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Concrete Supporting Details

1. Examples
2. Illustrative incidents

Topic: global warming (its causes: greenhouse effect,

Global warming is basically caused by two major
causes. First, it results from greenhouse effect. The
greenhouse effect is the process of reflecting back of
heat energy by the atmosphere because some heat
energy is absorbed by greenhouse gasses. Based on the
report at, it appears that the
major natural greenhouse gases are water vapor, which
causes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect on Earth
(not including clouds); carbon dioxide CO2, which causes
9-26%; methane, which causes 4-9%, and ozone, which
causes 3-7%. Second, the global warming is also
triggered by pollution resulted from industry and
transportation. Industry is positioning the biggest supply
of CO2 which produces greenhouse gasses. On the other
side, the use of fossil fuel in transportation also
contributes more CO2 that results in the heat of our
atmosphere. In brief, global warming is becoming more
serious problem to solve for our life sake.

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