Unforgettable Moment in My Life

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Unforgettable moment in my life

Here I would like to share with you one of the incident took place when I was in
inter what happen in that time. I cheated in English exam and my sir found. I will tell
you how I cheated that time what happen that time we had English exam before that sir
told that which essay would come in examination at that time I thought that before
English exam we had maths exam at that time I took one extra additional sheet then I
kept it in my pocket then I went to home and I wrote the essay as ties then next day I
went to college I took it out I tied it with English exam papers I gave it to examiner ok
up to here fine next day I came to college then my English sir was coming with exam
papers then he gave all papers I also got my papers he found that paper he did not
consider that paper marks he did not tell to any body after class he called to me and
then ha asked about that paper I requested to forgave my mistook then he said I was
giving you one punishment you had to follow that punishment he said otherwise I
would tell you about it to principal then he would debar you he which option did you
want ok sir tell me what is the punishment ok he said that you had to stand in my class
complete year ok I agreed I went to home I thought how he found he found because I
did three mistakes those were that paper is not torn and next I wrote essay as ties
without mistakes and paper also folded many times its not neatly. next day I went to
college sir also came to class then I stood like this going on for five days my friend
asked to me why you were standing daily in English class I said to my friend complete
story ok he gave me one suggestion you should absent for five days then sir would
forgot about you then you could sat ok fine I took my friend suggestion I was absent for
one week after one week I went to college and sir came I was not standing that time he
did not forget about it he still remember he said sand up I did not stand ok its over after
class he called to me he asked the I requested please forgave me sir ok he convinced he
said you should not repeated it I said ok sir

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