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 Advantages of Incandescent Lamps
 Simple to use
 Lowest initial lamp cost.
 Immediate starting & re-starting.
 Excellent optical control.
 Easiest to dim.
 Wide design flexibility – Variety in style, output, color.
 Meet nearly every need.
 Output unaffected by operation in varied temperature ranges.
 Available in wattage ratings from 10 W to 200 W.
 Disadvantages of Incandescent Lamps
 Sensitive to shock and vibration.
 High overall operating cost - low efficacy and short life.
 Sensitive to voltage variations.
 Operating 240V lamp on 226V (-6%) reduces wattage by
10%, reduces light output by 20% and increases lamp life by
 Operating 240V lamp on 254V (+6%) increases wattage by
10%,increases light output by 22% and decreases lamp life
by 30%.
 Halogen Lamps
 Special kind of incandescent lamp
 More consistent light output than incandescent lamp
 Longer life
 Advantages of Halogen Lamps
 Provide excellent color rendering.
 Light whiter than that of conventional incandescent lamps.
 Continuous spectrum with emphasis on warm colors.
 Unmatched in precise light control from small, lightweight
 Easy to install.
 Deliver full light output at the flick of a switch.
 No warm-up required.
 Simple dimming control is possible.

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