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World History II

Scientific Rev and Enlightenment Review Sheet

Readings/Study Materials
- Textbook sections 22.1, 22.2, and 22.3
- Protestant Revolution packet
- Scientific Rev packet
- All worksheets and handouts from class including:
o Quote intro wksht
o Kant reading
o Quote packet
o Voltaire’s Understanding of Inequality
o Rousseau v. Wollstonecraft
- Notes from SSS and class discussions

Essential Questions
- What events and/or movements in Europe led to the Age of Enlightenment?
o Protestant Reformation
o Scientific Revolution
o Civil War in England
- What is the social contract? How do the perspectives of Thomas Hobbes and John
Locke differ?
- How have Enlightenment ideas influenced modern democratic governments

Important People/Terms/Key Ideas

- Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
o What events led to the Protestant Reformation?
o How does Protestantism differ from Catholicism?
- Scientific Revolution
o Heliocentric vs. Geocentric Theories
o Scientific Method
o Copernicus
o Galileo
o Newton
o Descartes
o Bacon
o Advancements in medicine
- Enlightenment
o Know the overall themes of the Enlightenment
o Know the main theories and works of literature for the following
 Thomas Hobbes
 John Locke
 Montesquieu
 Rousseau
 Voltaire
 Beccaria
 Mary Wollstonecraft
 Immanuel Kant
 Diderot
o Salons
o Enlightened Despots
o Frederick the Great
o Catherine the Great
o Joseph II of Austria

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