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Communication Questions

1. Have you a doctor?


2.I have a doctor on board.


3. I require a helicopter urgently.


4. I cannot send a helicopter.


5. I require immediate assistance; propeller shaft is broken.

CB 8

6. Can you proceed without assistance?

CJ 4

7. I will attempt to obtain for you the assistance required.


8. Do you require a boat?


9. Can you send a boat?

DK 2

10. Yes.

11.Has the SOS/MAYDAY been cancelled?

EF 1
12. SOS/MAYDAY has been cancelled.


13. What is your present position?

EU 1

14. My position is doubtful.


15.You should indicate your position by rockets or flares.

FC 1

16. My position is indicated by rockets or flares.

FD 1

17.What is condition of survivors?

HM 4

18.Survivors are in good condition.

HM 2

19.Have you received any damage in collision?


20. I have received serious damage above the waterline.

HX 1

21. Where is the vessel with which you collided?

HY 6

22. I do not know what has happened to the vessel with which I collided.

HY 2

23.Are you on fire?

IT 3

24. I am on fire.


25. I can get the fire under control without assistance.


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