House Style For My Music Magazine

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House Style for my Music Magazine

Possible names:

 Notes
 Music Makes Magic
 Tunes
 Turn it up

Possible font styles:

 Font Style 1
 Font Style 2
 Font Style 3

Colour scheme:

These are the main colours I

would like to use for my
magazine. I have chosen four
main colours so that the attention
stays on the images and
information and not on the back
ground colours.
Selling Line – I’d like to include a
Masthead with a plug
selling line like this one on my
underneath, the masthead is one
magazine cover. In a Contrasting
of the first things the reader looks
colour to the picture in the
at before buying a magazine so
background so that it stands out.
placing a plug underneath it is a
good way to advertise the
magazine and persuade
someone to buy it. Therefore this
would be a good technique to use
when designing my magazine.

The menu strip is a good

way to inform the audience
what the magazine will
The headline with anchorage include.
underneath is one of the main
selling points of the front cover. I
am going to have a headline on The image on the front cover in
my magazine in a colour that most cases is the main selling
stands out from the picture in the point. So it is important for my
background, this will grab the magazine to have an interesting
audiences attention. image on the front cover to
persuade people to buy it.

The edition of NME is in the style I would like to use for my magazine. I have annotated the
devices used on the NME cover to get inspiration for my magazine. The techniques I have
written about are the once I think are most important to make a magazine successful and
persuade people to buy it.

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