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Case Study

Newton NHS Trust

Chin Puja Ruchit Javad

Patient feedback process

Improved feedback

Clarify the purpose

for using patient

Understand the Work with patients

Poor benefits of patient and staff on Good
methods and
feedback. experience feedback
Provide meaningful measurement
information on
patient experience

Analysis Collect data on

feedback and patient
compare the experience
result over time

Department of
Client: Cardiac Units , Patients
12/08/2021 © The University of Sheffield

Staff training Process

Better Working Knowledge

Design the
training Develop the
module training
Identify material
the staff
Deliver the
Assess training
Untrained Theoretical Trained
Staff. Staff.

Department of
Client: Cardiac Units , Patients health

12/08/2021 © The University of Sheffield

Comments Actions

It appears to be no proper Recommend to properly

identification of training needs for identify the training needs for
Identify the the staff was done. the staff of different
staff needs departments based on their
existing knowledge

Even though the cardiac centre has Design a proper training

Identify the got the facilities for training, it was module and good course
staff needs not structured properly and there materials after consulting with
was no training material provided. the dept. heads.
The staff rotation system for the A proper staff rotation should
Develop the training was not effective. be there.
Design the training
training module material

Proper training records should

Deliver No regular trainings were held. No be kept and checked by senior
Training multi disciplinary education were management. After training,
given during the training period. proper assessment of
theoretical and practical
Assess knowledge of staffs should be
Practical Feedback there so that staffs can be
Theoretical assigned to various sections
based on their performance.

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