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Fourth Grade Weekly News

Miss Meyer
November 15-19 (408)578-4800 ext. 212

Memory Work
Date Numbers
Tuesday, November 16 #83
Thursday, November 18 #85 & 86
Friday, November 19 Hymn 571:1-2

 Mission Offerings – A mission envelope was sent home today and may be brought back
anytime this week.

 Spelling Words – Spelling words for Unit 11 were sent home today.

 Test – We will have a math test on Wednesday. The students will be given an optional
practice test which may be completed for extra credit.

 Parent/Teacher Conferences – A note with your scheduled time for our conference was
sent home last week. Please remember that these conferences are 15 minutes in length.
If there is something further that we would like to discuss, we will have to schedule
another time.

 Paint Shirts – There are a few students who still haven’t brought in their paint shirts.
We will be doing a painting project soon. Any student that doesn’t have a paint shirt
won’t participate in the project. Therefore, if your child doesn’t have a paint shirt yet,
please be sure to send one with him/her ASAP!

 Thanksgiving Break - Next week will be a short week due to Thanksgiving. On

Wednesday, November 24th, school will dismiss at noon. Thursday and Friday there is no
school of course!

 Reading Week/Used Book Fair – This week is the Used Book Fair at school!
Information was sent home last week about this. It will not be open during the school
day; however, after school students/parents will be able to purchase books. We will also
be doing some fun activities throughout the week to promote reading.

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