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By:Andres Bedoya
In this presentation we will see the
development that the atom has had since
Democritus talked about it. We will show it in
a time-line.
Democritus (500 a.c.)
Democritus was a philosopher that lived in
ancient. He was the first one that talked about the
atom. Atom was misnomer because atom means
without parts, and we know that atoms have parts.
John Dalton(1803)
He said that:
 Matter is made up of indivisible atoms.
 All atoms of an element are identical.
 Atoms are neither created nor destroyed.
 Atoms of different elements have different
weights and chemical properties.
 Atoms of different elements combine in simple
whole numbers to form compounds
Michael Faraday(1803)
 Set up a pair of metal plates sealed in a glass tube.
 The tube was filled with a gas, and the metal plates
were connected to a series of batteries.
 As the pressure of the gas decreased, the gas began
to glow.
 Julius Plucker (1858) noticed that only one end
emitted light.
He also changed the position of the patch of glass
that glowed by bringing
a magnet close to the tube.
Michael Faraday(1803)
 The effect of the magnetic field as evidence that
produced this glow was electrically charged.
Dmitri Mendelieev(1869)
Dmitri was a russian scientist. He became
famous by the creation of the periodic table of
elements that had elements, but not as many as
we have know.
He discovered the electrons in the atom and
created the “plum pudding model” that
consisted in a big positive part and small non-
moving electrons inside it.
William Conrad Roenteg(1895)
Discovered x-rays while using cathode-ray
tubes.  Found that x-rays could pass
through solid objects.
Ernst Rutherford(1911)
He improved Thomson’s model. He created
the “planetary model” that consisted in a
positive part and non-moving electrons around
it.He also gave name the protons and neutrons.
He discovered a more precise model named
“Bohr´s model”. It consisted in neutrons and
protons in the nucleus and the electrons
moving around in orbits.
In 2000 many important scientists worked in
a more precise model of the atom that consisted
in the protons and neutrons at the nucleus and
the electrons in a cloud orbiting outside the

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