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 Statue of Memkaure and

wife Khamerernebty

 Note:supportive stance of
wife; hand around waist and
on arm
Egyptian Museum, Berlin 1353-1335 B.C.E.

 Long, elegant neck

 Realistic face; soft,
delicate features
typical of New
 Limestone
 Wife of Akhenaton
 Amarna style
Egyptian Museum, Cairo c. 2500 B.C.E.

 Idealized form
 Falcon god Horus behind
Khafre, protecting him; Khafre
an incarnation of Horus; pharaoh
shown to be divine
 Interlocking lotus and papyrus,
the symbol of a united Egypt, at
 Figure not cut away from stone,
no negative space between arms
of stomach
 Strictly follows traditional
Egyptian proportions
Great Sphinx
Giza, Egypt c. 2500 B.C.E.

 Generalized features,
although some say it may
be portrait of Khafre
 Body of lion, head of
 Sphinx seems to protect  Cats loyal animals in ancient
pyramids behind it Egypt, saved grain supply
form mice
 Originally brightly  Head of Sphinx damaged in
painted to stand out in Middle Ages
desert  Beard in British Museum
Senusret III
Egyptian Museum, Cairo c.1860 B.C.E.

• Moody look in mouth and

eyes, looks depressed
• Figures reflect the period
of civil unrest
• Introspective
• Firm chin
• Carefully delineated lines
and folds of flesh
between the brows and at
the corners of nose and
Queen Hatshepsut
Metropolitance Museum of Art, New York c. 1473-1458

 Queen represented in male

costume of pharaoh, yet
slender proportions and slight
breasts indicated femininity
 Often portrayed as sphinx
 Headdress, false beard, and
traces of cobra on crown
show her affinity with male
pharaoh role
Temple of Ramases II
Abu Simbel, Egypt 1290-1224 B.C.E.

 Rock-cut tomb, resembles

 Material: 4 large situ statues
of Ramses on façade
 Façade at one point painted
 Royal family between
Ramses’ legs
 Sun enter center of tomb on
October 21, Ramses’ birthday
 Interior Ramses sculptures
carved in reserve
King Tutankhamen
Egyptian Museum, Cairo c.
1323 B.C.E.
 Made with gold, enamel,
semiprecious stones
 Famous tomb discovered
by Howard Carter in
 Mummified body of King
Tut burried with 143
objects on head, neck,
abdomen, and limbs; gold
mask over head
 Gold coffin 6’7”
 Smooth features of boy-
Palette of King Narmer

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