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P5 Year-End Holiday Homework Practice Paper - Set BRAVO

Paper 1 Name: _____________________ ( ) P5 ( )
J estions 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each. J estions 11 to 15 carry 2 marks each.
For each of the q estions, fo r options are given. One of them is the correct answer.
Choose the correct answer (1, 2, 3 or 4). Shade the correct oval on the Optical Answer
Sheet provided. (20 marks)

1. In which of the following n mbers does the digit 5 have a val e of 500?

(1) 25 048
(2) 42 058
(3) 42 508
(4) 52 048

2. What is 51 ± 6 x 3 + 18 ÷ 3

(1) 5
(2) 27
(3) 39
(4) 51

3. Which of the following is the same as 9 060 g?

(1) 9 kg 6 g
(2) 9 kg 60 g
(3) 90 kg 6 g
(4) 90 kg 60 g

3 1
4. Mrs Wong sed 1 Îcof orange j ice, 2 Î of pineapple j ice and 1.5Î of
4 8
Sprite to make fr it p nch. How m ch fr it p nch did she make? Express
yo r answer in Î

(1) 3 ccÎ

(2) 4 cÎ

(3) 5 cÎ

(4) 5 cÎ c

Practice Set BRAVO Page 1


5. Chef Tan baked 7 chicken pies. He shared the chicken pies eq ally with
his 5 siblings. What fraction of the chicken pie did each of them receive?


(3) 1

(4) 1

6. Ro nd off 3.056 to 2 decimal places.

(1) 3.00
(2) 3.05
(3) 3.06
(4) 3.10

7. Wei Hao spent a total of $25.20 in 6 days.

What was the average amo nt of money she spent each day?

(1) $4.20
(2) $4.25
(3) $42.00
(4) $151.20

Practice Set BRAVO Page 2


8. St dy these fig res which are drawn on a sq are grid.

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c ›
c c c c c c
c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c cc c c c c c c c c c c

c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

Which of the following statements is tr e?

(1) Only fig re E has 4 eq al sides.

(2) Only fig res A, B and E have 2 pairs of parallel sides.
(3) Only fig res A, D and E have opposite sides that are eq al.
(4) Only fig res B, C and D have no right angles.

9. The fig re below is made p of identical rectangles.

What is the ratio of the shaded part to the nshaded part?

(1) 2:3
(2) 2:5
(3) 3:5
(4) 5:2

Practice Set BRAVO Page 3


10. Grace stacked some identical c bes in a corner of a room as shown


What percentage of the c bes is hidden from sight?

(1) 4%
(2) 20%
(3) 25%

(4) 33 %

11. While watching a play in a theatre, Sherman noticed that the seats were
arranged in rows with the same n mber of seats in each row. There were
8 seats to his right and 4 seats to his left. In front of him were 6 rows of
seats and behind him, there were 10 rows of seats. What is the seating
capacity of the theatre?

(1) 187
(2) 192
(3) 201
(4) 221

12. What is the total s rface area of a c be which has a vol me of 729 cm³ ?

(1) 9 cm²
(2) 81 cm²
(3) 243 cm²
(4) 486 cm²

Practice Set BRAVO Page 4


13. Liz and Beth walk ro nd the park every morning. Liz walks a distance of
4 km. Beth walks of the distance Liz walks. What is the difference in
distance covered by the two ladies in one morning? (Express yo r answer
in © ).

(1) 1 km

(2) 2 km

(3) 3 km

(4) 6 km

14. Sam el and Ryan shared 320 marbles in the ratio of 3 : 13 respectively.
How many marbles m st Ryan give Sam el so that the two boys wo ld
have the same n mber of marbles?

(1) 20
(2) 60
(3) 100
(4) 200

15. The length and breadth of a rectangle are both decreased by 20%. By
how many percent will its area be decreased?

(1) 20%
(2) 36%
(3) 64%
(4) 80%

Practice Set BRAVO Page 5


Booklet B :
J estions 16 to 25 carry 1 mark each. Write yo r answers in the spaces provided. For
q estions which req ire nits, give yo r answers in the nits stated.
(10 marks)
16. Jolly Café sold 73 902 ice-cream bars last year. Express this n mber to the
nearest ten tho sand.


17. List the common m ltiples of 6 and 8 which are smaller than 50.

Ans: _______________

18. A movie started at 10.15 a.m. and lasted for 2h 25min. What time did the
movie end?

Ans: ___________ p.m.

19. Find the area of triangle XYZ given that WYZ is a straight line and Y is the
midpoint of WZ.

15 cm
9 cm

12 cm Ans: ___________ cm²

Practice Set BRAVO Page 6


20. Based on a c pcake recipe, Sherry needed 3 c ps of s gar to bake 12

c pcakes. How many c ps of s gar wo ld she need if she wanted to bake 36
s ch c pcakes?

Ans: _______________

21. Find the val e of 13.35 ± 8.8 .

Ans: ________________

22. Express as a decimal.

Ans: ________________

23. Write down the letter(s) which has/have the dotted line as a line of symmetry.

c c öc
Ans: ________________

Practice Set BRAVO c Page 7


24. The line graph below shows the distance a cyclist was from his destination
which was 60 km away, over a period of time. He started cycling from 8 am
and reached his destination at 12 noon.

istance (km)

istance from
25c destination (km)
 c  c 1 c 11 c 12 c
Time (ho rs)

D ring which one-ho r period was the cyclist cycling at his fastest speed?

Ans: Between ________and _________

25. The fig re below shows the n mber of fish and frogs present in a pond. How
many more fish m st be added to the pond in order for the ratio of the n mber
of frogs to the n mber of fish be 1 : 4 ?

Ans: ________________

Practice Set BRAVO Page 8


J estions 26 to 30 carry 2 marks each. Show yo r working clearly in the space provided
for each q estion and write yo r answers in the spaces provided. For q estions which
req ire nits, give yo r answers in the nits stated. (10 marks)

26. Mr Tan wants to tile a rectang lar patch in his garden as shown in the diagram
below. He ses sq are tiles of side 4 cm to tile the patch. What is the maxim m
n mber of sq are tiles he has sed to tile the rectang lar patch?

70 cm

80 cm

Ans: ______________

27. Ariel bo ght 15 tins of sardines and gave the cashier three $10 notes. How m ch
change sho ld Ariel get back?

3 tins of
sardines for
c $4.35
c c

Ans: $_____________

Practice Set BRAVO Page 9

28. In the fig re below not drawn to scale, mAOB is thrice the size of mBOC.
Find mCOD.

40° C

D Ans: ______________°c

29. The average mass of 6 passengers in a lift was 58 kg. After two of the passengers
left the lift, the average mass of the remaining passengers became 62 kg. What
was the average mass of the two passengers who left the lift?

Ans: ____________kg

30. Mr Ong earns $6 000 a month. He saves 20% of it, spends $600 and gives the rest
to his wife. What percentage of his salary does he give to his wife?

Ans: _____________%

End of Paper 1

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