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Japan and the United States: Different but Alike

Jon Pils

The American University of the Middle East


Students may face a lot of problems, for example, students do not have enough English

skills. Moreover, this problem may face a lot of students in the beginning of study in the

university or college and this problem affect them in three things: they will get law marks, think

to leave the university and disappointment.

First, the learners have not enough English skills; s a result, the students got law marks in

their exams or quizzes. Moreover, there are many things for why learners get law grads, for

example, when some students want to talk with their instructors and if they do not have enough

English skills, they cannot explain their opinion and the instructors will understand the opisite of

the student opinion, so they will get law marks. Furthermore, when the instructors their learners

to do some work, for example, projects but they do not have enough experience in English, so

their instructors will give them less grades.

In addition, this problem resulted in the learners think to leave the university or college.

There are many examples for why students leave the university in the beginning of learning, for

example, when the instructors explain their lesson but the student who do not have enough

English skills, they cannot understand all the lessons and when they want to review their lessons

at home, they will not understand because these learners did not absorb the lessons. Furthermore,

they will feel stress because they delay this lessons and that lead to think to leave the university.

Finally, the un sufficient skills in English; thus, the student disappointment or shame on

them selves. There are many reasons for why learners disappointment, for example, when some

students communicate with other learners but if they do not have un sufficient English

experience, they will feel shame on them selves. Also, when they read books and they cannot

spell some vocabulary, their colleagues will laugh on them because they cannot read the words in

correct way. Furthermore, when the learners see their partners have good English skills to

communicate with their colleagues or instructors, so they will feel disappointment and think in

negative way.

On the other hand, there are many solutions for this problem. They must study hard, take

extra courses in the university if this university has classes to learn their students English skills,

for example, grammar, reading in presentation and vocabulary. Furthermore, they ask their

instructors if they need help because all instructors pleased to solve student's problems. Also,

they must ask old students for some advice of how they developed their English skills. Then,

they must practice with their colleagues who better than them, so they take their experience to

develop them selves and they can understand all the lessons; also, prepare for the exams ina good

way. Moreover, they will egnoore the idea of leaving the university. After that, all learners must

think in positive way, for example, the students should consider in their minds that they can

improve their English skills. Also, they must not listen to the people who try to give them

negative ideas.

According to Ambler Temple University "Choosing a major is one of the most difficult

decisions you will need to make during your college education. "You need to consider what type

of classes you are interested in and are able to successfully complete" (Ambler Temple

University, n.d.). this type of choosing students make it as a problem, so all learners want to

solve this type of problem because it affect the students in three things: feeling stress and worried

after choosing the major.

First, students feel stress as a result of choosing a major. All learners confuse when they

choose a specialty, for example, their parents sometimes told their children about they must

choose a perfect major to be famous, for example, doctor, engineer and pilot but some students

do not want these majors because that not their favourate specialty. Furthermore, some learners

want to be with their friends because they do not want to find new friend because they do not

know about their behaviuors if good or worse. Also, some students will not tendencies in the

major, so these examples lead to make the learners feel stress and think a lot about that.

Second, choosing a major; as consequence, worried about the future. There are many

examples of why students feel worried after choosing the major, for example, when some

learners want to select their specialty, they will a fried because when they study their major, they

cannot understand the lessons, so they must change their specialty and this lead to delay to their

friends to graduate and then they will feel disappointment and some problems, for example, they

must think again about their major. Furthermore, some learners do not have enough information

about the majors, so students may select a wrong major then they will feel that their choise is un

satisfactory, so they cannot complete the specialty until graduate because they cannot study

something that learner do not like it. Also, some bad students may lay toother learners to choose

the major, so these examples lead to make students worried when they want to choose their


Finally, there are many solutions to solve that type of problems. If students want to

choose a correct major, they must know about the specialty because they cannot select if they do

not know about the available majors. Also, "students should choose something that they like to

do and if a students are unsure about what major to choose, they should select something broad

versatile, such as a degree in communications" (Gates, n.d.). "Many learners who have gotten

their Bechelor's degree in one field have progressed to get a Master's degree in a different ones"

(Gates, n.d.). Moreover, learners must ask


One obvious difference is the people. Japan is a homogenous society of one

nationality and few underrepresented minority groups, such as the ethnic Chinese

and Koreans. According to Wikipedia “Japan” (n.d.) “All areas of government and

society are controlled by the Japanese majority”. In contrast, although the United

States is a country with originally European roots, its liberal immigration policies

have resulted in its becoming a heterogeneous society of many ethnicities-

Europeans, Africans , Asians, and Latinos. All are represented in all area of U.S.

Society, including business, education and politics.

Other areas of difference between Japan and the United States involve issues

of group interaction and sense of space. Whereas people in the United States pride

themselves on individualism and informality, Japanese value groups and formality.

People in the United States admire and reward a person who rises up above the

crowd; in contrast, a Japanese proverb says,“ The nail that sticks up gets hammered

down.” (Wikipedia “Japan”, n.d.) In addition, while North Americans’ sense of size

and scale developed out of the vastness of the continent, Japanese genius lies in

the diminutive and miniature. For example, the United States builds airplanes, while

Japan produces transistors. (CIA The World Factbook,n.d.)


CIA The World Factbook. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Raimes, A. (2007). Grammar Troublespots: A Guide for Student Writers (3rd ed.)

Cambridge: Cambridge


Wikipedia. (n.d.). “Japan”.Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (n.d.). “United States”.Retrieved from

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