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COPD Diagnostic Tests

• It is a broad classification of disorders.

• It is characterized by slowly progressive • PFT
obstruction of the airways. • V-PS
• The disease is one of periodic exacerbations, • ABG’s
often related to respiratory infection, with • Pulse oximetry
increased symptoms of dyspnea and sputum • CBC
production. • Chest x-ray


• It is a disorder of excessive bronchial mucous • Bronchodilators eg. Alupent, Proventil
secretion. – Beta 2 agonist – short & long acting
• It is characterized by a productive cough. – Anticholinergics – short acting
• Cigarette smoke is the major factor implicated in – Theophylline – long acting
the development of chronic bronchitis. • Corticosteroid e.g. Pulmicort, Beclovent
• Oxygen
• Vaccine

 V/S
 ß O2 conc. (2-3L/min) as Rx
 Monitor pulse oximetry
 Respiratory treatment & chest physiotherapy
 Pursed-lip breathing
 Record the color, amount & consistency of
 Suction fluids
 Daily wt.
 Small, frequent feedings
 Ý calorie & CHON diet with supplements
 Encourage fluids- 3000ml/day
 Stop Smoking
CHRONIC BRONCHITIS  Activity as tolerated
• Productive cough
• Dyspnea
• Cyanosis
• Evidence of R-sided heart failure
– Distended neck veins
– Liver engorgement
– Heart enlargement
• Adventitious lung sounds
– Ronchi
– wheezes

• Dyspnea
• Cough- minimal
• Barrel chest
• Breath sound diminished
• hyperresonant

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