3rd Nerve Localization

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TABLE 8-2 The Localization of Oculomotor Nerve Lesions

Structure Involved Clinical Manifestation

Lesions affecting the third nerve nucleus

Oculomotor nucleus Ipsilateral complete CN III palsy; contralateral ptosis and superior
rectus paresis

Oculomotor subnucleus Isolated muscle palsy (e.g., inferior rectus)

Isolated levator subnucleus Isolated bilateral ptosis

Lesions affecting the third nerve fasciculus

Isolated fascicle Partial or complete isolated CN III palsy with or without pupil

Paramedian mesencephalon Plus-minus syndrome (ipsilateral ptosis and contralateral eyelid


Fascicle, red nucleus, Ipsilateral CN III palsy with contralateral ataxia and tremor
superior cerebellar peduncle (Claude)

Fascicle and cerebral Ipsilateral CN III palsy with contralateral hemiparesis (Weber's)

Fascicle and red Ipsilateral CN III palsy with contralateral choreiform movements
nucleus/substantia nigra (Benedikt)

Lesions affecting the third nerve in the subarachnoid space

Oculomotor nerve Complete CN III palsy with or without other CN involvement;
superior or inferior division palsy
Lesions affecting the third nerve in the cavernous sinus
Cavernous sinus lesion Painful or painless CN III palsy; with or without palsies of CN IV,
VI, and V1; CN III palsy with small pupil (Horner syndrome);
primary aberrant CN III regeneration

Lesions affecting the third nerve in the superior orbital fissure

Superior orbital fissure CN III palsy with or without palsies of CN IV, VI, V1; often with
lesion proptosis

Lesion affecting the third nerve in the orbit

Oculomotor nerve; superior CN III palsy; superior or inferior CN III branch palsy
or branch lesion

Optic nerve; orbital Visual loss; proptosis; swelling of lids; chemosis


CN = cranial nerve.

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