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The Question Concerning Technology Be and Other Essays 2% MARTIN HEIDEGGER ‘Translated and with an Introduction by WILLIAM LOVITT GARLAND PUBLISHING, INC. ‘New York & London 1977 opyight © 1077 by Harper & Rom, Pubic, fo. Al right reserved Printed i the United Stats of America No pat of thie book may be wed {nthe es fit quotations cabo in rials and tevin Fr information address Harper & Row, Pubes, cy 10 Eat ord Stet, ‘Neve Vork NY. 2002, Plsed snalteneouy in Canada by Ticheney | Whee nite, Tocnt, Dasigned by Eve “Thicaton published by arangement with Harper How, Pulser Is Hees, Martin, 189-97 “The gusto concern eae, and ther ey ‘Transatons of says wih xg appeared in ‘Tec ul Reve Howes Vora nd cowronr: The gusto concerning tchnalogy —The suming won of Niche "God dead ee Tr Gnlogy stan sys ee 2. Te olgy Addie apie 1 Tie Seamer a am Contents Acknowledgments Preface Introduction PART I ‘The Question Concerning Technology ‘The Turning PART It ‘The Word of Nietzsche: “God Is Dead” PART IIT ‘The Age of the World Picture Science and Reflection 83 us ass Acknowledgments [Lam greatly indebted to Professor J. Glenn Gray for initiating re into the demanding att of translating Heidegger and for our close association over the past two years, in the couree of which his meticulous reviewing of my translations for this volume has rescued me fom many dangers but left me largely fee to build sy own way. "To Professor Gray, as well 38 to Professor Heidegger himself, [owe thanks for acess to the unpublished transcripts of two seminars conducted by Heidegger in France: Séminaire tenw par le Professeur Heidegger sur le Differensschrift de Hegel” and “Séminaire ten au Thor en septembre 1969 par le Profeseur Martin Heidegger” The latter hae helped provide the perspective for my Introduction, and both have enhanced my understanding of the five essays incladed here Those on the faculty and staff at California State University, Sacramento, who have helped and supported me in my work on this volume are too numerous to be acknowledged each individ~ ually, but Tam patculaly grateful to my colleague in German, Professor Olaf K. Pesfler, for hours of intense conversation in which many secrets of the German idiom were revealed to me, "To Moira Neuterman, who was my typist From the beginning ‘of this project almost tothe last, and to Mary Ellyn McGeary,

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