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Results of Question part 1

The graph above shows that males and females listen to rap music but more male like to
listen to rap music.

The graph above shows that most 16 to 18 year old like to listen to rap music.
The graph above shows us that the people who listen to rap earn under 1k a year because
they are most likely not working or they a in school or college.

The graph above shows that most Asian people like to listen to rap music but all the
ethnicity do because not a lot of people done my questionnaire.
The graph above show that people spend 40 to 70 pounds on shopping or going out each

The graph above shows that most people don’t listen to rap music but some people do. The
why most people don’t listen to rap music is because it has swearing in it.
The graph above shows that most of the people who took my questionnaire are attracted to
the music then the beat then the artist.

Thhthe The

The above shows what documentary the audience would like to watch the main
documentaries the audience would like to watch is about music then the second one is
sport then history and travel.
The graph above shoes what are the audience hobbies, the audience like to listen to music
and to go out and meet new people and going on Facebook. Also some audience members
like traveling and doing sports.

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