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BOOK REPORT is a discussion and evaluation of a book, usually as a school

assignment. Book reports may be written or oral.

In presenting a book report, you should begin by giving the title, author, publisher, the

years the books publication. Sometimes is helpful to give a brief summary of the book to

provide a clear idea of its contents. The most important part of the book report, however,

is your opinion of the book. For whom you think the author is writing? What you think

the author is trying to achieve? How successful is the author, perhaps in comparison with

other authors who wrote the same type of book? What are the strengths and weaknesses

of the book? In answering these questions, you should give some specific reasons for

your position, including details and quotations from the book. You might end the report

with your opinion of the overall value the book.

What you discuss in a book report depends on the type of a book you are reviewing. For

example, a report on a novel should include information on the plot, the setting, and

characters. It should also evaluate the novels total effect or meaning. A report,

biographies were historical work should summarize the authors chief point of view. The

report should then discuss how convincingly or fairly the author expresses these points


William E. Coles, Jr.

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