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at, TAFT COLLEGE LIBRARY Mb Ce THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY IN ISLAM By DR.T. J. DE BOER Translated by EDWARD R. JONES, B.D. DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC. NEW YORK 001660 Published in Canada by General Publishing Com- pany, Lid, 90 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario. ‘Published in the United Kingdom by Constable and. Company, Lud, 10 Orange Street, London we 2. ‘This Dover edition, first published in 1967, is an ‘unabridged and unaltered republication of the work originally published by Luzic & Co, in 1908, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-30424 ‘Manufactured in the United States of America Dover Publications, Ine. 180 Varick Stree New York, N, ¥. 10014 TAFT COLLEGE LIBRAI TRANSLATOR’S PREFATORY NOTE. This edition of Dr. pe Bozn’s recent work is produced in the hope that it may prove interesting to not a few English readers, and especially that it may be of service to younger students commencing to study the subject which is dealt with in the following pages. The translator has aimed at nothing more than a faithful reproduction of the original. His best thanks are due to the accomplished author, for his kindness in revising the proof-sheets of the version, as it passed through the Pross, ER. TAFT COLLEGE LIBRARY PREFACE. The following is the first attempt which has been made, since the appearance of Munk’s excellent sketch ', to present in connected form a History of Philosophy in Islam. ‘This work of mine may therefore be regarded asa fresh initiation, —not a completion of such a task. I could not know of all that had been done by others, in the way of preliminary study in this field; and when I did know of the existence of such material, it was not always accessible to me. As for manuscript assistance, it was only in exceptional eases that this was at my disposal. Conforming to the conditions which I had to meet, I have in the following account refrained from stating my authorities, But anything which I may have taken over, nearly word for word or without testing it, T have marked in foot-references. For the rest, I deeply regret that I cannot duly indicate at present how much I owe, as regards appreciation of the sources, to men like Dieterici, de Goeje, Goldziber, Houtsma, Aug. Miller, Munk, Néldeke, Renan, Snouck Hurgronje, van Vloten, and many, many others. Since the completion of this volume an interesting mo- nograph on Tbn Sina has appeared, which farther extends 1 8, Mowx, “Mélanges de Philovophie juive et arabe”, Paris 1859. + Canna De Vaux, “Avicenne”, Paris 1900.

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