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@ Circle the correctverbs.

5TE!:E 5o, rvüereshallwe go for our honeymoon?

\-.{TAIIE I don't knorv.IHave,vouever6eEñ/ gone to
STEVI Yes,ll've been/ I went there twice.
N.{l{uI I didn't knorv that. lVhen 3haveyou been /
üdyou go there?
STE}'E The vear after I ahavefinished / finished
\.ATAUE \\¡hat about Vietnam?
STEYE 5l'vealreadybeen I already
/ went there,too.
}iATAtIE Yes?\!'ho 6haveyou been / üd you go with?
STEVE \tith an ex-girlfriend. But we only Thavebeen /
went to Hanoi. Let'sgo there.
NAI{LIE No, let'sgo somewhereelse.

@ Completethe dialogueswith the correctform of the

','erbsin brackets:past simple or presentperfect.
A 1 Haveyot¿tqught (you / teach)Englishabroad
before,Nfr Cooper?
Yes,I2-.- (teach)from 2001to 2003in
SaudiA¡abia,and I 3-.- (just / comeback)
from a si-x-monthjob in Bahrain.
A Horv long'-_--- (you / be) a languageteacher?
B For eight )¡ears.Beforethat i 5-- (be) a state
schoolteacherfor two years.
A Do you haveanv post-graduatequalifications?
B I 6=_---- (start) a part-time MA at Aston
Universiw tr+'ovearsago,but i 7
(not finish) it yet.

A Horv long 8--- (you / be) married, Dave?

B Tenvears.A¡na and I e-'_- (have)our
annive¡sarvlast month.
A \\trere to=-'- (you lmeet) Anna?At work?
B No, we 1l__.- (go) to the sameschool.We
':-- (know) eachother sincewe were five
yearsold. \\hat about you?
A I'm divorced.I 13'-.- (get) divorcedlast year.
B How long lt-'-=- (you i be) married?
A Only three)€ars.
B Sovou'te on vour otr.nnow?
A \es, but I 15-- (just i meet)someonenew
hre'regoing out this weekend.

@ Completethe questionsand answerswith the @ fook at the pictures.What havetheybeen doing?
presentperfectconti¡uous or presentpertect Write presentperfectcontinuoussentences.
simple and for or since.

I He's beencooking


2 Sorry I'm late.

long time?

1 A Horv Iong havetheybeenplqvingtogether? 3 You'reñlthy. What

(they / play together)
B They beenplnying togethersince
2 A How long ?

(it / rain)
BIt 4 I'm exhausted.
l€sterdaymorrung. morning.
3 A How long
(vou / havethat jacket)
B Let me think. I
ren years.
4 A Horv long
(he / n'ork here)
5 They for an hour.
BHe he left
5 A How long
(thev / be married)
B Thev
60 years.
6 A How long 6 They
(r-ou/ learnRussian)
three @ Correrthe sentences.Look at the pictures and
BI rememberthe sentences.

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