Lisselotte's DYO

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Lisselotte’s DYO

Background: Saturated fats are not good for you and unsaturated fat is good for you. The
percent of food that has fat is how much the food is actually fat. There are a variety of fats such as oils,
fats, and lipids. Fats play a vital role maintaining healthy skin and hair. The human body stores extra
energy in fat cells. Too much fat can be bad for you, and too little fat can be bad for your body as well.

Purpose: We are doing this experiment to see how much fat is in Chocolate Chip cookies.

Materials: Acetone, beaker, stirrer, chocolate chip cookies, Petri dish, granulated cylinder.


1. Weigh empty beaker; add 5g of your food to the beaker.

2. Record weight of the food on the beaker.

3. Add 10ml of acetone to food in beaker.

4. Stir until well mixed (1min.), and wait a minute.

5. Pour acetone on the Petri dish

6. Add another 10ml of acetone to food, repeat steps 4 and 5.

7. Place Petri dish with acetone and beaker with food in ventilated area.

8. Let it dry overnight.

9. Allow beaker to dry too

10. Weigh beaker with food.

11. Clean the beaker and the food.

12. Calculate weight difference ; record data.

13. Observe.

Food Type Weight of Beaker Weight of Beaker Amount of Fat % of Fat in Food
with Food (Day1) with Fat (Day2)
Chocolate Chip 165.0 163.5 1.5g 30%
Prediction: I think that Snickers will have more fat than any of the other foods because it has more
chocolate, and chocolate has a lot of fat.

Food % of Fat
Snickers 36%
Potato Chips 22%
Chocolate Chip Cookies 24%
Granola Bar 70%

Conclusions: I believe that my class data was inaccurate. I believe this to be so because how can
the Granola Bar have more percentage of fat than Snickers. Snickers are almost pure chocolate. Pure
chocolate normally would contain a lot of fat. Snickers also have peanuts which also contain fat. I never
expected for a granola bar to have more fat then the rest of the foods we tested because I didn’t know it
contained ingredients that can be fattening. This is why I thought Snickers had more percentage of fat.

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