional recreation cost sharing

• Intergovernmental Relations (partnerships)

Strategic Initiatives & Milestones

• Implementation of Cores Services Review Recommendations

• Corporate re-organization

n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

City Financial Performance

6,000 -,

5,000 -



2,000 i


3rd' QU,arter Res u Its


• Budget

n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\201 0\q3\final q3 rsport.doc

Financial Performance

ii, _._-- - .
- - I!
, --
I' 'Q3YTD 2010 Annua'i 2009 Q3 YTiD •
I Q3:Budget
TEAM Actua'i Budget Actual
_.- - . --
Administration 381,080 662,586 514,904 496,940

City Clerk/Bylaw 893,772 1,062,757 645,957 797,068
Human Resources 378,901 960,240 598,461 720.180
Fire Protection 3,496,588 4,877,349 3,213,453 3,658,012

RCMP 5,167,930 7,919,334 3,703,225 5.939,501
Treasury/IT 2,727,762 4,233,205 2,440,060 3,339,803

Rec/Parks/Facilities 5,645,818 8,026,871 6,483,248 5,719,213

Engineering & PW 3,856,915 5,962,816 4,136,004 4,306,370

Dev. Services 1,112,686 1,698,483 1 ;061 ,336 1,273,862
Transit 955,956 1,522,634 851,907 1,141,976
SOEC 2,025,549 7,385,261 2,099,310 2,383,455

Grants 1.742,232 1,958,769 1,352,609 1,646,445
Econ. Development 608,655 1,018,367 860,167 501,275
City Total 28,993,844 47,288,672 27,960,641 31,924,100 n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\201 O\q3\final q3 report.doc

Year End Variance Forecast


Fire Protection Agreement Engineering Inspection Fees Cemetery Fees

Business Licenses

Tax Penalties

Expenditures Council Expenses Finance Purchasing

City Clerk

Human Resources Transit



Net Surplus Forecast

General Capital

Utilities Sewer Water Electric

(13,800) West Bench Agreement less than projected 59,000 Upper Carmi Development

(75,000) Tracking lower than budget 10,000 Actual fees exceeding forecast 3B,000 Actual fees exceeding forecast 1B,200

20,000 Reduced conferences & Ikeda Visit not occurring 35,000 Staff reduction - CSR

115,000 Staff vacancy & CSR

(20,000) Legal Fees over budget, land services under budget 135,000 Staff vacancy, decreased employee development, seminars

80,000 Based upon invoices from BC Transit 160,000 Staff vacancies & community centre BO,OOO Sundry expenses less than anticipated 605,000


Projects not started at year end will not be carried forward. Roadwork rehabilitation had a delayed implementation

Tracking on Budget, capital will be analyzed in detail at year end Tracking on Budget, capital will be analyzed in detail at year end Profit margin is projected to decrease in 2010. Will be analyzed in detail during year end.

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2.0 Divisional Highlights & Milestones Legislative Services/Clerk's Department Highlights

Valuation of City Owned Land Policy for Use of City Lands

A comprehensive policy was prepared and endorsed by Council, detailing the process for determining values for use of City owned lands. The policy provides for consistency and equity amongst users, complies with the provincial legislation and provides revenue to the City for individual, association or commercial use of City lands.

Council Agenda Reports on the Internet. Item Time Index, Viewing of Resolutions

Posting the agenda to the City's webpage with a link to the corresponding Council reports provides Councillors, the media and the public with all of the detailed information that is provided in the Council agenda packages by accessing the City's website. The estimated time that each agenda item was dealt with is also posted on the website allowing users to go directly to the item of interest rather than scrolling through the entire meeting. The ability for Council members to view a motion on the LCD screens ensures the motion is correctly worded and the Council members are clear what is being voted upon.

Milestones Review

I DescrIptIon Target DeUveryDate I Status %
-- - - --- - ._. -- I
2010 Projects from the Annual Report

- 2010 Council Priority Setting No dates set at this 10%
Workshop/Strategic Planning Session time
- Community to Community Forums with No meetings booked n/a
Penticton Indian Band at this time
- Continue administrative liaison with Ongoing n/a
Penticton Indian Band
- Complete City-wide records management Ongoing 15%
system training and conversion
- Consolidate Corporate Policy manual Ongoing 25%
- Create Records Management Policy December 2010 0%
- Continue to maximize use and income from ongoing nla
City land portfolio
- Inventory of City Leases, Licences, etc. October 2010 60%
- Valuation of City Owned Lands Policy for April 2010 100%
Leasing and Licencing City lands
Associated with
- Discussion with Penticton Yacht and gaining ownership of
Tennis Club for improvements to eastern Okanagan 10%
Okanagan Lake Marina waterfront from
province n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

- Land Exchange with School District on December 2010 10%
South Main Street/Green Avenue W
- Okanagan Hockey School Lease of Lands December 2010 10%
- Council Resolutions on screen in Council June 2010 100%
- Council Agenda and Council Reports June 2010 100%
available on City website

New Projects

- Extended hours for City Hall increasing March 2010 100%
public access by 1 hour per day
- Sale of Lands adjacent to 310 Industrial April 2010 100%
Avenue West
- Resident Parking Only on Balfour and Leir August 2010 100%
- Land Exchange with School District for
Power Street Roundabout and Queens September 2010 90%
Park School
- Land Exchange with School District for December 2010 10%
- Closure and Sale of Hickory Road October 2010 90%
- Skaha Lake Concession Leases December 2010 75%
- Bylaw Adjudication Process December 2010 50%
- Prepare Policies for Bylaw Compliance December 2010 0%
- Gain ownership of eastern Okanagan Decem ber 2010 0%
Waterfront from Province
- Animal Control Contract October 2010 25%
- T owing Contract December 2010 0%
- Parking Report December 2010 0%
- 2011 Budget October 2010 50%
- Sale of lands adjacent to 1245 Riddle Road November 2010 25%
- Encroachment Agreement for 21 e Main St November 2010 50%
- Beach Vending November 2010 50%
- Licence to Use for 475 Upper Bench Rd November 2010 50%
- Guernsey Avenue Road and Lane Closure November 2010 50%
- Licence to Use for KIA at 550 Duncan Ave October 2010 100% Human Resources Department Highlights

Community Centre Closure

Human Resources successfully continues to place laid off staff from the community centre in other positions throughout the City.

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Successfully recruited a new CAO

Milestones Review

.. - ... - -- ',- ._.
Description Target De1ivery IDate : Status % I
, .. _.
- Establish and maintain desirable working
relationships among all members of the Ongoing N/A
- Attain an effective utilization of Human
Resources in the achievement of Ongoing N/A
organizational goals
- Support corporate performance through
policies and programs, appropriate Ongoing N/A
assessment, recognition and reward
- Support change management initiatives Ongoing N/A
- Improve and enhance communication Ongoing N/A
throughout the corporation
- Complete collective bargaining with CUPE December 2010 10%
- Complete collective bargaining with IAFF No target date set 0%
- Undertake a review and enhancement of
HR systems, processes, procedures and
policies using the principles of continuous Ongoing N/A
quality improvement and excellent
customer service
- Long service recognition September 2010 100%
- Implementation of new performance review December 2010 75%
system for both union and exempt staff
- Emergency Management table top September 2010 20%
- Closure of Community Centre April 2010 100%
- Maintain a low WCB rate Ongoing N/A Accounting Division Highlights

• 2010 Property Tax Notices Issued

• 2009 Year End Financial Statements completed

• Monthly Financial Reporting to Council Implemented

• Business Licensing moved to Collections

• Restructuring of General Ledger commenced - completed the planning phase and initial set up of logic behind the new structure.

• Installed new compound and new monitoring in order to reduce the theft of copper.

• Negotiated substantial savings on the purchase of electrical meters compared to previous orders.

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• Rolled out new attendance sheet to departments in order to provide better tracking and more consistency.

Collections Milestones Review

- -
Description, Target Delivery Date Status %
- Web based services for payment and
accessing customer information (in December 15, 2010 40%
conjunction with IT)
- Implement training schedule within November 30,2011 25%
department to improve customer service
- Implement Infinity.teleconnect outbound October 1, 2010 33%
- Offer email service to deliver notification of January 1, 2011 10%
billing (in conjunction with IT)
- Offer credit card payments at City Hall (in January 1, 2011 0%
conjunction with IT)
- Convert Business Licenses to Tempest October 31,2010 50%
from CityView (in conjunction with IT) Accounting Milestones Review

!Description, Target Delivery Date Status %
- - -- --
- Report quarterly financial results to Council March 31, 2010 100%
- Implement new General Ledgerl Financial January 1, 2011 60%
reporting structure
- Develop strategy for depreciation of November 30, 2010 50%
tangible capital assets
- Roll out new attendance sheet to end users December 31, 2010 75%
- Introduce performance measurement in December 31, 2010 20%
budget process Information Technology Department Highlights

Information Technology Strategic Plan

Significant progress was made this quarter on the Information Technology Strategic Plan, which will be presented to council in late October of 2010. Additionally, time was spent preparing a presentation on the IT department for a council workshop which will occur in early October.

Ongoing Support I Troubleshooting

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In quarter 3 the IT support team processed 266 requests for support. Note this does not include the more minor calls (less than 10-15 minutes) or the large ongoing project work.

During this time the IT team also processed numerous requests for staff access changes, as well as implemented new equipment and user accounts for the new City CAO and the new SOEC GM.

Information Technology Milestones Review

... _. ;
Description I Target Delivery Date Status % ;
- - _,_. I --
- Upgrade audio/video in Council Chambers July 2010 100%
- Relocate MapGuide service to new I faster
server as previous server has reached end August 2010 100%
of life
- Coordinate CityView technical I sysadmin August 2010 100%
- Create a corporate plan for the provision of
web services and Payment Card Industry October 2010 30%
- Create a strategic master plan for October 31, 2010 90%
Information Technology
- Upgrade core network switch due to age of
current switch and dependency on School December 2010 10%
Board core switch
- Update the City of Penticton website to
provide a fresh and new look to the site. A December 2010 40%
Website Committee has been established
10 steer this task.
- Implement security alarm system for Yards October 2010 50%
cable compound
- Replace computers over 5 years of age, December 2010 5%
new computer will include Windows 7
- Deploy tablet computers to building November 2010 10%
- Implement wireless network at SOEC November 2010 15%
- Update cell phones over 2 years old (no December 2010 40%
cost to City)
- Update Cisco phone system to latest November 2010 25%
version for new features and bug fixes
- Work with Development Services to
continuously improve workflows in Ongoing Ongoing
- Decommission end of life servers December 2010 60%
- Upgrade Intranet to latest software November 2010 10%
- Implement System Centre Essentials 2010 November 2010 70%
software to allow for remote management n:\city\rms\0100.0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

and asset management of desktops and

- Implement CityView Online Portal December 2010 5%
- Replace Cisco PIX firewall as it is end of December 2010 10%
- Upgrade CFA (fleet software) to latest November 2010 5%
- Upgrade Class (recreation software) to October 2010 10%
latest version
- Implement web filter appliance to protect November 2010 5%
I against Internet malware , spyware Development Services Division

The 3fd Quarter of 2010 has seen a continuation of the increased building activity within the City of Penticton. Building applications are still well above 2009 predictions and revenue generation from the Building Permits received has continued to increase. Interestingly and unexpectedly, Planning applications in the form of Rezoning, Development Permit and Development Variance Permits has increased toward the end of summer and early fall. Where earlier in the year it was expected that application numbers would be down compared to 2009 figures, it is now expected that the will be an increase in Planning applications received in 2010 compared to 2009.

Objective Summary

Planning Department Goals for 2010

Rebuild the Department to enhance customer service

Improving application processing timelines has been a key implementation target of the Development Services Division in the 3rd Quarter of 201 0 to enhance the service we deliver to the development community.

Staff will be bringing reports to Council toward the end of October with amendments to the City's procedures bylaw so that applications can proceed to Council more efficiently and save between 2 and 4 weeks in application processing times with regards to Development and Variance Permit applications.

Completion of Peach Tree and Skaha Village Area Plan

The City's Long Range Planner is currently in the process of completing a Draft document for the City's first Urban Village Plan.

Finalization and Adoption of New Zoning Bylaw and OCP Amendments resulting from bylaw changes.

A legal review of the proposed new Zoning Bylaw has recently been completed. The Consultant is currently working with Staff to adjust the document with recommendations form the legal

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review. The bylaw has been and will continue to be reviewed against current applications received so that as many issues can be identified prior to adoption and implementation of the new bylaw.

The Consultant is on track to have the bylaw back before Council in the 4th Quarter of 2010 for i ntrod uction.

Spiller Road and Reservoir Road Neighbourhood Plan

Planning Staff are in the process of reviewing the Draft plan submitted. The City's Technical Planning Committee are in the process of reviewing the plan and comments will be provided to the developer's consultants in the coming weeks.

Upper Wiltse Neighbourhood Plan

CTQ Consulting have commenced development of the Neighbourhood Plan for this area on behalf of Wiltse Holdings Ltd. A Draft plan is expected to be reviewed by the City by the end of 2010. Staff have been advised that background work is being completed by the developer's consultants. Meetings with the property owners are ongoing.

North Gateway Area Plan & Downtown Area Plan

These projects are currently on hold, pending funding from Development Applications in the specific areas.

Building Department Goals for 2010

Building Bylaw

A Draft of the Building bylaw has been completed by staff. The proposed bylaw will be reviewed with the Canadian Home Builders Association prior to bringing the document to Council to request commencement of the public consultation phase in the third quarter of 2010.

Review Permit Fees and formulate fee structure

A review of the fee structure within the Building Division has been completed and is required to be reviewed by Council prior to approval.

Building Permit Applications

The 3rd Quarter of 2010 continued with the trend of increased building activity in the City of Penticton. Building Permit applications received to the end of September stands at 653, versus a total of 520 for the same time in 2009. The value of construction up to the end of September 2010 now stands at $76,126,997.

Engineering Department Goals for 2010

Complete the update of the Subdivision and Development Bylaw

The Subdivision and Development Bylaw review is an ongoing process. Improvement in the clarity and interpretation of the document is continually reviewed. With the department reorganisation and staff changes in the Development Engineering department, continual improvements will be made to the document.

Provide engineering review, approval and agreements for development proposals

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Engineering review of all development related projects is a significant aspect in the development approval process. With the new division structure and all staff within the division now on the 2nd Floor of City Hall, coordination and efficiencies amongst all departments has improved.

Development Services Division Milestones Review - 2010 Goals

I, .. _- - - , --
Oescr:lptlon Target Delivery IDate Status %
Planning Dee.arlment Goals
Rebuild the Department to enhance customer Ongoing
Completion of Peach Tree and Skaha Village 04,2010 60%
Area Plan
Finalization and Adoption of New Zoning Bylaw
and OCP Amendments resulting from bylaw 04,2010 90%
Spiller Road and Reservoir Road 01,2011 55%
Neighbourhood Plan
Upper Wiltse Neighbourhood Plan 03,2011 10%
North Gateway Area Plan & Downtown Area Commence in 2010 0%

Building Dee,artment Goals
Building Bylaw 04,2010 60%
Review Permit Fees and formulate fee Q4,2010 90%

Develol!ment Engineering Goals
Complete the update of the Subdivision and Ongoing
Development Bylaw
Provide engineering review, approval and Ongoing
agreements for development proposals

- --
... - - - -
Climate Action Plan 042010 50% Operations Division - Electrical Department

Description Target Delivery IDate Status %
2010 Projects from the Annual Report

To reach resolution with respect to how to 2010/09 Decision 100%
address the Carmi Substation constru clio n from Council.
project. n:\city\nns\0100~0699 administralion\0640 reports and statislics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

STATUS: Complete. Taken to an Excluded Council meeting on September 20, 2010 where Resolution 1105/2010 was passed authorizing staff to pursue construction through FortisBC.

Continued system voltage conversion works for 2010/12 the remaining circuits in the system.

STATUS: Underway. First set of transformers ordered, received and installation has commenced. A second order for Transformers has been tendered.


Revise and implement updated Electric Utility 2011/06 By-Laws.

STATUS: Carryover to 2011. Draft changes received. Staff review required. This will be a carry over project to 2011.


Expedite the Automated Meter Reading 2012/12 program for planned 65% completion by the

end of 2010, with the ultimate goal of 98% completion at the end of 2012.

STATUS: Underway. Meters are now in inventory and installation has commenced and will accelerate in 04.

44% for 2010

Continue staff training and development in 2010/12 various areas of utility operations.

STATUS: All recurrent training is either done or scheduled. The majority of training occurs in 04.


Continue Development of Electric Utility Safety 2011/12 Practice Regulations

STATUS: Carry over to 2011.


Rebuild/Upgrade the Campbell Mountain Line 2010/12 to address aging infrastructure and to maintain

service integrity to the top of Campbell


STATUS: Underway. Work has commenced on the project. Schedule has slipped due to issues with bed rock. Revised completion 2010/12.


Complete the Westminster Substation capacity 2011/06 upgrades for circuits R-32, R-33 and R-34

STATUS: Carryover to 2011. Circuit R-33

complete. Issues with length of cable runs.


Overhaul the circuit reclosers/breakers at 2010/12 Westminster Substation to as required for preventive maintenance.

STATUS: Underway. One nearly complete

with three more to be done.


n:\city\nns\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

Install an additional 20 LED and 20 LED STI 2010/11 58%
streetlight dimming luminaries.
STATUS: Materials ordered with delivery
expected by mid October and installation to be
completed by end of November.
Complete pole maintenance/replacement of 2010/12 25%
units identified in the pole testing program.
STATUS: Underway. Wooden pole check has
been completed, poles identified for
replacement and replacement is underway.
A protocol for the steel pole check has been
developed and select poles have been
identified for review.
Replace the existing check meters at all City of 2011/12 0%
Penticton substations with advanced meters
capable of remote interrogation, Power Quality
monitoring, concurrent Demand calculation,
Revenue calculation, Power Factor monitoring
and data trending.
STATUS: Carryover to 2011.

New Projects

Reach a resolution on the ownership of the 2010/08 100%
Electric Utility.
STATUS: Complete. Taken to an Excluded
Council meeting on August 8,2010 where
Resolution 942/2010 was passed abandoning
consideration of outsourcing of the utility.
Commence work on an Electric Utility Master 2011/07 10%
STATUS: Underway. Proposal call issued,
proposals received and under review. Operations Division - Engineering Department

- _ ..
:Oescrlptlon Target IDelivery Date Status %
2010 Projects from the Annual Report

Complete the consultation, final report and 2011/12 80%
implementation of the city wide irrigation study.
STATUS: Carry over to 2011. The report is
complete and has been presented to Council n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and stalistics\0640-30 reports\201 0\q3\final q3 report.doc

and the Agricultural Committee. The next step is to present the report to the irrigation water users. The 2010 - 2019 10 year budget included the replacement of the irrigation system. What needs to be sorted is how this will be paid for. Due to staff shortages in the Engineering Department this project has been put on hold and will be carried over to 2011.

Evaluate City owned land and right of ways 2010/12 and come up with a list of revenue generation

infill projects for implementation, cost same

and take to Council for endorsement.

STATUS: Underway. Back ground research

completed. Completion and production of

report to council due end of year.


Review and update the Earthworks Control 2011/12 Bylaw.

STATUS: Carry over to 2011. Only house

keeping changes are required.


Manage pre-design for expansion of City 2011/12 treated water supply to WBID, support public consultation and follow up with design and construction if approved.

STATUS: Underway. The draft pre-design is finalized. Direction has been received from Council regarding water pricing. WBID is now wishing to approach Council on a revision to pricing. A WBID rate payer referendum is scheduled for late November. Depending on the nature of the vote the project will then move to detail design and construction.


Provide support for negotiations with PIB for 2010/09 expansion of City treated water supply to

reserve lands.

STATUS: Underway. Draft water report

completed and forwarded to PIB.


Complete design and construction for the 2010 2010/10 Watermain upgrades.

STATUS: Complete. Done on time and

slightly under budget.


Complete design and construction for the 2010 2010/11 road and lane recapping.

STATUS: Underway. Design complete, tender let and construction is on going.


Initiate multi year program for the expansion of 2011/09 a bike network.

STATUS: Carryover to 2011. Project was to originally create a Wade Ave Bike path.


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Council elected not to proceed and has now
asked staff to develop a Bike Plan.
Initiate City wide review of signage and 2011/12 0%
intersection functionality (sight lines, etc).
STATUS: Carry over to 2011. The budget will
include monies to complete a warrant analysis
at various intersections to determine where
upgrades are required.
Develop and implement a revised capital 2011/10 35%
budget procedure.
STATUS: Carry over to 2011. Have
developed the database and methodology but
still need to populate the date base with data.
The goal is to have this in place for 2011.
Initiate im plementation of in-house asset N/A N/A
management and GIS systems.
STATUS: Project deleted from 2010 work
plan. Council has endorsed IT examining and
reporting on what we should be doing with GIS.

New Projects

Design and installation of a two way left turn 2010108 100%
lane on Government Street.
STATUS: Complete.
Sanitary Sewer extension to 425 Lower Bench 2010/10 100%
STATUS: Complete. Council endorsement
received on granting the extension, funding the
services and providing a late comers
agreement. However the winery has now sold
and the new owner has not indicated that be
wishes to proceed.
Review of signage and road safety conditions 2010/12 0%
at Elementary Schools.
STATUS: Underway. A Work shop is planned
for 04 with City staff, school board, RCMP and
Council as required. Operations Division - Public Works, Administration

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-- - - -- II~ ---
Description Target Delivery Date : Status %
: --
2010 Projects from the Annual Report

Complete the Public Works Maintenance 2010/12 50%
STATUS: Underway. Proposed levels of
service and standards have been developed.
Validation of service levels currently in process.
Solid Waste Collection Level of Service N/A N/A
STATUS: Project deleted from 2010 work plan
as no budget provided to undertake the work.
Tender and Award the next 5 year Solid Waste 2010/2011 70%
Collection Contract.
STATUS: Underway. Award set for 2010- RFP
complete and out to proposal call.

New Projects

Establish rate and availability for Sanitary 2010 25%
Sewer Effluent. Change the related bylaws to
reflect the same.
STATUS: Underway. Presented information to
council. Received direction on rates to be
negotiated with potential users. Actual cost
rates have been determined. Operations Division - Public Works, Fleet Maintenance

- -- I- ---
iDescnptlon I TarGet Delivery Date Status %
- -
2010 Projects from the Annual Report

Implement new Idle Free Policy and report 2010/06 100%
results at year end.
STATUS: Complete.
Down Size Fleet in accordance with 2009 2010/06 100%
Council Endorsed Fleet Review and Down
Sizing Strategy. n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and stalistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

STATUS: Complete. 2010 fleet purchases
complete and compliant with the Council
endorsed downsizing strategy and vehicle
delivery has started. Council has asked that the
Vehicle Replacement Policy be examined. To
be done as part of the 2011 budget process.

New Projects Operations Division - Public Works. Wastewater Treatment Plant

IDescriptlon Target IDe livery IDate Status % I
2010 Projects from the Annual Report

Continue with the construction of the AWWTP 2011/03 50%
upgrade on time and on budget. Construction
scheduled to finish March 2011.
STATUS: Underway. Construction well
underway. Project on budget and
approximately 2 weeks behind schedule.
Amend Operating Certificate with the Ministry 2010/08 100%
of Environment.
STATUS: Complete
Design and construct a Bio Gas energy 2011/03 35%
recovery system with AECOM
STATUS: Underway. Project endorsed by
Council, AECOM budget has been amended
and design underway. Waiting for full costing of
supply and installation.
Promote effluent energy recovery for new On going 100%
STATUS: Completed. A business plan for a
district heat program has been completed and
shows that it is not economically feasible to
construct a district heating system. Work with
Okanagan College is underway on the use of
treated effluent for heat recovery. This effort
will depend on the cost of purchasing the
effluent for use and MOE approvals. Currently
working with OC on this initiative.

New Projects

Work with the RDOS to include Oliver and area 2011/10 30% n:\city\rms\0100-0699 adminisiration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\201 O\q3\final q3 report.doc

A and area C to those that bring septic waste
to the Septic Waste Receiving Facility
STATUS: Underway. ROOS has endorsed the
construction of a transfer station. Council has
agreed to revise the existing agreement to
include the new area. The ROOS is about to
commence an Alternative Approval process for
areas A and C to authorize the construction of
the Oliver transfer station. This project is
currently in the care of the ROOS. Operations Division - Public Works, Water Treatment Plant

,Description Target Delivery IDate Status % I
2010 Projects from the Annual Report

Expand collaborative approach on water 2010/12 70%
conservation program delivery methods.
STATUS: Underway, May carry forward to
2011 depending on grant status. The City,
Fortis and Terasen gas are undertaking a joint
conservation program in 2010 which includes
the whole south Okanagan and the Okanagan
Water Board. The program is 100% grant
Perform site surveys to ensure backflow 2010/12 55%
preventer installations adhere to code with a
focus on moderate to high risk applications.
STATUS: Underway. Program is ongoing with
a target of 100 to 150 surveys per year.
Engage community in developing water 2010/12 85%
conservation initiatives focusing on relevancy
and early adoption with public programs and
STATUS: Underway. This is being addressed
as part of the expanded collaborated approach
to water conservation, see above.
Optimize water treatment processes upgrades 2010/11 50%
installed in 2009 with a focus on cost effective
treatment and delivery of water.
STATUS: Underway. The new process is
working well producing high quality water.
Ongoing optimization and trials required to dial
in (!rocess.
n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

I New Projects

Operations Division - Public Works, Works Area

- - .- -
I ,
:Descriptlon ' Target Delivery !Date Status % I
_ ... ---
2010 Projects from the Annual Report

Continued upgrading of 800 domestic water 2010/12 70%
meters as per RF program.
STATUS: Underway. Approximately 450
meters installed. Work will continue this fall /
Continued installation of approx 15 domestic 2010/12 100%
meter pits in rural areas.
STATUS: Completed.
Complete transit upgrades from provincial 2009/10 100%
grant of $327,000.
STATUS: Completed.
Continue hydrant spacing program to meet fire 2010/11 75%
underwriter requirements of approx. 16 new
hydrant installations. Pending budget approval.
STATUS: Underway. Hydrants being installed
as part of the Engineering Department Capital
Works Contract.
Upgrades to Three mile and Brantford irrigation 2010/06 100%
mains in existing easements.
STATUS: Both projects complete.
Complete fire flow enhancement project in the 2010/10 40%
Industrial area.
STATUS: Underway. Design completed. Four
areas consisting of 6 water main tie ins to be
done. Two completed

New Projects

City Yards preparation for subdivision, 2010 100%
relocation of 3 structures and misc related
STATUS: Completed
Spruce Place public safety drainage and 2010 100%
retaining wall removal due to building permit
infraction n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

STATUS: Completed.
Convention Center entrance paving stone 2010 90%
STATUS: Underway. High traffic areas
complete some minor repairs remain. Parks, Recreation & Culture Milestones Review

.. ...
'Description Target
Delivery Status
Parks Department:
Annual Report Goals and Objectives:
Complete Cemetery Services Strategic 5% Complete
- May 2011 RFP in preliminary draft
Master Plan form
Complete installation of SOEC Landscaping Completed 100% Complete
- April 2010 On time & on budget.
100% Complete
- Complete Xeriscape brochure for public Oct 2010 Brochure & interpretive
education signage at Marina Way
90% complete. Revised
- Update Parks section of the Masterplan September report presented to PRC in
2010 June, 2010. Final report to
be presented to Council.
- Purchase & install bike racks in various parks
to encourage bikes transportation to City June 2010 100% Complete
parks & beaches (Transportation Grant)
95% Complete
- Work with local Astronomical Society to install June 2010 Waiting on astronomical
Sunset Markers at Munson Mountain society to select & place
15% Complete
- Work with Skaha Rotary Group on Trail Letter of Understanding for
Enhancement Project to develop and improve Ongoing the committee adopted.
trails in the city Staff is acting as a resource
and liaison with the Skaha
Rotary group.
90% Complete
Park irrigation conversion from potable to Effluent line not
- April 2011 commissioned yet. Still
effluent source at Skaha and Lions Parks need to make final
- Revise & promote the Parks Gifting Program Jan 2011 10% Completed
Staff continue to monitor
- Monitor potential Pine Beetle infestations Ongoing pine beetle activity in City
and respond accordingly. n:\cily\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

Continue to search for innovation/efficiency Park budget was reduced
- Ongoing by $25k as part of the 2010
in park operations budget process.
Parks Department:
Council Directives:
100% Complete
Report to Advisory
Completed Committee and Council.
- Banning of 2-4-0 Pesticide Feb 15/10 Maintain status quo until
results of the Provincial
investigation of a province
wide ban is completed.
100% Complete
Completed Marmots living on private
- Marmots Invasion June,2010 property. Local residents
advised of options for
100% Complete
Completed Cull permit denied by
- Canada Goose Hunting/Cull Permit June 7/10 Ministry. Hunting to be
permitted within City limits
by permit only.
100% Complete
October Report to Council. Referred
- Costs for walkway on marina breakwater 2010 to the Okanagan Waterfront
Enhancement Advisory
10% Complete
- Rock Groin project east side OK Lake In Progress Referred to the Okanagan
Waterfront Enhancement
Advisory Committee.
10% Complete
Access to Esplanade In Referred to the Okanagan
progress Waterfront Enhancement
Advisory Committee.
- Initiative to offset $51,000 for Trees for In Progress Promoted through Parks
Tomorrow Program Donation Program
100% Complete
Report to Park & Rec
Advisory Committee &
- Form 'Off-Leash Dog Park' Committee to Completed Council. Council approved
identify/recommend official dog off-leash Apr 19/10 two locations as off leash
sites dog parks. Directed staff to
begin public process to
solicit input from residents
in vicinity of the two sites.
- Work with Penticton Community Garden 100% Complete
Society re: potential expansion of gardens at October New Licence to Use has
2010 been executed. Garden
Vancouver Avenue Park Society beginning to n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

explore grant opportunities
to fund expansion.
75% Complete
- Urban Agriculture - request for lands at December Has gone to advisory
Munson Mt. 2010. committees for comments.
Needs to go to Council for
final direction.
Complete 100% Complete
- Negotiate Beach sub licenses July 2010. Review of procedures
needed for 2011 contracts.
January Consultant hired. To be
- Marine facility study presented to Waterfront
2011. Enhancement Committee
40% Complete
- Penticton Canadian Italian Society Gazebo in Gazebo design selected.
Rotary Park Dec 2010 Installation to occur based
on delivery from
manufacturer. .
50% Completed
Report to Heritage/Arts
Committee completed.
Relocate and reinstall the Romp sculpture December Council denied funds in
- 2010.
2010 budget. New location
in Rotary Park approved by
Committee. Funding to be
found in Park & PW budget.
Recreation Department:
Annual Report Goals and Objectives:
100% Transition plan in
- Develop and implement transition plans for Ongoing place. Interim services and
Community Centre & Pool closure. programs provided as
- Facilitate development of 2011 BC Disability 100%. Games cancelled
Games committee & support committee in Completed due to low level support
May 2010 from provincial sport
planning the Games organizations
- Work with the Chamber of Commerce to 100% Strategy Completed.
develop sport tourism strategy April 2010 Chamber to present to
- identified recreation
- During Community Centre Closure: programs continue
0 Provide core selection of recreation throughout the closure
programs for youth (pre-school-
teens) March to - booking functions
0 Provide facility & parks booking December continue
services and event liaison activities - all theatre users
0 Assist Cleland Theatre user groups accommodated through
with relocation to other venues 2010 schedule; subsidy
program implemented
- Liaise/support development of 'Festevents Completed 100% formation of Society n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\201 0\q3\final q3 report.doc

Society' (Society established to help complete. Staff continues
coordinate needs of event organizers hosting to provide support
events in Penticton) throughout the year.
- Support & host 2010 BCRPA Symposium May 2010 100% Com plete
- Provide support for 2010 Provincial Swim Feb 2010 100% Completed
Championships (Feb.)
- Develop plans for re-opening Community December 70 % of planning complete.
Centre and pool 2010 Continuing to develop
report for council.
80 %. Provincial
funding/program halted.
- Wrap up 4 year plan for GetActive! Penticton On Hold. Community Centre closed.
& establish long term sustainability plan Limited staff resources.
Program is awaiting
BCRPA direction.
Recreation Department:
Council Directives:
100% host community
- 2015 Canada Winter Games Bid Completed chosen. Offer to partner
with Kelowna denied.
95% of work completed.
- Arts Festival & Public Art UBCM Grant App. Sept 2010 One report left to be
submitted to UBCM (3
80%. Bylaw adopted.
Phased im plementation.
- Mandatory Use of Helmets in Skate Parks May 2010 Summary report to be
submitted to council in Oct
100% of research and
Implement 2 Tier Sub-Regional Recreation December reports completed.
- 2010 Council received report and
abandoned program
90% Pentieton Outdoor
Sport and Outdoor Recreation Grant Sept 2010 Adventure Tourism
- Strategy completed. Report
to be presented to PRC.
30% EOI re-posted; project
- Tourism Marketing and Signage Grant Feb 2011 to be completed in Feb.
- Provide support for International Wakeboard April 2010 100%. Support
Championship provided/event postponed
- Lease portion of SOEC to Interior Health Jan 2010 100% Com pleted
- Okanagan Hockey School Licence to Use June 2010 100% Com pleted

Facilities Department:
Annual Report Goals and Objectives:
- Continue facility condition assessments to On Hold 10% Complete n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

assist with facility inventory to provide basis Draft RFP completed. On
necessary for developing 10 year capital plan hold due to Facilities
for civic & recreational facilities Supervisor position not
being filled and other higher
10% Complete
- Continue energy audits of civic facilities to Draft RFP completed On
reduce energy consumption, lower operating On Hold hold due to Facilities
costs and help city meet its Climate Action Supervisor position not
charter commitment being filled and other
20% Complete
RFP went out and short
- Implement computer maintenance manage- listed companies were
ment software system to establish prevent- On Hold interviewed. On hold due to
ative maintenance program Facilities Supervisor
position not being filled and
other priorities.
- Assist South Okanagan Tennis Association 50 % Complete
with review of options for redevelopment of Ongoing Some discussions with
community tennis facility SOYSA and SOT A.
Continue to move Facility Department Challenging to complete
- when the Facilities
forward in role of managing city assets Ongoing Supervisor position is still
through long range strategic planning vacant.
Facilities Department:
Council Directives:
100% Complete
Staff worked with contractor
- Demolish Nanaimo Hall Buildings Oct 2010 to complete demo of all
buildings on site within
allocated budget.
100% Complete
Contract to maintain the
May 1, public park washrooms
- New Contractor for Public Washrooms 2010 awarded to new contractor.
Contract expires Dec 31,
2011 with three one year
- SOYSA - Phase II approvals and assistance July 2010 100% Com plete
with grant
100% Com plete
- Explore participating with OSA to move Completed OSA given city funding and
forward with Shatford Vision provincial grant to support
- Community Centre Steering Committee Ongoing Meetings held biweekly
March 20% Complete
- Community Centre Pool Infrastructure Grant 2011 Grant received. Work in
progress. n:\city\rms\0100-0699 adminislration\0640 reports and slatistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

Museum Department:
Annual Report Goals and Objectives:
Presentation of three temporary exhibits in Skies Alive 100%
- Completed
Atkinson Gallery featuring:- Jan -Jun
Foundations - 100%
0 Skies Alive! Stargazing through Ages Completed
0 Foundations: History of construction July-Dec Bravo Zulu - 70 %.
in Penticton (Presently in design and
0 Bravo Zulu: Celebrating Canada's Oct - Dec construction stage) for Oct
Naval Centennial 21st opening.
Development of Artefact & Archives Initiated July and 4%
- completed. Ongoing until
Electronic Collections Database System
including digitization of archival records & Ongoing planned completion in 2013
(not 2012 as previously
implementation of new artefact storage planned due to limited
systems human resources)
- Completion of museum's permanent exhibit 80% completion of 50's -
'Penticton - The Shaping of Place', Dec 2010 60's section; 70's - 90's to
including exhibits related to 1950's to 1990's be completed Dec 2010
- Install/celebrate military exhibit for former BC May 100% Completed
Dragoon Lt. Col. TC Chapman
- Install over five off-site exhibits highlighting Total of 12 off-sites exhibits
local heritage, including Winter Sports installed as of Oct 1,
Legacy installation at SOEC & Cherry Lane Ongoing representing 120%
Mall, Literacy Day exhibit, BC Heritage Week increase from initial plans.
and other celebratory events
- Initiate South Okanagan Heritage Alliance 100% Completed and
summer project involving GPS Treasure Map June delivered.
and Geo-caching
Facilitate development of new Penticton 95% Completed. Walking
- Map & website completed.
Heritage & Culture Walking Map, with Sept Video web contents to be
associated social media content developed by Nov 15th
Develop new Curator Kid programs with Spring program 100%
- completed. Fall program
focus on historical narratives & local earth Spring under review due to budget
sciences limitations
85% completion of archives
- Continue upgrades to the Archive Storage MBC application
& Research rooms and meet Archive Ongoing submitted; delay in
Association of BC accreditation criteria to Aug 2010 acceptance notice, now
access funding opportunities expected Oct 20th. Funding
applications to be submitted
by Nov.
50% complete. Projects
Initiate new adult programs & partner with (including Economusee
- Ongoing concept) on hold until
local arts & cultural organizations further funding secured.
Partner _QI'C!9_I'amming in n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

Shatford Centre expected
Jan 2011
- Renovate and re-form at collections storage Initiated July and 30%
Ongoing completed - completion
area to achieve conservation efficiencies expected Dec 2011
Spring Brown Bag lectures
Continue delivery of Brown Bag Lecture 100% completed; Fall
- program to start in Sept.
series, Remembrance Week film series and Ongoing Remembrance Week in
Valentines Tea, Volunteer's Party and planning phase.
other celebratory events Valentines tea & volunteer
party 100% completed.
Museum partnering with
- Explore potential of partnership interpretative Sicamous on Navy
programs at Leir House & SS Sicamous Ongoing Centennial exhibit in Oct.
No projects with Leir House
to date.
Museum Department:
New Projects:
100% completed. OSA
- Explore relocating Museum & Archives to received grant from the city
May 2010 to proceed with Arts centre
Shatford building without relocation of civic
facilities. Fire Department - Highlights

Departmental Training

Chief Williams attended a symposium on High Rise Firefighting in New Westminster. It was a very valuable training session and a number of training materials were brought back to be used by our department. Deputy Spalding and Deputy McCleary attended a "Train the Trainer" workshop in Kelowna that enables us to deliver an Officer Program in-house to save the costs of sending students to the Lower Mainland. We have been approached by other fire departments in the RDOS to see if they can use our live fire prop at Station 2 and we will be looking at a fee structure and policy development for its use by outside agencies.

New Fire Engine

The Truck Committee has had the opportunity to visit other fire departments that have recently purchased apparatus. They have also met with some manufacturers to finalize the RFP specifications.

Dispatch Study

The contractor for the Dispatch Study has supplied the final copy to the Regional District but it has not been supplied to us as of yet.

Fire Department Milestones Review

n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

·_- :1: ,I
Description - I' Status %
Target DelJvery Date I'
. - --- I!
- Continue to evaluate all department Ongoing nfa
operations for efficiency and effectiveness
- Delivery of fire safety programs for 50% (of Assisted
evacuating residents of high rise buildings
with emphasis on older adults and people December 31, 2010 Living
with disabilities or special needs. complexes)
- Continue to update the department's December 31, 2010 10%
Operational Guidelines
- Complete a Master Plan that will
recommend strategies for the development
of the Department as well as the locations,
and the timing of firehalls and apparatus No dates set at this n/a
deployment that will meet contemporary time
standards of service, and provide direction
to the Department for the short, medium
and long term.
- Utilize the new live-fire training prop at
Station 2 May 2010 100%
- Continue to deliver and update the high
rise training package for Career and Ongoing n/a
Auxiliary Firefighters
- Evaluate our current radio system with a
goal of improving radio communication December 31, 2010 60%
within the Penticton Fire Department
protection area
- Deliver a Fire Service Instructor Level 2
course for the officers and prevention staff April 2010 100%
to improve the department training
- Update the Fire and Life Safety Bylaw November 30, 2010 30%
- Evaluate the fire inspection program to
determine the frequency requirements for December 31,2010 40%
inspections of all building occupancies
- Continue to implement the Community
Wildfire Protection Plan and seek funding Ongoing n/a
for fuel modification projects on city owned
land and parks
- Establish the specifications needed for the
replacement of a fire engine in 2011, and October 31, 2010 80%
prepare a Request for Proposal 3.0 Major Capital Projects & Costs

Major Capital Project summary exceeding $100,000

n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

.. - -
Capital' Project I Slze$M Perfonnance Summary Status %
Electrical Department
Pole Replacements $181,115 Wooden pole check has been completed, 75%
poles identified for replacement and
replacement is underway. This program will
have to be continued at a higher level for the
next year or ~o. After that it will be an
annual program at a smaller level.
A protocol for the steel pole check has been
developed and select poles have been
identified for review. These have been
checked and found to be ok,
Campbell Mtn Line $125,000 Work has commenced on the project. Due to the 20%
Rebuild amount of bedrock blasting or drilling will be
necessary. Project put on hold until fall to avoid
the dangers associated with starting a wild fire.
Vancouver Ave & $106,742 Project deleted from the 2010 work plan as the N/A
Abbott Underground underground work will be accomplished in
Conversion conjunction with future development.
Voltage conversion $623,500 Transformers ordered, received and 50%
transformer change installation has commenced. Will need to
outs order more transformers.
AMR meter $275,887 Council direction received to accelerate the 20%
conversion program program to complete it in 3 years. 2010
meters ordered and meter conversions
NEW Electric Utility $130,000 Council approved a budget amendment and 0%
Master Plan reallocation to create a project to complete an
Electric Utility Master Plan. Drafting of the terms
of reference to commence shortly.

Engineering Department
Pineview and Cedar $133,535 Discussions with the adjacent land owner 20%
subdivision underway regarding funding. The City may have
to undertake the entire project and use a late
comers agreement to recoupe our costs in the
Lane Recapping $110,000 Part of the Capital Works Contract. Design 25%
complete, tender awarded and construction
Road Rehabilitation $750,000 Part of the Capital Works Contract. DeSign 0%
Contract complete, lender awarded and construction
Smythe Drive $567,000 Construction Complete 100%
Warren and $130,000 Design complete, materials ordered and 35%
Atkinson Traffic construction scheduled.
Queens Park $60,000 Design complete, construction underway. 80%
School Pedestrian n:\city\rrns\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

Activated Crossing
South Penticton $550,000 Carried forward to be completed as part of the 95%
Sanitary Sewer capital works program 2010.
Lee Avenue Lift $1,280,475 Minor deficiencies remain to be completed. It is 100%
Station anticipated that the majority of this carry forwarded
budget will remain unused and will be returned to
the sewer utility.
Westminster $150,000 Awarded and yet to commence 10%
Avenue Sanitary
Water main $1,647,796 Contract awarded and construction well underway. 90%
Upgrade Contract
Valleyview Road $180,121 Predesign is complete - Staff report to Council 7%
Water main Design pending

Public Works
Miscellaneous $225,000 Included in the Road Rehabilitation Contract - 100%
Sidewalk Upgrades Awarded- sidewalks completed
SOEC Sanitary $100,000 Smoke Testing is complete. Implementation of 60%
Sewer Main required works determined from report remains to
Infiltration Testing done.
Advanced Waste $20,130,880 Construction at 50% complete. Project on budget 50%
Water Treatment and about 2 weeks behind schedule.
Plant Upgrade and
Dam Storage $100,000 This was a carry over project from 2009 that was N.A
Capacity Study not supported by Council. This project has been
removed from the 2010 work plan.
Water Treatment $140,732 This project is 97% complete - Approximately & 97%
Plant Expansion $19,000 remains in the budget
Detail Design for the $500,000 Pre-Design in Draft form. To be finalized followed 15%
WBID water supply by a public meeting with WBID ratepayers in mid
project September. The WBID ratepayers will then vote
on the City option and if they support it Detail
Design will continue. If they do not support it the
project will end . ., -_. - .. I
'CapltaiProJect I .'
Slze$M 'Performance summary Status %
Owner ,
; ...
Parks Department
Trail Head Linked with Provincial LocalMotion grant funding
construction along that has to be spent by March 31,2012. Current
Ellis Creek $136k funding will allow completion of Phase One only. 30%
(Transportation To go to tender in Spring of 2011 and completion
Grant) by Fall of2011.
This is a long term, multi-year project. Funds
Integrated have been allocated to certain projects but no
$380k firm time lines have been determined. Marina 50%
Waterfront Way Xeriscape garden is complete and brochure
produced. n:\city\rms\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and statistics\0640-30 reports\201 0\q3\final q3 report.doc

Construction drawings for Ph 1 & 2 complete.
Tender to be issued in Nov. Scope of Ph. 1 may
Okanagan have to be reduced to meet the Ph.1 $300k
Waterfront Park $300k budget based on revised cost estimates derived 25%
Enhancements from construction dwgs. Project approx 2 weeks
behind schedule but should still be substantially
complete by May 2011.
Various Small 6 Projects Various stages of completion. Anticipate all
Capital Projects Totalling projects to be completed by year end. Various
Community $18.3 million of 19.9 million in total tenders 30 % of
Centre Upgrade $23.3M confirmed to date. Project continues to be construction
Project on time and within budget. complete
Replace Cooling Project complete July 2011. On Budget. Work
Towers at City $22k completed in house by Facilities staff. 100%
Concrete Floor
Repairs at Fire $25k Project Complete Oct 2011. Under budget. 100%
Hall #1
Various park washrooms have received
improvements such as ceramic floor tile, new
Park Washroom $40k lighting & plumbing fixtures, ceiling enclosure 50%
Improvements and paint. All work completed in house by
Facilities staff. Work to continue through
Winter/Spring 2011
Project complete Oct 2010. Staff were able to
Nanaimo Hall negotiate with the RDOS to have the majority of
Demolition $90k the tipping fees waived which allowed the demo 100%
of all the buildings on site within the allocated
budget instead of only the Bud Clark buildings. RCMP.pdf

n:\city\nns\0100-0699 administration\0640 reports and stalistics\0640-30 reports\2010\q3\final q3 report.doc

Page 1

Penticton RCMP Detachment Status Report

3rd Quarter, 2010

Commander: Insp_ Brad HAUGLI (250) 492-4300

Human Resources

Employees 34



Police Officers (Municipally funded) Police Officers (Provincially funded)

Police Officers (Federal and Provincial funding split - PlB First Nations Policing)

Reserve Police 0 fficers (deployed regionally)

Municipal Employees - includes Regional Crime Analyst, Crime Stoppers Coordinator, Community Policing Coordinator, UN Administrator and Victim Services.

Provincial Employees (Federal Public Servants)

6 23


Volunteers 8

4 22 13 8


Auxiliary Police

Auxiliary Police (training)

Citizens on Patrol and Speed Watch Restorative Justice Facilitators Victim Services

Community Policing

Regional Police Dog Services

1 Police Officer (penticton - Municipally funded)

1 Police Officer (Provincially funded)

Regional Forensic Identification Services

1 Police Officer (Penticton - Municipally funded)

1 Police Officer (provincially funded)

Regional Investigative Services (plainclothes)

9 Police Officers (Penticton - Municipally funded)

1 Police Officer (Provincially funded) - based at Pen tieton Detachment

3 Police Officers (Provincially funded) - based at Oliver Detachment

This document is the property of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and may not be reclassified, copied, reproduced or used in whole or part or further disseminated without the express consent of the originator. Third Party Rule applies.

Page 2

Operational Report

Incident Statistics

During the third

quarter of 2010

Penticton RC1\fP

responded to 5386 calls for service', compared \vith 5561 calls in the third quarter 0 f 2009. This corresponds to a decrease of 3%.

Total CaU. For Service 2u"l1 2111U



II 4000


~ 3000


.! ~2000






Crime Trends"

Penticton RCt\fP responded to approximately 8% fewer overall criminal code offenses within city limits between July 1 and September 30, 2010 than during the same period in 2009. September saw the steepest decline since last year, with 12% fewer criminal code flies and 6% fewer total calls for service received than during the same month in 2009.

Robbery reports remain lower in 2010 than they were in 2009~ however, robberies increased once more in the third quarter, after a steep drop in reported incidents in the second quarter. The majority of this quarter's robberies were categorized as 'other robberies'; that is, without weapons. Several robbery reports in the downtown core were similar, typically involving groups of youths strong-arming passers-by in an attempt to steal their alcohol, cash or other belongings. One male was arrested in August after assaulting a bylaw officer and s tealing coins which he had been collecting from downtown parking meters. RC1\fP continue to investigate the remalOlOg robbery reports.

Selected Criminal Code Offenses
Penticton zoi 200~ ,. ~ .-
2010~ fWlO, 09-10
Q3 ITO a.C!1 'ITO Change
ASSAULTS 148 1i]80 143 359~ T
ROBBERIES 14 1\129"" 13 1127.( ',,"
With Weapon ] In2 " 3 l"lO~{ ...
With Pirearm 0 I 3 II 0 ts ...
Other 13 IlAt.f .. 10 A4 ..,
HOMICIDES (incl. attempt) 1 11Jt.r2 0 I~ ] ..
TIIEFf FROM VEIDCLES 203 Ir444J 168 396\ ...
VEHICLE THEFT 59 1{I63 42 (120~ ...
BREAK AND ENTERS 68 1541\ 53 168 ...
Business 31 67" 25 r66 .,
Residential 26 ~~63V 21 1 85 ...
Other 11 24 .. , 7 1),17 ,..
CAUSE DISTURBANCE 273 ~607 286 r641 ...
MISCHIEF 221 -ssz; ]73 :'526( .., Reports of mischief and property damage remain slightly lower than average this quarter, causing overall numbers for the year to date to dip slightly below last year's numbers for the first time in 2010.

Break and enter reports remain elevated in 2010; however, residential break and enter reports, which were driving this trend, have declined by approximately 40% since the second quarter. Reports of break-ins to businesses remain on par with last year's numbers, while other B&E subtypes continue to be low.

This document is the property of the Royal canadian Mounted Police, and may not be redassified, copied, reproduced or used in whole or part or further disseminated without the express consent of the Originator. Third Party Rule applies.

Page 3

Once again, reports relating to vehicle crime continue to be lower than last year's numbers; however, Penticton RCMP responded to a comparatively high rate of vehicle break-ins in the third quarter, with concentrations in neighbourhoods in North Penticton, particularly in the area of Riverside Drive as well as Marina Way. Several youths were arrested in relation to vehicle break-ins over the course of the third quarter, causing a significant drop in thefts from vehicles in the last weeks of September, a trend which has thus far continued into October.

Pentlcton CrlminBI Code Offences 2009·10


Initiatives and Priority Areas

June 30th, 2010 the Ole of the Penticton RCMP and Penticton Mayor Dan Ashton signed an 'Acknowledgement of Consultation (see Appendix A, page 11) which defined the following list of priorities:

1. Police / Community Relations - Communications

2. T raftic - Safe Roads

3. Substance Abuse - Drugs and Alcohol

The initiatives relating to the above noted three priorities are explained below.

Drug Enforcementlll

During the third quarter of2010 Penticton RCMP investigated 58 founded drug offenses.

15 of these files involved illicit drug trafficking. Trafficking involved cocaine (7), cannabis (3), psilocybin AKA magic mushrooms (2), methamphetamine (1), barbiturates (1), MDMA (3), morphine (1) and other drugs (1). 3 of these files involved the trafficking of two or more different drug types by the same individual or group of individuals. Of the 15 trafficking files in the third quarter of 2010,11 have resulted in charges (73% charge rate).

3 of these files involved drug production. One investigation revealed a small 3-plant grow operation in a backyard. Another investigation culminated in a search warrant for a property in the rural area west of Kaleden, revealing a large indoor grow operation totaling approximately 5000 plants. An assault rifle was also seized. The third investigation is currently ongoing.

This document is the property of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and may not be redassified, copied, reproduced or used in whole or part or further disseminated without the express consent of the originator. Third Party Rule applies.

Page 4

Traffic Safety

Impaired Drivingiv

Between July and September 2010 Penticton RCMP charged 35 drivers with impaired driving and related offenses, while a further 63 drivers were giwn 24-hour prohibitions. In addition, 6 drivers were gi"cn 90 dar Immediate Roadside Prohibitions and 6 drivers were given 72 hour suspensions under new impaired driving legislation, which began September 20th•

Speed Watch

Speed Watch's 12 volunteers conducted 15 sessions totaling 42 volunteer hours. 4283 vehicles were checked in the third quarter of 201 O.

Community Engagement

The position of Penticton's Downtown Community Coordinator was filled by Jim PORTEOUS, a longtime ReMP member who recently retired.

Citizens On Patrol

Penticton's Citizens on Patrol (COP) continue to be instrumental in tackling crime and disorder in the community. In the third quarter of 20lU COP volunteers maintained routine daytime and Friday and Saturday evening patrols (totaling 324 volunteer hours), providing timely intelligence resulting in police attendance to MVIs, disturbances at the local beach, intoxicated youth, property damage and other types of nuisance complaints. Priority patrol areas include school grounds, Pcnticton's industrial area and concentrated crime and disorder hot spots throughout the city. Citizens on Patrol's daytime volunteers tackled the city's most prominent auto crime hot spots, issuing 302 Lock Out Auto Crime notices between July and September 201 O.

Downtown Community Policing

The Downtown Community Policing Office continues to coordinate all RCMP volunteer operations, including Citizens on Patrol, the Auxiliary Constable program and Penticton Speed \\Tatch, all of which aid in enhancing police to community contact. 4 new auxiliary police officers are currently continuing their training, with a current group of 8 established auxiliaries who continue to assist operations. The downtown office also works closely with the Downtown Penticton Association and other resources in order to address emerging crime and disorder issues which occur in the downtown core.

Pen tieton RCMP's Community Safety Team conducted routine bicycle patrols throughout the summer, concentrating on the downtown core, public beaches and other known crime and disorder hot spots. Pour constables, working in teams of two, targeted nuisance complaints, liquor infractions and other high volume me types which are common within the city during the summer tourist season. A Community Safety Team corporal's position has also been recently filled and is slated to commence once the successful applicant completes the transfer process from another jurisdiction.

Liquor Act and Bar Watch

RCMP continues to provide direct support to the Downtown Penticton Association in their efforts to establish a Bar ,",'atch program geared towards city restaurants and nightclubs. The Penticton RCI\fP's Community Safety Team continue to focus on liquor primary

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Page 5

establishments and their compliance with the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, in direct partnership with the South Okanagan Liquor Inspectors.

Restorative Justice

Penticton Community Policing continues to offer the Restorative Justice Program, which assisted in mediating 18 tiles in Penticton during the third quarter of 2010. Other restorative justice projects include:

• Ongoing training for additional 13 Restorative Justice Program Volunteer Facilitators.

• Wrap-around team for youth at risk, with participants including the Penticton School District, Child and Youth Mental Health, MCFD, IHA Addiction Services, Youth Probation, Youth Forensics and the Aboriginal Justice Strategy.

• Wrap-around team for adults with mental illness who are involved in the criminal justice system, with participants including Adult Mental Health, Forensics, the Aboriginal Justice Strategy and the Ministry of Social Development and Housing.

• The Restorative Justice Coordinator will provide education on Restorative Approaches and Restorative Justice with a goal to reducing harms caused by youth invoked in crime and to provide an alternative to traditional discipline in a school setting. The end goal is to assist in increased graduation rates. Three separate training series are scheduled for the school year.


Penticton RC~n)'s OIC continues to participate in monthly Protective Services Committee meetings and is an integral part of the Community Advisory Committee.

Victim Services Program

During the third quarter of 201Q Penticton and Summerland Victim Services provided support to 100 new clients as well as ongoing support for clients in 177 active files. Victim Services aids clients through emotional support, regular updates on police investigations and court appearances and ensuring that clients arc aware of their rights under the Victims of Crime Act and that they receive any benefits and referrals to which they arc en tided.

Despite a reduction in after-hours availability, facilitators responded to police requests to attend 6 after-hours calls.

Victim Services files in the third quarter of2010 included:

• 23 domestic violence incidents
• 16 assaults
• 11 sudden deaths
• 7 suicides
• 7 property crimes
• 6 family violence
• 6 utter threats
• 5 adult sexual assaults
• 4 motor vehicle incidents
• 4 historical sexual assaults
• 3 youth sexual assault This document is the property of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and may not be reclassified, copied, reprod uced or used in whole or part or further disseminated without the express consent of the originator. Third Party Rule applies.

Page 6

• 2 libel

• 2 robberies

• 2 home invasions

• 1 criminal harassment

• 1 indecent exposure

Support was also provided for:

• 3 ongoing murder cases currently before the courts

• 16 individuals who were required ro attend court totaling 40 hours of court time.

Victim services workers accompanied them to court and offered support in preparing them to testify.

Prolific and Chronic Nuisance Offenders

Chronic Nuisance Offenders'

Five active chronic nuisance offenders in the city of Penticton generated approximately 3% of the city's total files and approximately 9% of the city's total founded liquor act and cause disturbance complaints during the second and third quarters of 20lU. The group consists of three males aged 35 - 48 and two females aged 25 and 44. All five individuals are known substance abusers and two of the five do not have a fixed address.

The Downtown Community Policing Office and the Community Safety Team continue to target some of these highly visible prolific nuisance criminals in a bid to reduce the fear of crime in the downtown core. An integrated approach including the RCl\IP, Downtown Penticton Association, social housing and other agencies has been successful in taking several of these individuals off the streets and placing them into local housing. In severe cases, courtimposed conditions have been placed on these nuisance offenders to keep them out of the downtown core, where they tend to generate the most files,

Prolific Offender Management and Inter-Agency Communication

Penticton RCMP is committed to fostering an inter-agency approach when focusing on prolific and priority offenders in the community. Members continue to attend regular meetings with youth and adult probation officers, as well as collaborate with local parole officers. These relationships have been instrumental in the identification of high-risk individuals and the timely dissemination of important informacion such as warrants, address changes, conditions and other compliance measures. Penticton RCl\1P continues to actively target some of the city's most prolific offenders through various types of enhanced enforcement as well as facilitating offenders' contacts with social agencies. RC~1P also liaise with other detachments across the province to ensure that warrants are executed on offenders even if they have left the local detachment area.

Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers received 31 tips relating to events in Penticton and area during the third quarter of 2010. 2 suspects were arrested as a result of information provided by tipsters. The South Okanagan Crime Stoppers Coordinator also visited all detachments within the area

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Page 7

several times during the third guarter in order to deliver promotional pamphlets and supplies as well as educate members about various aspects of the program, if needed.


Penticton's Community Policing service presented to SD67 Administrators the Youth Initiative Plan on August 24. The Administrators were very pleased to see a cohesive plan in place to engage schools and RCr>.IP members.

Initiatives included:

• "Reading is Cool" - To promote relationships between Youth, Families, Schools, and Police and encourage reading. To provide kids with a better understanding of the RCl\fP, by incorporating the RCl\fP rank structure to recognize reading success.

• Representatives from Community Policing have begun chairing a committee to develop emergency and transition housing for youth, in partnership with Child and Youth Mental Health, MCFD, Youth Probation, IHA, Addictions Outreach, Penticron and District Community Resources and the Ooknakane Friendship Centre.

• 'The Girl's Group' at the Middle Schools - championed by the Youth Constable and Community Policing Coordinator, meet and work with high risk girls. The girls are involved in high risk behaviours which may include, but are not limited to relational aggression, criminal activities, high risk sexual behaviours and addictions. The program is designed to target decision-making skills and assist the girls in recognizing each decision represents a choice that has the potential for consequences, good and bad.

• Participate in integrated case management meetings with various stakeholders within the community including MCFD, child and Youth Mental Health and local schools to support youth at risk.

• Threat Assessment Protocol - The Youth Constable will take the lead in working with SD67 to develop effective Threat Assessment ProtocoL This will involve delivery of training as well as engaging stakeholder agencies in the community in the process.

• DARE program continues to be delivered by a reserve constable.

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Page 8


Criminal Code Offenses Density Map - Quarter 3, 2010 vi

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Page 9

Penticton CitylRural RCMP Atoms



-PenHcton ReM? DetachmenlArea

- Penticton City

West Bench -Naramata


- Kaleden

- Okanagan Falls

Penticton Rural PenHcton IR

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Page 10

Appendix A




Royal Canadian Gendarmerie royale Mounted Police du Canada

AMWI Performanee Plan Acknowledgement of Consultation

Plan III1nual dB rendltlflant

Attestation de la consultation

Dllfl'ld' o.tIchmant Informiltlon • Ranselgl1ements aUf Je district au le dll-taclwmlllM

FbC8IYear • AMy IlnanrJ6re 2010 • 2011




P~ SovU1 ObmIgan Slmilkameen Detachment PENTICTON DETACHMENT M

PentIQon ~ Det

commllllily ~'J .~).sa laC*-! <dadMI6(,) 1, Pentldon Moo Del

This ~er ecl<J\owiedges 1h11111ha 8IIikehoId!ftl tillhII ...... noIIIId' dela:nmBnll di~tnct .. unil_ or communl¥.I~) ano the RCIdP haVO oonsutCed end dlScuSSGd 0'" PfOQreox; al1uinSllasl yea:'s ptfotIty~. F,,"'* Il lin boon a~rcec tlml aver tho earning )'8Bf - wm 1lD(IedIv8Iy tac:u. on !he r"I'awing pliOt1ty Isswt.

1.11 prOs<!nlll letIro "Ucrs1Q QUO lot rocponqblus dllia fligicn dol d~tllchemenU~tslrlC'J$erv," OI.J (10 III OU d<.>$ (.(Ill<Ic:;l;yilo;l,; sus,w.mnOnneea et de Ia GRC fle 80IIl c;I),,*,," lilt ont dlscul6 d. pro{lres accomplla pElr rEIOCOf1 aux ervewc prlotItCIIres de rann60 damiEJ",. 1111 auai iN ecnvenu IJIelall anJswc lluivanb ~ "" ..;.nc prbtairel IUr Inquelii ~ COIIOInlnlnllllI QOI1oInIemen11'101 etIor1lau *" de ranneo ~ VOI'ir.

Community I"ftotUJ twu.(.) -EnJevW ""'1n(11 pour I. coo.dJotll6

1. PClIiCQ rCommunity Relatianlll - CoIfImuniaItlons

2. Traffic - seta Road,

3. SIIbt;lSnca ~ - OnIgli and AlI;QhoI

Mayor OlIn A6h1on • Pe.rtieton

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Page 11

Endnotes and Data Qualifiers


All statistics in this report include founded incidents only, and do not reflect assistance, prevention, information or unsubstantiated files or incidents determined to be unfounded by attending officers. Statistical tables reflect only the most serious offense coded to each incident (up to four offense types can be coded to each file; therefore, overall numbers contained in this report reflect FILE counts, not OFFENSE counts). All numbers and graphs are based on raw data unloaded from PRIME-BC, have not been verified for accuracy and should not be considered to be official statistics. Private information files are not reflected in overall counts. Data was unloaded from PRIME-BC October S; 2010, and will not reflect any coding or scoring changes made since that time. In the event of any discrepancy between this and any other reports published by the Penticton South Okanagan Similkameen RCMP, the most current report should be considered accurate.

, Calls for ser v ice data reflects all calls created in C. \]) with the exception of administrative tiles (i.c, files coded to atoms KROOOO, I'TOOOO, SLOOOO, SOO(XlO, S00001); therefore, data inav include cancelled tiles, false 911s. files created in error and other erroneous tile types. 'I11is statistic is meant to offer a gl'!lt"';ti overall comparison of total calls received during the two rear time period by each detachment area, and docs not accurately reflect the number of calls attended to by RC:-'!P nor docs it measure the number of offenses which occurred during the time period in question.

u Criminnl code statistics reflect Aeneral occurrences coded to atoms within the Penncron RC:-'fP's jurisdictional area. I Iu-v include only those incidents which. upon police attendance, have been determined to be founded complaints, and do not ;ndutit' unfounded or unsubstantiated incidents. They also do not include information, prevention or assistance files. Only the most serious offence is counted ior each tile. Criminal code statistics arc determined based on the following qualifiers:

• Assault statistics reflect aAAmvated assault, assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm, common assault, assaulting a police officer and othcr assault types, LTCRl codes 1410, 1420, 1430, 1460, 1461,1462 and 1480, as well as attempted murder, LlCR1 code 1210.

• Robbery statistics reflect all robbery subtypes, llCR1 code 1610 series.

• I Iornicide sretisncs reflect 1" and 2 .. 1 degree murder and manslaughter, LlCRl codes 1110, 1120 and 1130.

• Theft from vehicle statistics reflect thefts over and under S5000. indudin~ license plate and validation ta~ thct't, UCR1 codes 2132 and 2142.

• \' chicle theft statistics reflect thefts of motorcycles, trucks, automobiles and other vehicles over and under $5000 as well as tiles coded as vehicles taken without consent over and under $5000 lTCRl codes 2131 and 2141.

• Break and enter statistics reflect break and enters to businesses (ll(:JU 2120.1). residences (tleRI code 2120.2), seasonal residences (l TCR 1 code 2120-4) and other structures such as sheds and outbuildings (peRl 2120-3).

• Cause disturbance statistics arc retrieved using llCR 1 3430.

• Mischief statistics reflect mischief over and under S5000, ll(:R 1 code 2170-3 and 2170·4,

ur Grow operation statistics were J.,>athcred using the marijuana culnvation indoor/outdoor survey llCR codes 8380- 1 and 8380-2, as well as general dmg production codes (LlCRs 4410.4460).

" Impaired driving charge statistics reflect all tiles where a charge was laid (including impaired operation of It motor vehicle, driving over 80 mg and refusal to provide a breath sample) and the tile excludes any 215 suspensions, 24-hour suspension statistics include tiles where a 215 was gi v en but no impaired charge was laid, and files where impaired drivin~ was coded as 'departmental discretion', which typically indicates a 215,

, Chronic nuisance offenders arc defined as individuals having I) the highcst prop,,!'tlt in of negative contacts (t, pKal h involving cause disturbance complaints, public intoxication and other nuisance complaints) in PRIME·BC and 2) been actin- in the past six months (average 3 or more negative contacts per month). 'Negative contact' refers to indi v iduals carded as suspect. subject of complaint or charged on a file.

v Reflects all founded criminal code incidents with the "\("1'1'''11 of drugs and rraffic. These include violent crime and sex offenses, harassment and threats, arson, B&E, theft of and fl"ITI v chicles, other theft subtypes and shoplifting. possession of stolen property. fraud, mischief, cause disturbance and other criminal code offenses. The m.'IP is based on It 96% gem;odinv; match rate. and docs nor account for locations which have been entered Into PRl:-'fE-BC without specific addresses or intersections.

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