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Famous Artists Cartoon Course Westport, Connecticut Clothes and folds ~~ Rube Goldberg Milton Conif Al Copp Horry Hoenigsen Willard Mullin Gumey Wiliams Dick Cavali Whitney Dorow, J. Virgil Porch Berney Tobey sleeves and legs ofa garment are hollow cylinders. Any pattern drawn on tee cylinders must be drawn to suggest the true Shape of the garment, As with perspective, you are faced with the problem of transferring athreedimensinal form toa twor dimensional surace without losing the three dimensional eer. "The wrong application of folds and patierns on a comic figure ‘an kill the ilusio of deph which you have created by the out Tine ofthat figure. Properly drawn clothing and pater, on the other hand, wil give additional depth to jour drawing: When lothing the femate figure, you will nd thatthe litle tension Tines that you add sound the breast hips, et, wil add much tothe ele: ofthe figure. It doesnt hart to iggtst the leg under the skin. “Alt, when drawing the female igure, the styles of the times must be kept in mind. Even thaugh you are drawing a comic it is important chat the dothing be uptodate. Half of your readers are women and if your sles are ten years out of date, they will 100m lose inteent in your featize, Here again, your morgue plays a very important part. Kesp a good, activ fie of ‘Wonten's Glohing and see that is kept uptodate ata dimes. Good sourees for this typeof material are maiLorder catalogues, fGshion magazines and even daily newspaper. As with every thing else you draw in cartooning, simplify the wotnaa's dress Don't atempe to make an exact copy of any dress or design you see advertised in a newspaper ova mane. Ie ti an original design, you might be sued by the dress manvfactarer-you don't ‘want to end up ia the jog. The length of skit fe particulary Importane when drawing the female gute. Skirt bave 4 habie ‘of changing lengths radiealy from year to Jest, and cartoonist ‘who is drawing a daily fecure and working several months head must develop 2 Knack for oreteling the future, “The following pages will not only be of valve to you right now, but will eontinue to be of vale to you during the yeas to come. Styles may change, but folde never da. Make a habit of referring back to these pages whenever you are working with clothes and ned a refresher cee 9 Fomous Ais Coreen Coune Clothes and folds tot Hi one i] The laws of fos and iW os ‘hole simple diegroms ee Here are the geometric dagrams ‘through the irregularities present inall folds, regardes ofthe eype (of fold and allow you to see the into @ smaller oreo. 1 is wally infeenced by aravity nd is under no sain, heving & ore oF les moot, even Rom: Fomovs Arist Cartoon Coune Clothes and folds ~9 6 J Ferns Aris Caton Cause Clothes and folds Halftock fotd he atc ol cs when ube The ere at ea “the Tete of rection Sees te et cy an Diaper fold 7 From te point of supper, the digper Lesion Feomous Arts Cartoon Coune 7 Clothes and folds 8 Q mere Clothes and folds Draping the male figure “The ols ins drape Sree cntole by tre facto: 1 The shape a the undergo 2 Th oation ofthe gee 8'The ental he pent “Tin bis ed cay ty te eso pry are wap eae f by thesoulcr and the valk. fold ae sland Rowing Haare igs ii pra? lk aed mainly by aden west tans oak ea | g> ; incre," tin pou of ae as ae shoulders oon, /] = fs shaped to cover stir form, allowing exces cloth Yor ree tse ofthe underlying form. When an arm, tors or leg bends or changes direction, the ‘loth sackene on the opponite side ofthe tension, This cloth sbvioaly does wet he Se — the ot oe ‘ern ag Won tne se fae there page ced careful study. They cover the basic caus and directions of garment folds wy a} ie™ WN ee 9 Fems Ais Caroon Coun Clothes and folds 10 12 Famoe: Artists Coron Coune Clothes and folds ae ‘hi fee rodaing Draping the female figure Regards of the wide range of cut and syle in womens clothes, here are fundamentals that eannot be changed. A drei upported frm the soul dcr, extends out over the bust and decends due to gravity in drop and pip folds to its hem. Iemay be gathered at the waist ad fal from the bust {othe waist to the hips ~ and then descend, Or it may be a separate blouse tnd a skirt ‘The skit exends out from the wast an falls due to gravity {rom the point of lagen circumference atthe hie, This is taciionally female conte, just a 4 mas conte x cos rose and sire Because ofthe varity in female clodhing you should alway sketch in the form of the gure ist and then drape the [orm. This gives you something to build on. Ie wil be much eer for you to End the dione points of teosion and suppor and have the folds Corset yo dea the Bipre ft ‘The variety of volumes of oth In diferent cuts of female garments makes this procedure necesary. Always follow the fold “through © That i draw ic completely around from start to finish by drawing it volume, ir depth {nd i contour When you do thi, the feld that conrlled by tenion will follow the form. Thoxe cotralled by gravity will fd the protruding edge and decend. conten ant ‘Basle things 10 study ond remember when draping a figure oa O= x Arn Conon Comes Clothes and folds Aasgreent pion Femove Ase Cartoon Course Clothes and folds ~9 ANOUS ARTISTS CARTOON COURSE Student Work Tesson 9 To study and practice men i cones to drawing simplified clothes and folds there is no substitute for knowledge of the real thing. This leston, therefore, presents the subject in rather complete, real- iste detail. Before considering yourself qualified to simplify the wrinkles on cartoon characters, you should spend plenty of tine on this lesson. For practice, make simplified tracing-paper overlays of photographs of men and women in magazines, working out the nost important folds in their clothing. Study these folds carefully, noting especially the pointe of support, pall of gravity and effects of cension. Sketch your friends! and relatives" clothing -- and your om. look through your course to See how professionals simplity the basic actions of cloth. Your grade on these assignments will depend on how well you understand and draw cloth in faction. The tigures on the page marked Plate 1 end the actions in Assignment 2 vere care- fully chosen to let us see vhat you have learned in the lesson. ASSTOIVENT 2 Draw the following prescribed clothes directly over the figures on Plate 1. Man Bowling =~ Slacks, shirt vith sleeves buttoned at the wrist, no tie Gini Running -- Full skirt, blouse, apron Han Seated -- Shirt with four-in-hend tie, dusiness suit with vest, coat open, ‘thunbs hooked under vest, hat tipped back on head Before executing this plate, work out the folds in the clothing on tracing-paper overlays. Dray the folds on the plate itself with ink lines, using pen or brush. Keep the folds sinple and do not put any shading in the éraving. IMPORTANT ~ Mark this sheet ASSIGIMEND 2. ASSIGMENT 2 On a piece of 11 x Ikvinch Bristol board, rule and ink a panel 7 Snches nigh and 10 inches vide. Dray a eartoon of the folloving incident: A young nan dressed in © business suit is seated in the faded parlor of a snall-tom boarding house, He is startled to see the omer of the doarding house, weering work pants and a shirt without @ tie, run through the rocm closely pursued by bis wife. She is wearing slippers fand a houtecoat, Do thie in pen end ink. Use esther conic or realistic adventure style, You nay follov the layout of this accompanying sketch or drean up your omn composition, as you wish. IMEORTANT - Mark this sheet ASSTENMG? 2. Prosent your assignments in the sane clean, professional manner you would use if you vere submitting then to the cartoon buyer of @ publication. Letter your nme, address and student number in the lover left-hand corner of each drawing. In the lover right comer, place the Tesson Number and Assigment tunber. Mail to: [FAMOUS ARTISTS CARTOON COUESE Westport, Connecticut

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