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November 12, 2010 Please pray for my family

We love you
My name: Van Nhaung. June 05, 1983
My wife name: Sothy Orn. January 05, 1989

My Testimony
Special points of interest: I was born in a Poor family and was a farmer family. self to finish everything.
But a day my brother
Love is most important for My father was village authority. Also, he did Khmer cart asked me that, do you
me and all mankind to selling for others and he farmed rice field. want to believe in God? If
My mother was housewife. Also, she boiled cakes to sell- you believed, you will
True love is patient ing at the market to get a little money to providing the received hope in God
and had peace. Because
family. God is all things, and then
Mark 10: 27 God is all every-
I did not have enough time to study, because my parent I desired to believe in
thing. God. For a year, I didn’t
was poor and did not have ability to send me to school.
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in So I and my brothers had received some working from see about what is the
them. wonderful work of God. I
the Lord always. I will say it still received suffering
again: Rejoice! I and my brothers always went to sell the package of and hopeless. So I had a
water for passengers. When the passengers they were bad plan, I will ran away
Romans 12: 12 Be joyful in traveling on the bus, and the bus was stopped. I sold the from God and stopped
hope; patient in affliction, water to them to get a little money for my family. believing in God.
faithful in prayer. And then, we moved to live in Battambang town with my Even I tried to escape or
uncle for 12 years. My mother was died of (TB) and skin hide from Him, it was im-
cancer. At that time I was 19 years old, and my father possible. Until I came
was older. So I tried to find the job to do by my self. I back again, to serve Him.
tried to do everything to complete my stomach, even mo-
My Vision or Purpose tor taxi, waiter in the restaurant or night club and con-
in future structor worker. When I faced suffering I always com-
plain and offend in heart. Sometime I wanted to hang my
First, I will still be serving
Second, I want to make a Christ
small business is
Third, before I die, I want to same
see our children growing up,
let them believe in God and yester-
obey God and has good future day and
God is with you all time

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