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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 254 706 i i CE 040 982 4 TUTLE Stationary Engineers Apprenticeship. Related Training ’ Modules, 12,1-12,9. Boilers. INSTITUTION Lane Community Coll., Eugene, Oreg. ‘ ~ SPONS AGENCY, Oregon State Dept. of Education, Salem.” paces PUB DATE p =“ [82]. NOTE 176p.; For related documents, see CE 040 971-990, \ (many of the modules are duplicated in CE 040 997. ° PUB TYPE Guides - CYassroom Use ~ Materias (For Learner * (OBL) j EDRS PRICE MFO1/PCOB Plus Postage. : : DESCRIPTORS “Apprenticeships; Behavioral Objectives; Energy; Energy Occupations; Equipment Maintenance; *Equipment ae 2 Utilization; Job Skills; Job Training; Learning it = Modules; Postsecondary Education; *Power ‘Technology;- ‘ *Trade and Industrial Education IDENTIFIERS * *Boilers; *Stationary Engineering _ ee , ABSTRACT i ce . This learning module, one in a series of 20 related training modules for apprentice stationary engineers, deals with ~~ boilers. Addressed in the individyal instructional packages inclyded in the module are the following topics: firetube and watertube hoilers; boiler construction; procedures for operating and cleaning ‘boilers; and boiler fittings, heat recovery systems, instruments and + céntrols, piping, and‘steam traps. Each instructional package in the sgaude contains some or all’ of the following: a lesson goal, . formance indicators, a study guide, a vocabulary list, an ee pede introduction, instructional text, an assignment, a job sheet, a self-assessnont sitivity, 9 post-assessment instrument, answers to the post-asse%sme! instrument, and a list of recommended supplenentary referencgs. (MN) ’ JESS SOUT ISIS IU IEOSIIIISISISIIIISISI IIIS IIIS SUBIR TEOET ER RIE Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that’ can be made * * JUSSI I IOI IIIT TOI TTI TTT TIT IIE MN)... from the original document. . SEIU O IO III APPRENTICESHIP | | SCAR LOMA BERCTEERS ED254706 ~ : : | att TRAINING 1 MODULES oo Ee ee C042952. °° + +. STATEMENT. OF ASSURANCE on a Ie IS THE POLLCY OF THE secon Yeran ent oF EDUCATION THAT NO PERSON BE voc TO DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF RACE, NATIONAL WEIGIN, ‘SEX, AGE, HANDIGAP OR : MARITAL STATUS IN ANY PROGRAM, SERVICE OR ACTIVITY FOR WHICH THE Oreson Dera MENT OF EDUCATION 1S RESPONSIBLE. THe DEPARTMENT WILL 1 WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF STATE (AND FEDERAL LAW CONCERNING NON! DISCRIMINATION AND WILL “strive ay J1s ACTIONS TO ENHANCE THE DIGNITY AND WORTH ' OF ALL PERSONS. : . “¢ STATEMENT OF_ DEVELOPHENT THIS PROJECT WAS DEVELOPED AND PRODUCED UNDER A SUB-CONTRACT FOR THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF Epucation sy LANe COMMUNITY CoLLece, APPRENTICESHIP Division, Euceye,’ OReGon, 1984, Lane. COMMUNITY COLLEGE IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY INSTITUTION, : J

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