Test Paper A7a

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Name:…………………. Date: 20.09.

Class: aVII-a

I. Scrieti pluralul urmatoarelor adjective:

1) lady =
2) leaf =
3) man =
4) toy =
5) tomato =

II. Scrieti forma corecta a verbului din paranteza – Prezentul Simplu:

1) We ……………………………….a lot of toys. (to have)
2) She ………………………………to watch T.V. at night. (not, to like)
3) ……………..you………………..a cup of tea? (to want)
4) Our dogs ………………………….very fast. (to run)

III. Scrieti forma corecta a verbului din paranteza – Prezentul Continuu:

1) They………………………………to music now.(to listen)

2)We………………………………..T.V.(not, to watch)
3)……………..she………………..for the bus?(to wait)
4)He……………………….. now.(to sleep)

IV. Traduceti urmatoarele cuvinte:

That =
Kitchen =
These =
Our =
Her =

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