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Lose Fat. Gain Strength.

Live Younger Longer with The Hormone Diet


So many of us believe we can get healthy by losing weight. The truth is we must be healthy to
lose weight. Fortunately, when you complete the steps in one of The Hormone Diet Bootcamp,
you will optimize hormonal balance, lose unwanted fat and restore your health in the process!

This approach has been used to successfully treat thousands of patients – men and women – with
a broad spectrum of health goals. Some needed to gain much-needed muscle. Others wanted
healthier looking skin. Still others wanted to rid themselves of headaches, improve their sleep,
ease their digestion, increase their energy, maximize their daily performance, balance their blood
sugars, improve their fertility or sharpen their memory.

A Proven Method for Restoring Health Balance

Pre-Bootcamp: Designed to set the stage for your success! Up to two weeks prior to the start of
your bootcamp book your appointment to complete our Best Body Assessment, which will
uncover your metabolic rate, muscle mass, waist-to-hip ratio and body fat percentage. Do you
need to gain muscle? Is your current body composition placing you at risk for diabetes, heart
disease, osteoporosis and/or obesity? We will also take your starting “before” pics for later

 Week 1 – The Detox: Introduction to our lifestyle program and how it works. Look and
feel better in just two weeks! Begin a program to eliminate harmful toxins, strengthen
your immune system, scavenge free radicals, shed excess body fat, and improve your
health. Take our HCL Challenge, get alkalized with PH Strips, and begin your
supplement plan.
 Week 2 – Repair and Rejuvenate: Are your sleeping habits preventing you from losing
weight? Become skilled at sleeping for weight loss, appetite control, and improved
health. Also discover stress management techniques to optimize your hormone levels.
 Week 3 – Finishing your Detox: Come off your detox, get started on your Wellness
Tracker and discover the health tests that you should have done at your next physical
exam with your doctor.
 Week 4 – Eating for Hormonal Balance: Master healthy grocery shopping and put an
end to the confusion so often associated with nutrition labels. You’ll also receive recipes,
menu planning and shopping lists, including brand recommendations.
 Week 1-4 (or 5-8): Work one-one-one with a CM Certified Personal Trainer. Get
phenomenal results in only 30 minutes twice weekly for four weeks. Note that your
personal training sessions can also be started during week 1 and run concurrent to the in-
class sessions or begin week 5.
 Week 5 – Hormone Optimization Training: Are you receiving the most benefit from
your exercise efforts? Discover the 10 most common workout mistakes and learn more
about our Hormone Optimizing Training workout, which focuses on restoring hormonal
balance to lose fat, gain strength, and improve your metabolic health.
Post-Bootcamp: Book an appointment for your final weigh-in, Best Body Assessment and
“after” pics. Continue to work with one of our Naturopaths one-on-one to discuss your specific
blood values, results of your hormonal health profile or any remaining health concerns, if

Group times:

 Sign up for our weekly newsletter to be among the first to know when our next bootcamp
starts in Winter 2010!

Note that part of this program may be reimbursable under your health insurance plans. Please
call             416.579.9105       or email for further information.


 “It was my last attempt to gain control over my body! The boot camp is and continues to
be very successful for me. At the age of 54 I have tried it all. I needed to gain control
over my hormonal imbalance and my weight. Dr. Turner’s approach is a holistic one. I
learned to read my body and to gain insight into the foods I eat. The sessions were very
informative. I really enjoyed the approach of Dr. Turner-professional, very
knowledgeable and always positive with lots of suggestions for coping with the diet
adjustments I had to make. She taught me how to be a better consumer of health care and
how to better shop for healthy foods.”
– Susan (dropped 9lbs of body fat in 5 weeks)
 “Dr. Turner’s enthusiasm and passion is contagious and you can’t help but be committed.
If you truly follow this program, the results will happen – and you will be on your way to
a healthier, happier life!”
– Anne
 “Dr. Turner is not only an amazing Naturopath but also a genuinely kind and helpful
person. My husband lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks and feels great! My hair loss has stopped and I
am OFF one of my blood pressure medications!!! Discovering new foods and learning
how to read labels has been very interesting as well. The best part is that we LOVE doing
the workouts twice a week!”
 “A totally integrated program, Dr. Turner presents valuable information and detailed
action plans geared to optimum food, nutrition and exercise programs. Look no longer –
this program is for life and I am thrilled with my newly gained knowledge and weight
– Maura (lost 20lbs in 5-6 weeks!)
 “My health before the Clear Medicine Bootcamp was centred around dealing with a
bloated stomach, abdominal pain, embarrassing gas, allergies, lethargy and an
inconsistent menstrual cycle. I became frustrated when my doctor said there was nothing
she could do, but prescribe medications, as it appeared there was nothing medically
wrong with me. After ten years of constant discomfort I had given up and started thinking
it was all in my head. Luckily, I was explaining my situation to a good friend and she
recommended Dr. Turner’s Bootcamp. After just two weeks of cleansing; my abdominal
pain and gas were completely gone, I had more energy and I was much happier. I lost
weight, but more importantly I feel more in control of my own body, which is something
I have not felt in a long time. I know now that there are certain things I cannot include in
my diet, and I am aware of how important my hormone health is to my body. My time at
bootcamp not only affected my own health, but the health of my family as well. My
parents benefitted from the dietary influences and have since become more active and
healthier themselves. I will be forever grateful, to Dr. Turner and the bootcamp, because
the tools and knowledge I gained from attending have made my life so much more
– Sarah (dropped 13lbs!)
 “Dr. Turner’s program of nutrition and physical training put the final and ultimate
touches on my road to mental and physical health. The “team” at Clear Medicine is
terrific. Together their body/mind approach to fitness and nutrition have made an
invaluable contribution to my ongoing journey to wellness. I gradually felt things falling
into place when the great people at the clinic exclaimed almost simultaneously how I was
virtually a new person compared to the one who had who first walked into the clinic 5
weeks earlier. What a wonderful feeling. It was at that moment I realized that the
program was a tremendous success story for me. My physical and mental health have
been transformed!”
– Beverly
 “I feel blessed to have found a clinic that is able to look after all my health needs under
one roof. My husband decided to do the program with me and we have both lost over
15lbs. We have successfully changed our lifestyle!” – Rose
“I can’t thank you enough for being such a wonderful part of my plan to get healthy! I
have truly enjoyed the boot camp and I am very sad to see it come to an end. Dr. Turner
is wonderful, inspirational and a great role model!” – Kathy
 “Your class was great – I enjoyed it and learned a lot. The best part is you know how to
laugh and that makes the whole presentation that much better. So just for the record I
started at 237lbs and weighed in this morning 225 so I’m really happy about those
numbers! I think that I lost 1.5 or 2 inches on waste, which is also great. I feel I’m on the
road to being my best self and it feels great. Thanks again!”

 The Coconut Diet™ is a low-carb diet that revolves around the use of coconut oil to lose
weight and alleviate common health problems. The creators of this diet plan state that
coconuts contain special fats that are beneficial to health. They explain that people in
tropical areas who consume large amounts of coconuts are rarely overweight and do not
suffer from many of the diseases that plague people in the Western world.

 The Coconut Diet™ uses coconut oil as a replacement for trans fats found in most
vegetable oil. Coconut oil possesses medium-chain fatty acids or medium-chain
triglycerides (MCTs). In contrast, vegetable oil contains long-chain fatty acids or long-
chain triglycerides (LCTs). LCTs cause the body to produce fat, while MCTs promote a
process called thermogenesis. Thermogenesis increases the body's metabolism and
promotes a higher energy level.

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 Authors of the Coconut Diet™ say that virgin coconut oil can promote weight loss,
increase metabolism, assist sluggish thyroids, improve energy level, and eliminate
Candida and yeast infections. They say it can also improve a person's cholesterol level,
help skin infections, improve digestion, and kill viruses. These claims make some dieters
decide to purchase the book based on this controversial diet plan.

 The Coconut Diet™ consists of four phases. If followed correctly, the plan states that
dieters can lose weight, improve their health, and enjoy a better quality of life. The first
phase of the diet is a 21-day weight loss kickoff. Dieters eat three meals and one or two
snacks throughout the day.

 The meals consist of lean protein and vegetables. Dieters are required to avoid foods such
as bread, sweets, and fruits. Although this initial jump-start lasts for 21 days, creators of
the program state that dieters can lose 10 pounds during this length of time.

 Phase two involves a cleansing process. Dieters drink fluids made from vegetables and
fiber. This particular phase of the diet cleanses the internal organs. The plan recommends
the use of a colon cleanser as well. Some dieters may hesitate to take a colon cleanser
since opinions differ over the benefits of doing so.

 The third phase of the Coconut Diet™ involves an introduction of healthy carbohydrates.
At the beginning of the diet, carbohydrates are strictly prohibited. Phase three allows
dieters to add whole grains, some fruits, and a few starchy vegetables to their daily diet.

 The last phase of the Coconut Diet™ is a maintenance segment. This final phase of the
diet plan helps to maintain weight loss after the dieter has reached his goal weight.
Despite this fact, the dieter is encouraged to continue avoiding alcohol, sweets, and some

 During the entire Coconut Diet™, dieters are required to consume two to three
tablespoons of coconut oil each day. They are advised to add it to sauces, salad dressings,
and smoothies. The goal is to incorporate the oil in their foods on a daily basis,
essentially making it a way of life. In addition to the diet plan, people are encouraged to
exercise at least 15 minutes each day.

 Following this particular diet is a personal decision that each person must make regarding
whether or not it is right for him. The advantages to the diet include the fact that dieters
are instructed to eat fruits and vegetables. They are also allowed to eat protein in this
particular diet. The plan may help those with sluggish thyroids, chronic fatigue
syndrome, and viral infections.

 Related topics
 Low Fat
 Low Carb Diet
 Diet Plans
 Oil Coconut
 Diet Menu Plan
 Weight Loss Diet
 Coconut Virgin Oil

 One disadvantage to following the diet is the fact that it is rather restrictive. This may
make it more difficult for dieters to dine out at restaurants since meals must be prepared
in a specific way. The recipes included in the diet book may also take a great deal of time
to prepare. If a dieter is interested in learning more information, he can read the book
titled The Coconut Diet™ written by Cherie and John Calbom.
 Ads by Google
 Dried Coconut
 Coconut Health
 Fruits Diet
 Coconut Juice
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 Discuss this Article

 3
 @ GiraffeEars & Highlighter- I agree that lifestyle changes are important to creating a diet plan
that will be successful. This is the reason that some diets incorporate peer support into their
diet programs. However, I do think that it is often necessary to go on a restrictive diet to kick-
start the weight loss, and create visible weight loss. Noticeable weight loss acts a motivational
catalyst, showing the dieter that goals are attainable.

 I do think that the restrictive diets would match up with the person's food vice for those
results to manifest themselves as soon as possible. Those who gain weight from eating
too much fat may want to kick start their dietary changes with a low fat diet. Those who
eat too many carbohydrates may want to start their weight loss program that reduces
carbohydrates and replaces some with more fiber. This will yield the best results, and the
diet will actually "work" for that person.
 - parmnparsley
 2
 Losing weight slowly is a sign of making correct lifestyle changes, not just temporary changes in
eating habits. Healthy eating habits become second nature and you get to a point where you do
not even have to think about it. You begin to incorporate things into your diet like unrefined
coconut, low glycemic index foods, and low calorie snacks. Eventually you will begin to crave
these foods, and processed foods become less tempting. You will begin to enjoy the textures,
complex flavors, and colors of non-processed, healthy foods. You will get all of the health
benefits of these diets without causing any deficiencies, thus putting less stress on your body.
Dieting can be stressful, and stress can make it harder to actually lose weight.
 - GiraffeEars
 1
 The health benefits of coconut are real, but I am not really into the idea of dieting. I try to follow
a few common sense rules about what I eat, and it is more of a habit. Many of these diets are
intended to be short-term. If a person follows these restrictive diets and then reverts to their old
habits, then they will certainly regain the weight.

 I worked as a sous chef and a restaurant manager for four years and I gained a
considerable amount of weight. I tried a few diets to lose the weight, including the
coconut weight-loss diet, and in every instance, I regained the weight. Finally, I decided
to suck it up and lose the weight the hard way by losing weight through eating sensibly,
cutting out all the junk food, and hitting the gym. I lost the weight slowly, but it has
stayed off

4. t Loss
5. » How to Lose Weight Following the Coconut Diet

Top 5 To Try

 How to Lose Weight With Coconut Oil

 How to Enjoy a Coconut Oil and Low Carb Diet
 How to Lose the Weight
 How to Diet With Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
 How to use Coconut Oil to Lose Weight
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Related Topics

 Lose Weight Without Dieting

 Coconut Oil To Lose Weight
 Coconut Diet

more »

How to Lose Weight Following the Coconut Diet

By Monteath, eHow Member
Be getting used to a lot of coconuts

User-Submitted Article

The coconut diet is based on the theory that traditional populations that consumed a lot of pure
coconut oil very rarely had problems with weight gain and heart disease that many Western
cultures struggle with. There are also some claims that the coconut fats are metabolized
differently, allowing them to become instant energy instead of stored fat. There is still debate
over this, but if you want to learn more about how to lose weight on the coconut diet, then read

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


Things You'll Need:

 Coconuts
 Natural coconut oil
 Strict diet plan

1. 1

Follow the first of four phases in the coconut diet. Every phase is supposed to be
accompanied by you taking 2-3 teaspoons of pure coconut oil every single day.

2. 2

Phase one is the 21 day weight loss kick off. This allows 3 meals and 1-2 snacks a day
that focus on lean protein and veggies. No grains, sweets, and most fruits are to be
avoided. Claims are many dieters can lose at least 10 pounds during this three week span.

3. 3
Phase two is cleansing. This phase involves using various cleansing drinks, as outlined by
the diet, based on veggies and fiber that are supposed to help cleanse your internal
organs. Some versions of the coconut diet suggest a colon cleanse product, as well,
during this time.

4. 4

Move on to the third phase, which is re-introducing healthy carbs into your diet. During
this time as a dieter you are allowed to begin eating whole grains, limited fruits, and
limited amounts of starchy veggies. This is should help satisfy your body's needs while
bringing back only the healthy carbs.

5. 5

Phase four, which is maintenance. This phase is designed to make sure that the weight
lost is lost for good. There is a very specific list of foods that are allowed from now on,
while certain foods like sweets, alcohol, and some sweets are to always be avoided.

6. 6

Maintain the good, through strict, eating habits that follow this diet's outline to keep the
weight off permanently.

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Tips & Warnings

 This diet has a pretty strict regiment, so if you have problems with restrictive diets, you might
want to find another choice.

Coconut Diet Diary

A personal account of energizing weight loss using coconut oil and natural, fiber-rich foods.
[2000 words]

by Eric Armstrong

6 months ago: A good 29 lbs. overweight. I won't admit to 30, because that would be just too horrible.
Maintaing a good weight seems to get harder with each passing year. Made a commitment to lose the
excess this year.

4 weeks ago: Still at least 26 lbs. over my ideal weight. Great. Six months into the year, and I've
lost all of 3 lbs. I've been trying to eat healthy, but late at night I am just ravenous for cookies
and the like. Have some time off from work, too, so I've stopped having coffee or tea. Energy
isn't great. I'm getting headaches, and I'm only good for a few hours after I wake up. Then I need
to go back to sleep. When my body grows cold, that's the signal. (It's been like that for way too
long.) Read Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book, Eat to Live. It was wonderfully persuasive about the health
aspects of fiber-rich foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and especially green salads.
Decided to try it.

2 weeks ago: Lost a good 7 lbs. Oddly, most of all it was on a couple of nights! I lost a pound or
two when I switched to the diet, eliminating meats and cookies at such. The weight loss occurred
after a couple of intense workouts. I was dying during those workouts. No energy in my muscles
at at all. Felt as though I had been fasting for a couple of weeks. Energy wasn't much better
during the day. Only energetic for a couple of hours after I got up. Lost some weight, anyway,
but things stabilized after a week -- partly because I got back on the nightly cookie habit.
Couldn't seem to help myself. So all the results came the first week. Nothing much changed the
second week. Didn't exercise either, which didn't help. Just didn't have the energy. Found out
about coconut oil and started using it. Fife calls it the "Coconut Diet". Worth a try.

1 week ago: I've been taking coconut oil with my herbal coffee for a week now. Weight hasn't
changed a bit, but energy levels are much higher. I can get up and be productive for 8 hours in a
row. I can focus and concentrate better than I have in years. It helps that I'm writing my book --
the thoughts keep coming, and that keeps me writing. I've been wanting to do that for quite a
while -- but now energy is meeting desire, with great results.

Herbal Coffee
The two brands I like best so far -- Roma and Pero Extra (Dark Roast) -- are based on roasted
malt barley and chicory. (If you never drank coffee, you may not like them. They have the
stronger flavor and somewhat bitter taste the coffee drinkers get used to.) I haven't tried all the
brands yet. I still have some experimenting to do. I use a mug with a rounded tablespoon of
herbal coffee and a tablespoon or so of coconut oil. (Depending on the temperature, it's either a
fat (coconut butter) or an oil. I use a tablespoon of coconut butter, a tablespoon or two of coconut

5 days ago: Sometimes I make an entire meal out of an apple and several handfulls of nuts. The
apple by itself isn't filling. But the nuts make it a really satisfying meal. If I'm not having nuts, I
usually have some olives. The secret seems to be good quality fats and natural fiber. So a good
meal is any combination of fruits, vegetables, or salad with nuts, coconut oil, or olives. Those
meals are totally satsifying and energizing.. I have a turkey sandwich or a sardine sandwich from
time to time, too.

Nut Mixture
A variety of salted, roasted nuts, plus raisins and large coconut flakes. Some writers don't like
roasted nuts, but I seem to digest them better than the raw variety, and get more out of them. I
know the fatty acids aren't harmed by the heat, because they're bound to proteins in the nuts. And
I've heard of studies that say people who eat nuts (of whatever kind) eat fewer snacks and have
lower weight. One of the interesting nuts in this particular mixture is chili-soaked pistachios I
found at the Natural Foods store. The chilli could be revving up the metabolism too, like kimchi.
(See What Makes Kimchi So Healthy?)

3 days ago: Energy levels have been through the roof. Sleeping a few hours at a time, and
working like mad in between. Something Fife wrote in Eat Fat, Get Thin was interesting: "Food
cravings come from lack of minerals...Sea salt has minerals...Refined salt doesn't...So when you
want something sweet, have some sea salt instead." I don't know whether there is any real
connection between cravings and minerals, but adding sea salt to my diet sure seems to have
increased my energy. I put some sea salt in my palm and lick it up, have my coconut herbal
coffee with a handful of nut mixture, and I feel wired. Who needs caffeine? The sea salt
definitely makes the blood pressure go up, so it's not for everyone. It sure is working for me,
though. I haven't felt that cold sensation for a while, either. I sleep from 4 to 7 in the morning,
then 6-10 in the evening. The schedule has made it impossible to get to my martial arts workouts,
so I haven't lost any weight, but I'm sure getting a lot of work done!

2 days ago: At this point, I've pretty well eliminated all forms of sugar. Even honey. It wasn't
hard. I don't seem to miss it at all. Mostly, it happened on its own. The last step was to eliminate
even natural sweeteners that would kick start the sugar habit, like honey. (After I've been off it
for a while, I'll try some honey and see what happens. It should be ok as a treat now and then.)
The coconut oil and sea salt give me a world of energy. And I'm not suddenly starving a few
hours after I eat. I get a bit tired after a while, but I can keep going without eatting until I really
want to eat. Sometimes I'm so interested in doing other things that it's hours after I get hungry
before I eat. Haven't done that since I was kid. Too cool. Finally got to a good marital arts
workout. Was I ever energetic! I had lots of spring in my legs. That's a big difference from the
fiber-only diet. Lost a total of two pounds, after I drank back the water I sweated out. A pound of
that came back after a day or so. Still, I loss one pound for one workout. Not bad.

Yesterday and Today: I'm finding I want vegetables more than fruit these days. I have a real
yearning for fiber-rich foods. It's like when I was running regularly, but it's only taken a couple
of weeks to get to this point instead of a couple of months. I find that I'm recovering faster from
a strenuous workout, too. Not quite quickly enough -- I'm still more tired than I'd like to be. But
for only two weeks, the difference is amazing. Other than my herbal coconut coffee, the only
thing I had to eat yesterday was a turkey sandwich at noon. Got to the driving range for a couple
of hours, and had a light, inspiring martial arts workout. Very energetic, again. Also very
flexible. I've taken to putting on some relaxing music and doing a bit of Yoga late at night when
my eyes are too tired to work but my body isn't read for sleep. Mostly, it was for something to do
instead of turning on the TV. But it has made a big difference, even though I don't come close to
doing a full pose. At first, I was doing it when I got up. Even though I was extremely stiff at that
time of day, it made me more flexible later on. But my favorite time is late at night. After the
workout, I had some grapes. When I got home, I had some some nuts, garlic olives and a Healthy
Mary. Great drink, that is.

Healthy Mary
Organic tomato-based vegetable juice, a pinch of sea salt, and a tablespoon of ground flax seed
for omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Often includes a free range raw egg. (It's not a good idea to eat
raw egg unless it's from a free-range chicken. Levels of salmonella and other bacteria are just
way to high in the commercial variety.) Chew slightly to further crush the seeds and release the

Today: Didn't go to sleep until 4 am. Got up up about 7:30 with thoughts in my head, and spent
the morning writing. I kept intending to go get something to eat, but there were too many good
ideas to write up. Finally had lunch about 2:00. So I had one turkey sandwich and a light snack
since early yesterday. Wow. Weighed myself before I ate. I'm 15 lbs lighter than I was at the
start of the year. I'll gain a pound back tomorrow, but I'm halfway to my goal! Wow. Had a
turkey sandwich, sea salt, and some herbal coconut coffee for lunch, and went back to writing.
It's 5:30 now. Time to take a break and get some fresh air. Having the energy is the really big
thing. It's not like I'm fully wired all the time, either -- sometimes my eyes are pretty tired. But it
only takes a little push to go on, not a major effort.

Conclusion: Quality Fat, Natural Fiber Foods, and Sea Salt definitely seem to be the keys to
making things happen. Herbal coconut coffee is the key energizer, along with a lick of sea salt at
meals. A meal can be any combination of fruits, vegetables, or salad with nuts, coconut oil, or
olives. Fish, eggs, and turkey work for me, too, with the occasional chicken or beef (generally in
soup). Weight is stable between exercises, but drops after exercise. A little comes back after the
initial drop, but not as much as was lost. So far, the equation works out to: one workout = one
pound, where the average workout consists of half an hour of stretching and an hour of activity.
And I'm not as exhausted the next day as I used to be. So weight stays stable or goes down,
depending on exercise. Meanwhile, energy stays stable or goes up. Life is good. I'm energetic,
active, and satisfied enough between meals to delay eating now and then.

Epilogue: Several weeks after finishing the all-salad diet, my nails were very strong -- for almost
exactly two weeks, the length of time I had been on the salad diet. Within weeks of starting that
diet, the production of ear wax had dwindled to virtually nothing, as well. Unfortunately, my
energy levels were pretty near zero, so it wasn't sustainable. But it seems clear that at least one
meal a day should consist of a humungous, all-you-can-eat vegetable, fruit, and nut salad with
plenty of leafy greens.

I was at a restaurant the other day and had an incredible feast. One of the appetizers was
tomatoes on brushetta bread, which was superb. The other was olives heated with a slice of
orange and spices. I've never seen heated olives before. They wer fantastic. The heat separated
them from the pit, so they were easy to eat. And tasty? My my my. Then I had a large organic
green salad with wild salmon. Simply super. The other course was small plate of nuts and fruit --
some almonds, hazelnuts, and a few cherries. That wasn't very impressive. But by then, I couldn't
eat anything else anyway -- my stomach didn't feel full, but I was feeling totally satisfied! So
"quality fats" (olives, nuts, coconut oil, fish) and greens (vegetables, fruits, salads) definitely
seems to be the ticket for losing weight without feeling deprived.

Coconut Diet

The Coconut Diet is based on the concept that traditional populations that consume a diet high in
pure coconut oil rarely display problems with weight gain and are also free of many of the
chronic diseases that are common in western cultures.

The creators of the diet claim that the fats from coconut are metabolized differently than other
fats in that instead of being stored they are broken down for immediate energy. They also state
that these fats can increase metabolism and have many other health benefits such as improving
thyroid function, digestive problems and antiviral effects.
In addition to the emphasis on coconut oil dieters are also provided with information to help to
identify specific health issues that may be related to their diet such as thyroid dysfunction,
digestive disorders, liver toxicity and blood sugar imbalances. The authors claim that these
imbalances can be a hidden factor involved in the inability of many dieters to lose weight.

Diet Basics

There are four phases to the diet:

Phase 1 – The 21-Day Weight Loss Kickoff

Involves three meals and one or two snacks daily that are focused on lean protein and vegetables.
Grains, sweets and most fruits are strictly avoided. It is claimed that dieters can expect a weight
loss of at least 10 pounds during these initial 21 days of the program.

Phase 2 – Cleansing

This phase is centered on the use of various cleansing drinks based on vegetables and fiber that
are designed to cleanse the internal organs. A@Colonic@ is also recommended during this

Phase 3 – Introducing Healthy Carbs

Dieters are allowed to reintroduce whole grains, certain fruits and limited amounts of starchy

Phase 4 – Maintenance

This phase is designed to maintain weight loss once the goal weight has been achieved. It
slightly increases the list of allowed foods however certain foods such as sweets, alcohol and
some fruits are still to be strictly avoided.
Recommended Foods

In each phase of the diet it is advised to consume two to three tablespoons of pure coconut oil
daily. Suggestions are given for ways to incorporate the oil into smoothies, salad dressings and

Sample Diet Plan


Eggs and bacon with vegetables sautéed in coconut oil

Morning Snack

6 Macadamia nuts

Spinach salad with pine nuts and avocado

Afternoon Snack

Celery and goat cheese


Grilled fish with brown rice

Salad with coconut ranch dressing
Evening Snack

12 raw almonds

Incorporate coconut oil into these healthy recipes.

Exercise Recommendations

Dieters are encouraged to engage in both aerobic and resistance training and are advised that as
little as 15 minutes of exercise daily will increase health and vitality.

These exercises can be used with the Coconut Diet.

Costs and Expenses

The Coconut Diet retails at $13.95.


 Emphasizes low glycemic index carbohydrates.

 Encourages consumption of fruit and vegetables.
 Provides high quality protein.
 Appeals to those who have tried many other approaches without success.
 May benefit those with resistant viral infections, thyroid dysfunction and chronic fatigue


 Highly restrictive with complex rules.

 Difficult to eat out and no guidance is given for selecting meals in restaurants.
 Recipes are complicated and time consuming to prepare.
 Phase two plans are too low in calories and will produce hunger and possibly an inability to carry
out normal daily activity.
 Recommended foods may be expensive and difficult to find in stores.


The coconut diet will only be suitable for highly motivated dieters who suffer from chronic
illness or fatigue and relate to the philosophy of the authors regarding health and weight

The extremely restrictive nature of the diet necessitates that the majority of meals be prepared at
home and the possibilities for eating out are very limited. Dieters must be prepared to give up
alcohol, caffeine, sugar, grains, dairy products and most fruits.

In addition dieters must be prepared to spend a great deal of time involved in food preparation
and undergo potentially uncomfortable cleansing regimes in order to meet the requirements of
the diet.

It is highly questionable whether such an extreme approach is warranted, even in individuals

with chronic health conditions, and it is likely that results could be achieved with a variety of
other far less extreme dietary approaches.


 October 25th, 2010karlee

i dont see whats wrong with this diet??!!

 September 17th, 2009Beth

My diet is this minus the meat…I eat fish. Basically I consume an entire coconut a day. I
drink the water in the morning then chop the meat of the coconut and snack on that
through the day and at night I have whatever is left of the coconut plus a grain with
veggies or fish and veggies. Ive been living this way for some time. I rarely get sick. Ive
maintained the same weight, though see I have gained muscle, that however is due my
daily exercise (basically ride my bike or walk everywhere). And in all honesty…it can be
very cheap. One coconut is .99 in my city, so weekly we are talking $7.00 for the basis of
your diet. Grains vary be usually about two to four dollars a week. Veggies maybe five
And as for as liquid… Water and lemon or lime!

Simple is better!

 May 28th, 2009Gwenn

hmmm.. this sounds like a really difficult diet.

why would you need to have a colonic?
to steph: you don’t actually eat coconuts…

 May 10th, 2009steph

i loooooove coconut! i could live off coconut alone:) with some sunshine and sleep and
the beautifull ocean where you find them at…seriously

Coconut Diet Review Click Here

Editor's Review: 4.1 / 5.0

What You Should Know

How Coconut Diet Compares with Leading Weight-Loss Products

2 or More Patented Less Than $5 Trial

Product Star Rating Testimonials
Ingredients Shipping Offer

Avesil (2010 Editors


Flex Belt N/A    


P90X N/A    

Coconut Diet    

Healthy Trim      


Quick Trim      
*Picks were chosen by editor based on reader contribution. Details Here

The Coconut Diet is a weight loss plan suitable for men, women and children alike. As the
official website states, “This is not a mere diet plan, but rather a way of life.” Basically this
system is based on the fats people consume and on the principle that these are “unhealthy.” The
Coconut Diet offers fats from natural coconut oil, which is claimed to be very healthy and
nourishing. The official websites talks about how coconut oil can assist people with weight
reduction, and also with achieving healthy and vibrant skin, as well as preventing many common
health afflictions that are thought to be cause by a poor diet. There are testimonials for the
Coconut Diet offered on the official website.

The primary ingredient offered in the Coconut Diet plan is all-natural coconut oil. The official
website states that people living in tropical areas have been aware of the benefits of coconut oil
for many years. In return, this has supposedly helped them with their skin, weight management
and overall health. The Coconut Diet is also aimed at assisting users with thyroid conditions,
digestive health, diabetes, common viruses and cholesterol levels. There are coconut recipes
offered on the official website pertaining to the Coconut Diet. A book entitled “Virgin Coconut
Oil” is recommended on the official website and sells for $13. There doesn’t appear to be any
actual supplements available with the Coconut Diet plan. The website does offer a general forum
for users.

Product Features

The Coconut Diet is a weight loss plan/way of life that involves the regular consumption of
coconuts or coconut oil. This diet plan is geared towards all people, regardless of age or gender.
There are no specific supplements or fitness routines involved with the Coconut Diet. There
doesn’t appear to be any clinical data posted on the official website that supports the
effectiveness of the Coconut Diet for weight reduction. The Coconut Diet consists of recipes and
regular eating habits. Basically, under the guidelines of this diet, all-natural coconut oil is
incorporated into foods and this is claimed to assist with weight loss, thyroid conditions, skin
care, digestive health, diabetes, common viruses and cholesterol levels.

Continue Your Weight Loss Research: See Our Featured Diet For 2010.


 The Coconut Diet does not involve any potentially harmful diet drugs.
 There are recipes for the Coconut Diet available on the official website.
 There are testimonials for the Coconut Diet posted on the website.


 The Coconut Diet does not incorporate any appetite suppressants.

 A specific fitness regimen is not recommended on the official website.
 The Coconut Diet is not suitable for individuals that have allergies to coconut oil.
 The Coconut Diet does not involve any fat burners.
 The Coconut Diet requires a rather drastic lifestyle change, which may not be acceptable for all


Overall, the Coconut Diet is certainly an interesting diet plan. In comparison to many other
weight loss supplements, programs and pills currently on the market, the Coconut Diet only
really promotes the use of coconut oil. Unfortunately, this weight reduction plan or lifestyle will
not be suitable for all individuals, who may prefer a more simple weight loss supplement such as
a convenient capsule or drink. The Coconut Diet would be more effectively presented on the
official website if there were some actual clinical evidence posted to support its effectiveness
concerning weight loss. After all, fad diets come and go, and it would be reassuring to know this
one was here to stay.

Veronica January 27th, 2010

How long before I see any loss weight results?


Mou July 26th, 2010

hey umm this may be wierd but I have a friend name veronica.. is your last name Vergara?


 2

Ruthanne February 26th, 2010

This review is wrong. If they had read the book or knew anything about coconut oil they would
know that it is a natural fat burner and appetite suppressant. It is a very drastic lifestyle change,
but unless you are willing to change forever you are never going to see permanent results.
The good thing about using coconut oil is it works not only as a fat burner and appetite
suppressant but it also curbs your cravings for junk food, simple carbohydrates, and sugar.
Read the book, though! If you start the diet without reading it you may be alarmed by some of
the initial side effects. This is called the herxheimer syndrome, is temporary, and is simply your
body getting rid of all the built up junk.
My whole life I have eaten relatively healthy and exercised fairly regularly. After the birth of my
first child I was struggling with about 30 extra pounds and it wasn’t going anywhere. I started
this diet and, voila! It was like magic. I lost 8.6 pounds in the first week, which, like most diets,
is usually a lot of water weight. After that it slowed down a little, but I still managed to lose
almost 35 pounds in 3 months.

I can’t wait until I’m done breastfeeding (now my second child, and I am only 3 pounds away
from pre-pregnancy weight!) so I can do the cleansing phases of the diet. I have never read a diet
book with so much wisdom and effective ways to change your life permanently.


angie May 22nd, 2010

I read your story and could have wrote it myself – I had my son and since cannot get this last
30lbs off. What is the name of the book?


 3
Anne September 2nd, 2010

I have not been able to lose 1 lb with calorie restriction, exercise , walking…until I started oil
pulling and using coconut oil daily. I lost 3 lbs the first week. I will get the book and start the


Thyroid Health and The Coconut Diet

Many Americans suffer from symptoms such as cold hands and feet, low body temperature,
sensitivity to cold, a feeling of always being chilled, headaches, insomnia, dry skin, puffy eyes,
hair loss, brittle nails, joint aches, constipation, mental dullness, fatigue, frequent infections,
hoarse voice, ringing in the ears, dizziness, loss of libido, and weight gain, which is sometimes
uncontrollable. Approximately 65 percent of the U. S. population is overweight; 30 percent is
clinically obese. Research is pointing to the fact that an under active thyroid might be the number
one cause of weight problems, especially among women, in the US today.

Virgin Coconut Oil offers great hope for those suffering from hypothyroidism (low thyroid
function) today. I didn't even realize how much hypothyroidism was affecting my life till I
started on the Virgin Coconut Oil and suddenly had energy like the Energizer Bunny! I also gave
up the white toxins (wheat flour, refined sugar, potatoes, and other high-glycemic index foods)
and that, in combination with my Virgin Coconut Oil consumption has made a tremendous
difference in my hormonal balance, mood stability, stamina and overall energy. And, I'm slowly
but steadily losing a little bit of weight without effort. Ya gotta love that! Julia (Coconut Diet

I have had SEVERELY low thyroid for nearly two years now and nothing I tried corrected it.
Being a naturalist, I did NOT want to end up taking Synthroid. When my daughter showed me
your website, I was so excited to try the Coconut Oil. I took 3 tablespoons a day and within two
months, I returned to my physician and she just couldn't believe that EVERYTHING on my tests
was once again normal! She was so enthused that she has prescribed your product to three other
thyroid patients since then. Your product took me out of the doom and gloom I suffered for so
very long! My muscles have returned to normal... The mental fog, depression, hoarse voice,
swollen face/eyes and all my other symptoms have disappeared!

Thanks for saving my life, Tropical Traditions!!! AJ Nevada, Las Vegas

We have received many other comments such as these from those using Tropical Traditions
Virgin Coconut Oil with hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism Reaching Epidemic Proportions

In 1995, researchers studied 25,862 participants at the Colorado statewide health fair.  They discovered
that among patients not taking thyroid medication, 8.9 percent were hypothyroid (under-active thyroid)
and 1.1 percent were hyperthyroid (over-active thyroid). This indicates 9.9 percent of the population
had a thyroid problem that had most likely gone unrecognized. These figures suggest that nationally,
there may be as many as 13 million Americans with an undiagnosed thyroid problem. 1

In her book Living Well With Hypothyroidism: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You. . . That You
Need to Know, Mary Shomon quotes endocrinologist Kenneth Blanchard, M.D., of Lower
Newton Falls, Massachusetts as saying, “The key thing is . . . doctors are always told that TSH is
the test that gives us a yes or no answer. And, in fact, I think that's fundamentally wrong. The
pituitary TSH is controlled not just by how much T4 and T3 is in circulation, but T4 is getting
converted to T3 at the pituitary level. Excess T3 generated at the pituitary level can falsely
suppress TSH.”2  Hence, many people who are simply tested for TSH levels and are found to be
within “normal” range are, in fact, suffering from thyroid problems that are going undetected.

Ridha Arem, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at
Baylor College of Medicine, agrees. He says that hypothyroidism may exist despite "normal range" TSH
levels.  In his book The Thyroid Solution he says:

Many people may be suffering from minute imbalances that have not yet resulted in
abnormal blood tests. If we included people with low-grade hypothyroidism whose blood
tests are normal, the frequency of hypothyroidism would no doubt exceed 10 percent of the
population. What is of special concern, though, is that many people whose test results are
dismissed as normal could continue to have symptoms of an under active thyroid. Their
moods, emotions, and overall well-being are affected by this imbalance, yet they are not
receiving the care they need to get to the root of their problems.  Even if the TSH level is in
the lower segment of normal range, a person may still be suffering from low-grade

Thus, if we were to include those who may be suffering from “low-grade hypothyroidism,” the
number could well be double the 13 million estimate from the Colorado study.

What is Causing This Epidemic?

While more research needs to be done, it is generally accepted that diet plays a major role in thyroid
health.  For decades we have known that low iodine intake leads to low thyroid function and eventually
to goiter.  Iodized salt was intended to solve this problem, but it has not been the answer.  There are a
number of foods known as goitrogens that block iodine. Two goitrogens are quite prevalent in the
American diet—peanuts and peanut butter and soybeans used most often in prepared foods as textured
vegetable protein (a refined soy food) and soybean oil.
The rise of industrialization, corporate farming, and mass production of food has drastically
changed our food supply from what our ancestors ate. Many studies show the detrimental effects
of refined sugars and grains on our health. These foods are very taxing on the thyroid gland, and
we consume them in large quantities.

Environmental stress such as chemical pollutants, pesticides, mercury, and fluoride are also
tough on the thyroid.  A growing body of evidence suggests that fluoride, which is prevalent in
toothpaste and water treatment, may inhibit the functioning of the thyroid gland.  Additionally,
mercury may diminish thyroid function because it displaces the trace mineral selenium, and
selenium is involved in conversion of thyroid hormones T4 to T3.

The Truth About Fats and Oils

Many dietary oils can negatively affect thyroid health. We cook with them almost every day and
they are plentiful in commercially prepared foods. Expeller-pressed or solvent-extracted oils only
became a major part of the American diet in the last century.  It is possible they are among the
worst offenders when it comes to the thyroid.  They are known as vegetable oils or
polyunsaturated oils. The most common source of these oils used in commercially prepared
foods is the soybean.

Large-scale cultivation of soybeans in the United States began after World War II and quickly
increased to 140 billion pounds per year.  Most of the crops are produced for animal feed and soy
oil for hydrogenated fats such as margarine and shortening. Today, it is nearly impossible to eat
at restaurants or buy packaged foods that don’t have soy oil in the ingredients.  Often labels
simply state “vegetable oil.”

Ray Peat Ph.D., a physiologist who has worked with progesterone and related hormones since
1968, says that the sudden surge of polyunsaturated oils into the food chain post World War II
has caused many changes in hormones. He writes:

Their [polyunsaturated oils] best understood effect is their interference with the function
of the thyroid gland.  Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in
the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone.  When the thyroid
hormone is deficient, the body is generally exposed to increased levels of estrogen.  The
thyroid hormone is essential for making the ‘protective hormones’ progesterone and
pregnenolone, so these hormones are lowered when anything interferes with the function
of the thyroid.  The thyroid hormone is required for using and eliminating cholesterol, so
cholesterol is likely to be raised by anything which blocks the thyroid function.4

There is a growing body of research concerning soy’s detrimental affect on the thyroid gland.
Much of this research centers on the phytoestrogens ("phyto" means plant) that are found in soy. 
In the 1960s when soy was introduced into infant formulas, it was shown that soy was
goitrogenic and caused goiters in babies. When iodine was supplemented, the incidence of goiter
reduced dramatically. However, a retrospective epidemiological study by Fort, et al. showed that
teenaged children with a diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disease were significantly more likely
to have received soy formula as infants (18 out of 59 children; 31 percent) when compared to
healthy siblings (nine out of 76, 12 percent) or control group children (seven out of 54; 13

When healthy individuals without any previous thyroid disease were fed 30 grams of pickled
soybeans per day for one month, Ishizuki, et al. reported goiter and elevated individual thyroid
stimulating hormone (TSH) levels (although still within the normal range) in thirty-seven
healthy, iodine-sufficient adults.  One month after stopping soybean consumption, individual
TSH values decreased to the original levels and goiters were reduced in size.6

Traditionally, polyunsaturated oils such as soybean oil have been used for livestock feed because
they cause the animals to gain weight.  These oils are made up of what is known as long chain fatty
acids—the kind of fatty acids that promote weight gain. In the North Carolina State University's
Extension Swine Husbandry 1998-2000 Departmental report, for example, was a study entitled
COMPOSITION” by M.T. See and J. Odle. Ironically, since the market in its low-fat dogma of recent
years is demanding leaner meats, this study showed that one could produce leaner meat and reduce
the weight on swine by reducing their intake of soy oil and substituting it with saturated animal fat! 7

According to Dr. Ray Peat, the fattening effect of polyunsaturated oils (primarily soy and corn) is due
to the presence of Linoleic and linolenic acids, long-chain fatty acids, which have an anti-thyroid
effect. Peat says:

Linoleic and linolenic acids, the "essential fatty acids," and other polyunsaturated fatty acids,
which are now fed to pigs to fatten them, in the form of corn and soy beans, cause the
animals' fat to be chemically equivalent to vegetable oil.  In the late 1940s, chemical toxins
were used to suppress the thyroid function of pigs, to make them get fatter while
consuming less food.  When that was found to be carcinogenic, it was then found that corn
and soy beans had the same antithyroid effect, causing the animals to be fattened at low
cost.  The animals' fat becomes chemically similar to the fats in their food, causing it to be
equally toxic, and equally fattening.8

Of course in the 1940s the fat from pigs (lard) was highly desirable, as were most saturated fats.
Today, saturated fats are fed to pigs to keep them lean, while most people buy polyunsaturated soy
and corn oils in the grocery stores as their primary cooking oil! So we have a population now
characterized by lean pigs and obese people…

Coconut Oil: A-Healthy Choice for the Thyroid

Coconut oil, on the other hand, is a saturated fat made up primarily of medium chain fatty acids.
Also known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), medium chain fatty acids are known to increase
metabolism and promote weight loss.  Coconut oil can also raise basal body temperatures while
increasing metabolism. This is good news for people who suffer with low thyroid function. We have
seen many testimonies to this effect.
The "proof is in the pudding". Try it yourself and then you be the judge. All these people certainly
can't "be wrong". Everyone will experience different benefits, some more than others, but definitely
something. In my own personal experience, I was suffering with hypothyroidism that even
prescription medications couldn't help. After a few short weeks of taking Virgin Coconut Oil, my
reading was normal for the first time in a year. I use it on my skin after a shower and no longer
struggle with the incredibly dry skin that often goes along with hypothyroidism, and I have used it on
my hair as a conditioner. All I can say that the phrase "The world's perfect food" is quite accurate.
Try it and see for yourself. Warmly, Melanie (Coconut Diet Forums)

I began taking coconut oil to address a hypothyroid issue. Recently, especially over the last month,
thyroid activity plunged and my temperatures would top out for the day somewhere between 97.2
and 97.8. Definitely hypothyroid territory. Now in just a couple of days the coconut oil has boosted
my metabolism back toward the normal range (still subnormal but getting there) and my sleep has
been incredible. From past experience with thyroid management, I know that--in my case--greatly
improved sleep and feelings of rejuvenation after sleep are related to more normal thyroid activity.
Whatever the precise mechanism, it's a welcome development. Mike (Coconut Diet Forums)

For more information on how Virgin Coconut Oil works to promote weight loss, see our article on
Weight Loss.

Coconut Oil and Oxidative Stress

One of the reasons the long chain fatty acids in vegetable oils are so damaging to the thyroid is that they
oxidize quickly and become rancid.  Food manufacturers know about this propensity towards rancidity
and, therefore, highly refine their vegetable oils. Considerable research has shown that trans fatty acids,
present when vegetable oils are highly refined (hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated), are especially
damaging to cell tissue and can have a negative affect on the thyroid as well as health in general. 
Because the longer chain fatty acids are deposited in cells more often as rancid and oxidizing fat,
impairment of the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 to T3 occurs, which is symptomatic of
hypothyroidism. To create the enzymes needed to convert fats to energy, T4 must be converted to T3.

Dr. Ray Peat says:

When the oils are stored in our tissues, they are much warmer, and more directly exposed
to oxygen than they would be in the seeds, and so their tendency to oxidize is very great.
These oxidative processes can damage enzymes and other parts of cells, and especially
their ability to produce energy. The enzymes which break down proteins are inhibited by
unsaturated fats; these enzymes are needed not only for digestion, but also for
production of thyroid hormones, clot removal, immunity, and the general adaptability of
cells. The risks of abnormal blood clotting, inflammation, immune deficiency, shock, aging,
obesity, and cancer are increased. Thyroid [hormones] and progesterone are decreased.

Since the unsaturated oils block protein digestion in the stomach, we can be malnourished
even while "eating well." There are many changes in hormones caused by unsaturated
fats. Their best understood effect is their interference with the function of the thyroid
gland. Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory
system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. Coconut oil is unique in its ability to
prevent weight-gain or cure obesity, by stimulating metabolism. It is quickly metabolized,
and functions in some ways as an antioxidant. 9

Because coconut oil is saturated and very stable (unrefined coconut oil has a shelf life of about three to
five years at room temperature), the body is not burdened with oxidative stress as it is with the
vegetable oils. Coconut oil does not require the enzyme stress that vegetable oils do, preventing T4 to
T3 hormone conversion, not only because it is a stable oil, but also because it is processed differently in
the body and does not need to be broken down by enzyme dependent processes as do long chain fatty
acids. Also, since the liver is the main place where damage occurs from oxidized and rancid oils that
cause cell membrane damage, and since the liver is where much of the conversion of T4 to T3 takes
place, eliminating long chain fatty acids from the diet and replacing them with medium chain fatty acids
found in coconut oil can, in time, help in rebuilding cell membranes and increasing enzyme production
that will assist in promoting the conversion of T4 to T3 hormones.

More research in this area is necessary. In the meantime, those switching from polyunsaturated oils to
coconut oil are reporting many positive results.  For example, Donna has experienced encouraging
improvements in her thyroid health.  She writes:

I've been on coconut oil since September, 2002 and, although, that doesn't seem like long, it has
changed my life and the lives of my family and friends. My weight actually went UP when I
started on coconut oil but I felt so GREAT!   Being hypothyroid, I was on Synthroid and Cytomel
and had been for years, but with inconsistent results and feeling worse. Other changes besides
the addition of coconut oil were the complete removal of soy (and that is a major challenge in
itself!), all trans fatty acids, no refined sugar, and organ cleanses seasonally. My thyroid meds
were discontinued with my doctor's knowledge as I was getting too energetic and having trouble
sleeping!  [Imagine], from being a “sleepaholic” couch potato that was cold!  My weight stayed
steady until the last three weeks and it has now started the downward move. My goal was
health and just believed the weight would come off when I found the right diet and exercise
routine that my life was comfortable with. I've tried removing the coconut oil but my energy
drops and I don't feel as good. Donna (Coconut Diet Forums)

Another coconut oil user writes:

I have experienced thyroid problems . . .  body temperature not going above 97 degrees, cold hands and
feet, can't lose weight, fatigued, slow heart rate, can't sleep some nights, dry skin, etc..... My doctor did
the thyroid test and it came back normal.  I am 46 and peri-menopausal. My Naturopath
symptomatically diagnosed me with hypothyroidism.  She explained the blood tests currently used by
allopathic medicine are not sensitive enough.  I started on the coconut oil 5 weeks ago. In the first week
I noticed my body temperature had risen and my resting heart rate had gone from 49 to 88 beats per
minute.  This has since settled to 66. My energy is now really high and I am slowly losing the weight - 3
lbs. in the past 5 weeks. I also had been taking flaxseed oil and gamma linoleic acid oil but have stopped
eating every other oil but what Dr. Raymond Peat recommends, which is coconut oil, olive oil and
butter… I take 3 tablespoons of coconut oil daily.  Cindy (Coconut Diet Forums)

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