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Last updated July, 2009

Education At a Glance: India

Decade of Progress

Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) Primary

... Completion Rate (PCR)
1990-2015 Actual and Desired Trends
120 ...
99 100 ...
55 60
40 40 ... ... ...
20 6
12 20 ... ... ...

0 0
Primary Secondary Tertiary 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

1990 2006 Actual trend Path to goal

Socio-Economic Context
GNI Per Capita (US $) 950
Population (millions) 1109.8
Population Growth Rate (%) 1.3
Population Ages 0-14 (millions) 362.0
Population Ages 0-14 (% of total population) 32
HIV Prevalence Rate, ages 15-49 (%) 0.3
Under-5 Mortality Rate (per 1,000) 72
Adult Literacy Rate (%) [M/F] 66 [77/54]
Unemployment rate (% of labor force) [M/F] 5 [5/5]
Access, Coverage and Efficiency
Total Male Female
Gross Intake in Grade 1 (%) 130 133 126
Primary Gross Enrollment Ratio (%) (5 years) 112 114 109
Primary Repeaters (% of primary cohort) 3.4 3.4 3.4
Primary Drop Out Rate (%) 34.2 33.8 34.7
Primary Completion Rate (%) 86 88 83
Expected Primary Completion Rate (%) 86 88 82
Number of Primary Age Children Out of School (thousands) 7142 2529 4613
Primary Gender Parity Index (GER ratio)a 0.96
Secondary Gross Enrollment Ratio (%) (7 years) 55 59 49
Lower Secondary (%) (3 years) 71 75 66
Upper Secondary (%) (4 years) 42 47 36
Vocational and Technical (% of secondary enrolment) 0.8 0.0 0.0
Secondary Gender Parity Index (GER ratio)a 0.83
Tertiary Gross Enrollment Ratio (%) 11.8 13.6 9.9
Tertiary Graduates in Science (% of total graduates) ..
Labor Force with Secondary Education (% of labor force) .. .. ..
Labor Force with Tertiary Education (% of labor force) .. .. ..
Education Financing
Public Education Spending (% of GDP) 3.2
Public Education Spending (% of Government Spending) 10.7
Share of Education Spending by level of education (%)
Primary 35.6
Secondary 42.9
Tertiary 19.6
Other 1.9
Sources: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), World Bank, UNAIDS, ILO, Household Surveys, IMF, Country. Data are for the most recent year available
in 2000-2005.
a. Gender Parity Index (GPI) refers to the ratio of the female to male gross enrollment ratios. A GPI of 1 indicates parity between sexes.

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