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Please ensure that the contents of the project are in following order:

1) Heading page

2) Certificate by guide

3) Declaration by student

4) Acknowledgement

5) Executive summary

6) Index

7) Main project divided in various topics

8) Conclusion

9) Bibliography

Formatting guidelines:

1) Two copies should be prepared

2) 40 to 50 pages and 10,000 to 12,000 words

3) Paper size: A4

4) Font: Times New Roman

5) Font size: 14

6) Margins:

a) Left, Top: 1.50

b) Right, Bottom: 1.00

7) Line spacing: 1.5

8) Alignment for paragraphs: Justified

9) Header and Footer to be applied from the executive summary page onwards.

10) Header: “VIVEK COLLEGE OF COMMERCE” in right corner

11) Footer: Name of topic on left and page number on right.

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