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INSTR # 2009000080315, Doc Type ASG, Pages 2, Recorded 03/27/2009 at 02:01 PM, Charlie Green, Lee County Clerk of Circuit Court, Rec. Fee $18.50 Deputy Clerk CKELLER Document Prepared By: Ron Meharg, B56362-9635, ‘When Recorded Return Tor ocx 1111 Alderman Dr. Suite 350 rete, GA 30005 s [ans | eo [a7 ‘CReA0401/2009.PRetH:A032-POF ‘Dat:0320/209-Print Bath ID:5020 [MIN 100024200011349935 -MERS Telephone # 8891679-6377 Property Address 2102 NE 17TH AVENUE ‘CAPE CORAL, FL 33909 Fiero oie7abs cpr Ce [ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the eit ad suiiency of which s hereby scknowledged, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC, whose aides i S01 Irvine Center Deve, vine, CA 92618 does by tase present hereby grant, bargain, sll, sign, nsf, convey, stove abd diver unio American Home Mortgage Servicing, In. a Successor -interest to Option One Mortgage Corporation, whone assess 6501 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine CA 92618 he following descied morgage, securing the paymen ofa erin promissory not) forthe su listed belo, together wih ll igh therein and tert, lens rele or seetred heh all obligations thecn desrbed, the money de and to become ds thereon with inert, and al igh accrued 10 asrbe under such morse Original Borower)- VIRGIL P YOUNG, A SINGLE MAN AND GARY S. YOUNG, A MARRIED. MAN Original Monssgss: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICAN BROKERS CONDUIT Date of Mongage: 01202006 Loan Amount: $175 00.00 Recording Dat: 17242006 "Book: NIA Page: NIA Decumert : 2006000083811 Mise Comments: EFFECTIVE DATE OF ASSIGNMENTS: 01/1/2009 LOTS 61 AND 62, BLOCK 2181, CAPE CORAL SUBDIVISION, UNIT 33, AS RECORDED IN PLAT ‘BOOK 16, PAGES 40 TO 61, INTHE PUBLIC RECORDS OF LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. and recorded in theofficial rear ofthe County af Le, Sate of Flora feting Rel Property and more ‘artclaly dseribd on suid Morigage refered to herin IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tne undersigned has cased these preset to be excited on this ae of saan, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INc. ‘Witness: Daw Wiliams Koleiterp Vige President na Thomas Ast Seeretary INSTR # 2009000080315 Page Number: 2 of 2 sie of A County of Fulton ‘nth ate 09242009, eloe me, the undersigned authority, «Notary Pubic daly commissioned, qualified and acting within and for he aforementioned Sate and Coty, personally appeared the witha ‘med Korell Harp and Tywanna Thomas, krown to me (oriented tome on the basis of satsactery vidence that he ate the Vice President nd AN Secretary respectively of MORTGAGE. ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. snd were duly authorized in thae respective ‘apace o execute the foregoing instrament for andi the nae and in Beal of ai corporation and thst Britany Snow NOTARY PUBLIC Futon County state of Georgia My Commission exes ‘May 21,2011

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