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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear headmaster of Senior High School 3 Malang,

Dear teacher and staff at Senior High School 3 Malang,

And dear all my friends,

Previously, let us give thanks to God that had blessed us and just because God, I can
Opening stand up in front of you for give a speech about the condition in Indonesia until now . Although
Indonesia was Independence, Indonesia still have some classic problems.

The first problem is destitution. Although Indonesia was freedom from colonizer, this
problem is still here. Based on the data of World Bank about prosperity, Indonesia included in
category Low Middle. This category is for the countries which have the Gross National Product
per capita about US $ 2,521 ʹ US $ 3,740.

One of the factors that influence destitution in Indonesia is unemployment. The

government in Indonesia must give some solution for reduce destitution in Indonesia, for
example: give training to all unemployment to make the new job occupation. I think that is
the best think to reduce unemployment in Indonesia, and also for reduce destitution in

The second problem is about education. Many poor people can͛t get education at
school because they don͛t have enough funds for this. Many methods was did by government
to solve this problem, like make program BOS, and also buy the copyright of some books, and
bring it for free to public via Internet. Not just government, many people also help to solve
this problem. Now, many schools were built to poor children without take funds from them.
I͛m very happy about that.

Well, I think that͛s all my short speech. I hope we can make Indonesia better from
Closing now.

Thanks for your attention. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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