Key To Proofreader's Marks 10.09.10 LLM

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Key to Proofreader’s Marks

tech=technical errors (i.e., punctuation, spelling, etc.)

p=punctuation error
wc=word choice
mw=missing word
sp=spelling error
RO=run on sentence (you need to add a semi-colon, a period or in some cases, a dash [two hyphens] to
correct this error)

v. agr.=verb agreement issue

check mark=an error is being repeated which has already been addressed and/or explained earlier in the

Punctuation Guide
(Note: [ ] signifies place where your words/thoughts should be in relation to the punctuation)
Rule of thumb: periods and commas are always kept inside of a quote unless they are not at the actual
end of the sentence.

.” =the quote and your own statement are complete

,” [ ]. = the quote was complete but your sentence wasn’t until you put the period down

?” or !” = the speaker/author used this punctuation; if you are done with the sentence, no further
punctuation is needed; if you are not done with the sentence, keep the original punctuation and continue
this way: ?” [ ]. or !” [ ].

[ ]”! or [ ]”? = the emphasis or question is yours, not the speaker’s/author’s

- = hyphen
-- = dash

Other Notes:
~Please use stapler from home or school to staple on a diagonal at the top left corner
~Number your pages
~Always Capitalize your titles except for prepositions; articles (a, an, the) are capitalized in titles
~Italicize book titles
~Be sure that margins are only 1” and space between lines as well as indentations for paragraphs meet
criteria in syllabus

~At the top right corner of your paper (4 lines total, single spaced):
Assignment (format: Journal A; WW [weekly writing]; Essay)
Date due

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