Dbms 4hw

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Homework 4

CAP301: Database Management System

DOA: 01/11/10

Part A

Q1 :-> What benefit does strict two –phase locking provide? What disadvantages

Q2 :-> Most implementations of database systems use strict two –phase locking.

three reasons for the popularity of this protocol?

Q3 :-> In multiple granularities locking, what is the difference between implicit and
explicit locking?

Q4 :-> Illustrate the deadlock handling concept? Give the approaches for preventing
the deadlocks?

Q6 :-> Discuss the various types of failures. What is meant by catastrophic failure?

Q7 :->compare the deferred and immediate modifications versions of the log based
recovery scheme in terms of ease of implementation and overhead cost?

Part B

Q1 :-> Which account is designated as the owner of a relation? What privileges does
the owner of a relation have?

Q2 :-> What are digital signatures? How do they work?

Q3 :-> Discuss the several techniques for enforcing the security in the database

Q4 :-> Illustrate the concept of recovery with single and concurrent transactions
with the help of example?

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