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Milbuk Parish Youth Camp

NDM Field

Day 1 October 29
4:00 PM -Registration/ Distribution of PYC Kit
6:00 PM -Pagdayeg alang kang Birhen Maria
7:00 PM -Supper
8:00 PM -Personal Preparation
8:30 PM -Orientation/ Gabii sa PagpasunDAYAG
10:00 PM -Rest
10:30 PM -Lights off

Day 2 October 30
4:30 AM -Rising
5:00 AM -“Hataw ta, Bay”
5:45 AM -Personal Preparation
6:00 AM -Breakfast
7:00 AM -Assembly @ NDM Field/ Giving of Instructions/ Morning Prayer
7:30 AM -Movement to Different Areas
7:45 AM -First Activity Starts
8:30 AM -First Activity Ends/Movement to Area 2
8:45 AM -Second Activity Starts
9:30 AM -Second Activity Ends/Movement to Area 3
9:45 AM -Third Activity Starts
10:30 AM -Third Activity Ends/ Movement to Area 4
10:45 AM - Fourth Activity Starts
11:30 AM -Fourth Activity Ends/Movement to Area 5
11:45 AM -Fifth Activity Starts
12:30 AM -Fifth Activity Ends
12:45 AM -Lunch
2:00 PM -Rising from Siesta/ Preparation
2:30 PM -“Tapat Ko, Linis Ko” (Tree Planting, Manualia/ House Cleaning, Simbahan)
4:00 PM -Merienda
4:15 PM -Preparation/ Planning for Socio-Night by Group
5:15 PM -Preparation for Eucharistic Celebration
5:30 PM -Eucharistic Celebration
6:30 PM -Supper
7:30 PM -Personal Preparation
8:00 PM -“Gabii sa Ka-SADYA”
10:00 PM -Rest
10:30 PM -Lights Off

Day 3 October 31
5:00 AM -Rising/ Preparation
6:00 AM -Eucharistic Celebration (Culmination of Rosary Month)
7:30 AM -Breakfast
8:30 AM -Assembly @ Church
8:45 AM -Input on CYM based on DPA-1 Starts
9:15 AM -Input Ends/ Planning by GKK Starts
10:15 AM -Planning by GKK Ends/Merienda
10:30 AM -Collation of Planning according to GKK by ZONE Starts( Zone- 1 Kiosk,
Zone-2 Church)
11:30 AM - Collation of Planning according to Zone Ends/ Parish CYM Planning Starts
by Zone 1 and Zone 2 representative @ Parish Multi Purpose Hall
12:30 PM -Lunch
1:00 PM - Election of Milbuk Parish CYM Officers
2:00 PM -Presentation of Milbuk Parish CYM Statement and Annual Plan
-Giving of Certificates
3:00 PM -Home Sweet Home

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