Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

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Hydrogen Peroxide

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy through your Digestive Tract
Obviously, the other method of delivery through the mucous membranes is to ingest
hydrogen peroxide orally. Taken orally, hydrogen peroxide is an extremely powerful
cleanser for both the blood and the digestive tract. If at any point during the
cleansing, the toxins purged by your body exceed your ability to eliminate them, you
will most likely experience a healing crisis. You may experience fatigue, diarrhea,
headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and nausea. Do not
discontinue the hydrogen peroxide therapy if you experience these symptoms.

Take the hydrogen peroxide on an empty stomach, either 1 hour before meals or 3
hours after meals. The hydrogen peroxide can react with bacteria present in food,
causing foaming, indigestion and even vomiting. Avoid taking it too close to bedtime
as the increased oxygen can energize you and result in sleeplessness.

Taken orally, you do not need to worry about pre-mixing a solution, as your
objective is to get a certain amount of hydrogen peroxide per day. Fill a small, glass
eyedropper bottle with the full strength solution that you purchased. Be very careful
not to get any on your skin as it can burn you! Store the eyedropper bottle in the
refrigerator. (note: many food grade peroxide bottles come with a long straw like
dropper so if you obtain one of these, you wont need to transfer the H2O2.

Remember, the objective is to get the total number of drops per day, but you have
to do it in a very diluted form. Using the table below, add the specified number of
drops to 8 ounces of distilled water (not chlorinated water!), milk, aloe vera juice or
watermelon juice. Avoid mixing with other juices as they may contain compounds,
such as beta carotene, which will cause the hydrogen peroxide to release the oxygen
before it has a chance to get into your system. Many people experience a bleach
taste when the dosage starts to increase. If mixing the hydrogen peroxide in milk,
aloe vera or watermelon juice does not help, then try cutting down on the number of
drops, but increase the number of glasses you drink.


(Note: The book above does not contain any additional significant information about
H202 Therapy that is not already included in this document.)
Cleansing Dosage (you can also add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to mix to
increase 02 levels and alkalize Ph levels)

Hydrogen Peroxide Times

Day # Concentration Per
12% 17% 35% Day

1 6 drops 4 drops 2 drops 3

2 12 drops 8 drops 4 drops 3
3 18 drops 12 drops 6 drops 3
4 24 drops 16 drops 8 drops 3
5 30 drops 20 drops 10 drops 3
6 36 drops 24 drops 12 drops 3
7 42 drops 28 drops 14 drops 3
8 48 drops 32 drops 16 drops 3
9 54 drops 36 drops 18 drops 3
10 60 drops 40 drops 20 drops 3
11 60 drops 40 drops 20 drops 3
12 60 drops 40 drops 20 drops 3
13 60 drops 40 drops 20 drops 3
14 60 drops 40 drops 20 drops 3
15 60 drops 40 drops 20 drops 3
16 60 drops 40 drops 20 drops 3

Maintain the maximum dose for at least one week. For chronic conditions, you can
stay on the maximum dosage three times a day for up to three weeks.

Use the table to determine the equivalent number of drops, if you are starting with a
different concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Gradually reduce your dosage as
- 20 drops (35% concentration) once every other day for 1 week
- 20 drops (35% concentration) once every third day for 2 weeks
- 20 drops (35% concentration) once every fourth day for 3 weeks.

Maintenance Dosage
This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops (35% concentration) per week
based on how one feels. Again, use the table to determine the equivalent number of
drops, if you are starting with a different concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
What is the proper dilution scale for food grade hydrogen peroxide?

Dilution scale: Note 2 oz = ¼ cup

Mix 2 oz of 35% hydrogen peroxide with 22 oz of distilled water = 24 oz 3.5%
diluted hydrogen peroxide solution (Basically 12-parts water to 1-part H2O2)
Mix 2 oz of 17% hydrogen peroxide with 12 oz of distilled water = 14 oz 3.5%
diluted hydrogen peroxide solution
Mix 2 oz of 12% hydrogen peroxide with 8 oz of distilled water = 10 oz 3.5% diluted
hydrogen peroxide solution

The Many Forms of Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

Methods of hydrogen peroxide therapy that do not involve ingesting hydrogen

peroxide are not controversial and are generally known to be safe, if applied
properly. This site provides details on various methods of hydrogen peroxide therapy
that do not involve ingesting. It also provides guidelines on how to further dilute
hydrogen peroxide if you do choose to ingest it. With this information in mind, if you
decide to administer hydrogen peroxide therapy by ingesting hydrogen peroxide,
please follow the directions on this page to ensure that you do it in a safe manner.

Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy through your Lungs

Mix 16 oz (2 C) of 3.5% diluted hydrogen peroxide solution with 128 oz (1 gallon) of
water in a vaporizer. Use this mixture in your vaporizer nightly.

Nasal Spray
Mix 1 Tablespoon of 3.5% diluted hydrogen peroxide solution with 8 oz (1 C) of
distilled water for use as a nasal spray. Use 2-3 squirts of this nasal spray
throughout the day when you start experiencing signs of congestion. Better yet, try
it daily and see if it helps ward off congestion during the cold and flu season.

Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy through your Skin

Put 64 oz (2 quarts) of the 3.5% diluted hydrogen peroxide solution in a tub full of warm
water. Soak in it for 30 minutes. The hot water will dilate your pores and blood vessels
facilitating absorption. Your body will absorb the oxygen through your skin. Sounds like
a hyperthermia treatment. Now you know how to combine these two treatments! Unlike a
standard hyperthermia treatment, do not try this immediately before bedtime, as many
people report that the oxygen actually energizes the body and hinders sleep.
For use at home, some individuals add 1 to 2 measuring cups of 35% food grade
hydrogen peroxide [or 10 cups of 3%] to a bathtub of warm/hot water and soak for 20 to
30 minutes as the hydrogen peroxide is absorbed through the skin. Others drink a glass of
water to which several drops or more of food or reagent grade hydrogen peroxide [note:
Only use Food Grade H2O2 for internal consumption- see below] have been added.

Actually, if you added 4 cups of 35% H2O2 to the bath water it would only be about a
1/5 of 1% solution of H2O2 (assuming 45 gallons are in the tub), so using 2 cups is
considered very safe.

Dr. David G. Williams, has extensively researched this issue and considers the internal
injestion of H2O2 to be perfectly safe. He notes:

"A single atom of oxygen, however, is very reactive and is referred to as a free radical.
Over the past several years, we've continually read that these free radicals are responsible
for all types of ailments and even premature aging. What many writers seem to forget,
however, is that our bodies create and use free radicals to destroy harmful bacteria,
viruses, and fungi.
In fact, the cells responsible for fighting infection and foreign invaders in the body (your
white blood cells) make hydrogen peroxide and use it to oxidize any offending culprits.
The intense bubbling you see when hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with a bacteria-
laden cut or wound is the oxygen being released and bacteria being destroyed. The ability
of our cells to produce hydrogen peroxide is essential for life. H202 is not some
undesirable by-product or toxin, but instead a basic requirement for good health.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9DhBPegqqY&feature=related (this guy took over

70 drops three times per day)

H202 Inhalation Therapy: http://www.landrights.com/Hydrogen_Peroxide.htm

He started Inhaling Peroxide when he was 69 years old. He does it 5-6 times each day
and is currently age 83+. More information is available at:
http://www.landrights.com/Hydrogen_Peroxide.htm It looks like he does this with
regular 3% H202 and not food grade. If I try this myself, I would dilute the 35% food
grade to a 3% solution based on the table on page 3 as the over the counter peroxide has
some metallic stabilizers that I would prefer not to have in the inhaler. If you multiply the
amount of 35% food grade peroxide by 13, this will give you the amount of distilled
water you will need to get about a 2.5% to 3% solution. For example 1 ounce of peroxide
(1/8th cup) would require 13 ounces of water (1 5/8th cups of water).

Cure/Treatment for Cold & Flu: Take 1 cap full or use a dropper of 3% hydrogen
peroxide and tilt your head sideways so you can poor or administer the drops into the ear.
Hold and listen to the bubbles for 5-10 minutes or so and then do the same with the
opposite ear. This can be done with regular over the counter hydrogen peroxide or you
can dilute your food grade to 3% as described earlier. We heard about this practice years
ago. It is reportedly a common practice in India and Germany... During flu season, fill the
cap of a bottle of hydrogen peroxide with the liquid, lay down on your side, and pour it
into one ear. After a few seconds, the liquid will bubble. Lay with the peroxide fizzing
for 5 or 10 minutes, then shake the peroxide out. Repeat on the other ear. This remedy is
supposed to cures colds that are already in progress - causing the symptoms to begin to
clear up within a few hours. Note: If the virus has been in your blood for some time, this
will not work!

H202 Therapy has been effective on a large variety of well known diseases.

In many cases, Erectile Dysfunction and impotence has also responded well to H2O2
therapy. Most likely due to improved circulation through the arteries and capillaries.
H2O2 and Colloidal Silver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIPoTyZDL10

Colloidal silver combined with Hydrogen Peroxide is quickly proving to be an effective

combination. This combination can be used in oral, IV and external treatments. Please
keep in mind that IV treatments should be considered highly experimental.

Adding hydrogen peroxide to a completed batch of colloidal silver atomizes and ionizes
any metallic silver particles remaining in the solution. If enough hydrogen peroxide is
used, the end result is a product with little if any actual silver particle content.

This process is readily observed by careful attention to the tyndall effect before, during,
and after the H2O2 addition and subsequent reaction. Although we have demonstrated
that once all of the silver particle content is ionized, some hydrogen peroxide can
stabilize in the colloidal silver, it is generally considered that the H2O2 content has a
relatively short shelf life. Our experience to date suggests that the greatest action ( in the
treatment of readily accessible infections ) occurs within 5 - 30 minutes of combining the
hydrogen peroxide with the colloidal silver, during the period where the catalyst reaction
produced by the H2O2 is still occuring.

Increased bioavailability is likely one of the results of the hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 )
colloidal silver combination. It is possible that that the reaction between silver and H2O2
results in an actual delivery mechanism that increases adsorption of silver directly into
tissues that come in direct contact with the colloidal silver. However, this is only one
possible explanation for the increased benefit of use.

According to Water and Science Technology, Volume 31 5-6, a 1:1000 solution of

colloidal silver to H2O2 increased the efficacy of colloidal silver by up to 100 times
under some circumstances ( which remain unknown ) against bacteria. This indicates that
an extremely small amount of colloidal silver with hydrogen peroxide is beneficial, and
we see no reason to believe that the opposite is not true, in that extremely small amounts
of H2O2 and colloidal silver were used in the study.

High H2O2 / colloidal silver strengths can be used externally with fine results. A 3%
H2O2 colloidal silver solution can be mixed and used as an excellent disinfectant and
water treatment method, and can be used as a skin cleanser/conditioner for healthy skin

Hydrogen peroxide as an addition to colloidal silver is not very well documented

although the mechanisms at work are. Two treatment philosophies prevail:

1) Using colloidal silver to augment H2O2 therapy. A small amount of colloidal silver is
added to an H2O2 solution. It is wise to dilute the H2O2 down to the desired
concentration, and then add the colloidal silver to the end solution. Then, one uses this
end solution as one normally would in H2O2 therapy ( but NOT for use in inhalation
therapy ). Adding three drops of a 35% H2O2 solution to six to eight ounces of water for
internal use, as previously mentioned, is the standard recommended starting point ( see
section below for more information ). For external use and for use as a mouthwash, the
3% end solution need not be diluted. The H2O2/colloidal silver external solution is
EXCELLENT to treat ear conditions and infections that use the inner ear as an
"incubation chamber". CAUTION: A 3% H2O2 solution created from colloidal silver is
much more reactive than a standard 3% H2O2 solution. If one has experienced chronic
ear or other tissue infections, unpleasantness can be avoided by using a 1.5% dilution.
Simply take the 3% end solution, and dilute it further.

2) Using H2O2 to augment colloidal silver therapy. Adding small amounts of H2O2 to a
final colloidal silver batch prior to use both enhances the colloidal silver and provides the
benefits associated with hydrogen peroxide use. All dosage levels for hydrogen peroxide
should be tailored to personal tolerance levels and used with informed caution.

The amounts of hydrogen peroxide to use will depend on the type and quality of colloidal
silver. The higher the particle content, the more hydrogen peroxide will need to be used.
Peroxide strips can be purchased to measure the end PPM of hydrogen peroxide.

When using colloidal silver and H2O2 internally, it is extremely important to hold the
solution in the mouth for at least 60 seconds, or longer, to avoid the famed stomach upset
that is sometimes associated with hydrogen peroxide therapy. Doing so will prevent any
discomfort associated with use.

H2O2 as used in the mouth may cause discomfort and tissue damage considering any
actual lesions located in the mouth (as apposed to more common infections ). In such a
case, it is wise to start with a very diluted solution.

Alternatives to Food Grade Peroxide:

http://www.purehealthsystems.com/living-streams-probiotic.html (Living Streams

http://www.healingedge.net/store/more_ame_diox.html (Dioxychlor)

These products and statements have not been approved nor evaluated by the US Food and Drug
Administration. The information is to be used as a informational reference only. This information is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, as this requires a medical license. The information
is for research use only and is not intended for use in medical diagnosis and/or medical treatment. It is
recommended that in all cases of disease, injury, sickness, etc. that the aid of a licensed health practitioner
is obtained and that you follow the suggested treatment.

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