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Operation Nepaug

Hypothesis- If I use physical and chemical properties the I will be able to

separate the substances because: I will use the sifter because the physical property of
water is that you can pour it. If I use the muddy contaminated water and put it in the
sifter only the water would come out. I will also use a magnet because the physical
properties of a magnet is that it is magnetic. I will be using the magnet to pick up any
magnetic objects in the dirt and rocks. After using these physical properties I believe
there will be 3 groups of objects. Since I have a bowl of water I will use the physical
property of evaporation to evaporate the water to see if anything recrystalized.

Procedure: Step 1: take empty bowl and put it on table.

step 2: take sifter and hold it a few inches over the bowl.

step 3: have partner take contaminated water and dirt and gently pour it over sifter
until nothing else is left in the bowl.

Step 4: take what is left in sifter and put it back in the bowl that was just holding the
dirty water.

step 5: Move bowl with water in it aside and leave it alone until the project is over.

step 6: take new bowl and keep it right next to bowl with the dirt.

step 7: take magnet and gently move it around about a cm. over the dirt and collect

step 8: after picking up some of the metal use your fingers to take it off the magnet and
put it in the new bowl.

step 9: repeat process until all of the metal is gone.

step 10: take bowl of water and put it by window for evaporation.

step 11: take other 2 bowls and throw away objects after taking notes.

step 12: wait for evaporation to end.

step 13: when evaporation is done look for the possible objects that re formed into
beginning objects.

Materials: You will need 4 plastic bowls, dirty water from teacher,
magnet, sifter, sunlight or heat, fingers, paper towels, and some extra water.

Results: As a result in Operation Nepaug everything went fine

and we ended up with the 3 bowls. But our group added a variable by
adding water to wash what was left in the sifter. As it turned out that extra
water ended up with the starting water that used to be contaminated. As a
result in the evaporation there was no crystal or salt due to the added
water .

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