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Middle Class Consumers

•Boundaries of “middle class” is not easy to define.

•However “middle market "can be defined as middle fifty

percent of house hold incomes.

•Marketers range middle class from lower middle class to

middle- middle class in terms of some acceptable variables like
income ,education or occupation.

•Nowadays, it is evident that middle -class consumers are

increasingly moving upstream to the ranks of upper middle
Tropicana and Other Fruit Juice companies are
targeting Middle Class Indian Consumers who are
seeking more health oriented products.
American Car Japanese Car Korean Car
“Zenn” “Honda ‘Hyundai Accent”

American ,Japanese and Korean Automobile

Manufacturers are manufacturing their vehicles in China
since Chinese Middle Class market is growing rapidly.
Moving up to more “Near” Luxuries

• Introduction of near luxury models by major luxury brand

firms allowed more middle class consumers to have access to
products that were considered once beyond their reach.

• Today, Marketers have realized that middle class

customers are purchasing more high style products often at
not so high prices.

•Traditional Marketers of luxury products have been

expanding their offerings to more affordable merchandise.
What is Working Class?

•Households earning $34,000 or less

control more than 30% of the total income
in the U.S.

•These consumers tend to be more brand

loyal than wealthier consumers
Working class And Other Non
Affluent Groups
• Working class or Blue collar represent a vast group of
people that marketers cannot ignore.

•Downscale consumers are actually more brand loyal

than wealthier customers because they cannot afford to
make mistakes by switching to unfamiliar brand.

•Marketers must be sensitive to realize that food is

particularly important purchase area for low income

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