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10/12 '01 12,~13

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Director.Office of Foreign A88Cl~ Control, U.S.Department of the Treasury,

ISBO Pcrmsylvania Avenue.NW. Washington,D.C. 20220 USA

President Bush issued the Executive Order 13224 blocking: property and. prohibiting transactions with persons who commit. threaten to commit or support terrorism.

On November 7.ruy name as well as the name of my wife were put by the US government on a list related LU the above Executive Order.

1 am a Swiss citizen and Prof.Bmcritus of the Swiss Federal In.. .. titute of Technology ETH.I have served the US in different capacities as viaiting professor teaching and doing research at lJC Berkeley.Univ.of Ilhnois.Univ.of Floridll..Univ.ofMiami, IBM Research Laboratory San Jose and gave lectures at Stanford Univ.,UC Suntu Barbara.Umv.of Anzone.Univ.of Ncw Mexico.Rice Univ .• Purdue Univ .......

At the same time.I was chairman anEEE Control System Society Awards and Nornina.tiuns cummittee and reviewer of different research projects of the National Science Foundation NSF.AlI my international activities you can find on my website: ~Y1W,cQnlrol.etb~.£hIinfu/peQPle/mansQur

1 received two prizes from the US.

Since 1988 1 have been together with my wife on the: board of Nada Management Organizationfpreviously Al Taqwa management organi ... ation) which is il. service company doing internal. auditing and feasibility studies for Al Taqwa Bank.Bahamas.Our duty was to accept the auditing report of the external auditing company once; a year.

Regarding myselfI have been active ~cientificlilly since my retirement in 1993 at dll'fcn;nl urnversities and conferences all over the world.l am abo member and chairman of tile engineering committee of tbc Third World Academy of Science TW AS.AdVi.<;OI to the International Federation of Automatic Control, AdVUlOJ to UNESCO and delegate ofTWAS(ns NGO) to the United Nations.

It is very strange and there is no reason whatsoever to put my name and the carne of my wife on a list of people supporting terrorism.I am known by all my students and colleages worldwide for my opposition to any violence and war and my conviction tnai tbere is no justification uf killing innocent people under any clrcurustances.I believe that all people are equal irrespective (If colcur.race.religion or world view and I am known for this belief.I ask you to make an effnrt to have my name and the name of my wife remn ved from this list.If you need more Information from my slde 1 am ready to offer the necessary information and would appreciate much if there is a chance to talk in person.

Thank you in advance fur your kind considerution.

Mohamed mansour


LCCR Q & R - 013886

1U/12 . 01 1 g,: 13

copy:Coordinator for Counterterrorism, room 2507 ,U_S.Depaltmcnt of State, 2201. C SLre.eL.NW. Washington,D.C. 20520 USA


~ 002.1'003


LCCR Q & R - 013887

MANSOUR, Mohamect (a.k.a. AL-MANSOUR, Dr. Mohamed), Oh. Heslibachstr- 20, Kusnacht, Switzerland; Zurich, Switzerland; DOB 1928; POB U.A.E.j alt. POB Egypt {individual} [SDGT1 11-07- 01

MANSOUR-FATTOUH, Zeinab, Zurich, Switzerland (individual) [SDGT] 11-07-01


LCCR Q & R _ 013888


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Dr. Mohamed Mansour

Dear Dr. Mansour:

This letter informs you that effective January 27, 2006, you are no longer a Specially Designated Global Terrorist pursuant to Executive Order 13224. All lawful transactions between U.S. persons and you that were previously barred by the designation are now permissible, Please understand that future activity by you that falls within the scope of United States sanctions imposed under Executive Order 13224 may be a basis for OF AC to consider re-designating you under that authority.

A notice of your removal from the list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists will appear on the Office of Foreign Assets Control's website. The complete list of Specially Designated National's ("SDN"), which includes SDGTs, is published in the Federal Register from time to time; names that are omitted have been officially removed from the list and those individuals are no longer SDN's. A current list ofSDN's is available on OFAC's website at!enforcement!ofac/.



Robert W. Werner Director

Office of Foreign Assets Control


Deputy Head

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

teen Q & R· 013889



. ...)

S~oct!.sd!k rClcriat fur Wfflschufi Sf:r,n'~ttlri[]t d'Etol 6 I't!(onomic '.5egrctodalo d~ St ovo dlJH'('(onnOlio State Secretariat for Il c e n c rni r fUfa~r!:.

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~~ e·: fC j;~
~ , '."!!:,,, Berne. 23 February 2004

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Mr. Richard Newcomb. Director 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, D,C: 20220

our ref.: #417809.1 vac

Ds-llstinq Requests of Professor Mohamed Mansour and Mrs. Zeinab Mansour

Dear Mr. Newcomb,

Attached 10 this letter, you will find the answers of Professor Mohamed Mansour and his wife, Mrs. Zeinab Mansour, to your third questionnaire dated September 22"d. 2003. We have discussed the questionnaire with Prof. Mansour and have recommended that the answers be as detailed as possible.

As concerns the de-listing requestsof Prof. Mansour and his wife. all statements made in our letter to yOL on 3161 October 2002 qUI! enjoy our full support. In particular, we can reaffirm that the Swiss authorities have no indication that Prof. Mansour or his wife have been or currently are involved in any activity which could In any way be associated with the international terrorism or the finandng of such activities.

On October 29, 2003, during a meeting of the Swiss Embassy in

Washingtor" D.C., you expressed your desire perso in this matter in order to

speed up the procedure. We much appreciate this offer and hope that you will be able to support these de-listing requests so that this matter can now be resolved.

Yours sincerely,

State Secrfltarlat for Economic Affairs Bilateral Economic Relatlons

QmY. Prof. Mansour and Mrs. Zeinab Mansour, Kusnacht

HfJnll"utrcU'. l , CH·3003 lI"rna

Tol. (+41) 313:140761, F .. " (~41131 3:1409 SI www.u(o·"



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Prof.Dr.Mohamed Mansour

Ref.: FAC N

Office of Foreign Assets Control,

U.S. Department of Treasury,

A TIN: International Programs Division 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220 USA



t 4 !


Dear Mr. Newcomb

I received your letter dated Sep. 22, 2003 with supplemental questions which I answer as follows:

l.a, The responsibility and liability of board members of a company as I understand are, to take care of the interests of the shareholders and avoid decisions with high risk for them, to think about strategies to increase the benefit for the company, and to see that the finances are correct and reasonable.

The AI Taqvva management is a special service company because: the bank owns the capital of the company and the managers of the company are at the same time the managers of the bank. Also the bank pays for the expenses of the company so that the company is not profit oriented. Therefore the responsibility of the board is almost restricted to see that the finances are correct and reasonable. But the independent auditor checks the correctness so that checking that the expenses are reasonable by reviewing the audit report is what remains for the board. This is a trivial job if we consider also that the expenses change slightly from year to year, which results in a routine work. For me it was a mistake to accept such a trivial job.

I think 1 am in compliance with the responsibilities under Swiss Law


l.b, The board was responsible for reviewing (not auditing) the report of the independent auditor. This report serves as a basis for the decisions of the board. I was provided with this report. I did not have other responsibility.

) .c. I did not have to reconcile the independent audit report and the actual business operations. Normally the independent auditor checks the company financial records.

. ,

l.d. I did not receive any compensation other than which I considered more than I deserve for the job. I even expressed my desire to have no compensation for such a trivial job. J agreed to serve on the board because I thought that investment with no interest but taking share in benefits and losses according to Islamic law is a good experiment and should be supported .

l.e. I understand that an annual meeting was required. The purpose was only to review the audit report. The board members naturally got the audit report and approved the minutes. 1 did not keep these papers with me because everything was routine with no important decisions according to the explanation under la, No other documentation was provided.

LCCR Q & R - 013891

',.~ .

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2.a A:; 1 mentioned in my correspondence of October 2002 _needed a_

citizen who is a ~d inee 1983 or 1984 ". I can only guess that

he did not know many and may be because of my status as a

known scientist.

2.b. I do not remember the name of the Egyptian Professor. What I remember is that he was at an Engineering conference and stayed a couple of days in Switzerland. He must have retired by now if he is still living.

2.c. 1 never had business with anybody other than _I do not have social relationship with other individuals who also have relationships with_

2.d. I did' not receive a written description of the duties of the board members but I knew that I need only I ittle time for rp',''''''lrIn me to accept as I was overloaded with



I !

4. I have never heard the name Waldenberg A.G. This company was never discussed and I do not know if its name appeared in a study of the company. I have never read a study of the company.

~ers at the end of 200 1 that there are two companies related to _____ I did not care about the names of these companies.

6. I do not know anything about a new company aller the company was liquidated.

is not a company but a

T remember was required

by uthorities to have a partner solving problems for the Muslim

community lil:e lmding a cemetery etc. I did not have an official role in this organization. r was once invited, together with some members of this organization, by committee to discuss how to solve issues related to the integration of

" is not a company but a foundation serving a

community in Zurich. It has representatives in the above

""'''' ... 't ........ in its committee most of the

time I was outside the country. help of other people

to eliminate any political activity and any religious extremism inside the organization. The foundation still exists. I am no more member of it or any organization other than the national and international scientific organizations.





once by my apartment was not really a visit. That is why I cannot social relationship. 1 understand under social relationship family visits. I


LCCR Q & R - 013892

· .

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~s a reI igious person but open minded whom I could trust. I did not consider him a friend but we did have good relation. Our relation was almost limited to the above business relation. However if I have known the scope of his political activity as I read about it in the newspapers, I would not have accepted the board membership in his company.

10. I knew only of the bank and that thcy were successful business people before. I do

not know with whom socially and I did not care to

know. I did not

I hope this matter will come to an end.

Mohamed mansour

I/. t /,1:", .. <-.-----



LCCR Q & R - 013893 L.j

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C) unless otherwise indicated

August 11,2002

Office of Foreign Assets Control

U.S. Department of Treasury

ATTN: International Programs Division 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220

Ref:FAC Dear Mr.

Thank you for your letter which I have just received after returning from vacation. My response is as

1- '--""'~.""'=~=

1- The only association I had was with al- Taqwa Management Organization (later named Nada Management Organization). I was on the board of this Swiss company

from 1988 till the end of 001 when the . 'dated """~rrl!in"

Swiss law.

~hecompany doing feasibility studies for investment

3~ No involvement in any other company.

4- My responsibility on the board was to review once a year in a board meeting the report ofthe official Auditing company containing the balance, income and expenses of'al-Taqwa management This was a routine work with no principal changes from year to year.

5- no written contract.

6-The bank owed me the value ofth.hares I bought il~S dollars. 7- The company was liquidated end of2001.Since this time I have no association with the company .It does no more exist. After this experience, I shall not associate myself with any company whatsoever.

Il- Aq;O\,lllts and Assets

1· I did not prepare anything on behalf of the individuals.

2- As far as r remember the capital of the company about 100000 Swiss Franks. It is a very small company, The capital crone from the bank.

3· The same from the beginning in 1988 except changing the name in 2000.

LCCR Q & R - 013894

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_nSible for the operation of the company were the managers 5- 111is was done by the managers and I have no idea about the arrangements.

6-The bank owned {be capital of the company and transferred to the company the yearly expenses of some more than one million Swiss Franks. What [ know is that the accounts of the company have been blocked by the Swiss Authorities.

7- [ have no idea about the assets of the bank.

8- All what 1 know is that the bank and the company did have the same managers. I was assured from the beginning that this is allowed.

I have given the information I could collect. As I was not associated with the bank, I could not answer the questions concerning it.

I hope that our suffering will soon come to an end. Thank you and best regards.

i7. ;--1c~.,--,,, <'--------Mohatp'iF I\1~~~l-Ir

LCCR Q & R - 013895

.' ! ~ ..



All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6) & (b )(7)(C) unless otherwise indicated

Prof Dr. Mohamed Mansour

Office of Foreign Assets Control

U.S. Department of the Treasury ATTN: International Programs Division 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220 USA

Kuesnacht, October 8, 2002

My de-listing request (Rer.: FAC No.

Dear Mr. Newcomb

Thank Y')U for your fax of September 13, 2002. 1 am sorry to learn that you were not completely satisfied with my short answers. A~ a mathematically oriented researcher. I am accustomed to give the relevant information in a compact way. However, and according to your request, I shall try my best to give more detailed answers below.

Before answering your supplementary questions, r shall give some preliminary explanations, which might bc helpful in understanding the situation:

[ - The only association I had was with al-Taqwa Management Organization (later named Nuda Management Organization). I was on the board of this Swiss company (which is a service company) from 1988 till the end of 2001 when the company was liquidated according to the Swiss law. [ was chairing the yearly meeting of the board as a non-executive chairman and I did not

have an another function in the

company the duty of the i auditing accounts ( means checking the accounts of the bank, especially the customers accounts) and performing feasibility studies for investments. The work of the company was carried out ~oyees together with and supervised by the managers _ and __. who are very qualified for this business. I and my wife trusted them and we never thought that they would be doing anything illegal. The investments as I knew from them were trade in agricultural products like rice and sugar. trade in fertilizers. trade in cement and machines and investing in real estate.

JJ . An official auditing company in Luguno named FIDIREVISA SA audited the accounts of the company. The bank in the Bahamas has its own board and auditing company.

LCCR Q & R - 013896

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III - The report or the official auditing company contained the balance (the current assets and liabilities), the expenses (salaries, office expenses, travel expenses, taxes, insurances etc.) and income which is the money coming from the bank to cover the expenses. A copy of the last auditing report is attached to this letter. I have it by chance. It is the only auditing report 1 have in my possession.

IV - My only responsibility on the board was to review once a year in a board meeting in Lugano the above mentioned official auditing report. This was a routine work with no major changes from year to year. The performance of this duty took me one day including a 6- 7 hours travel from my home to Lugano and back and a 1-2 hours meeting.

Now [ come to your supplementary questions. I have taken care to answer them to the best of Illy knowledge.

Question I

As mentioned in the preliminary remarks, my only responsibility on the board was to review c nee a year the auditing report prepared by the official auditing company. I have never reviewed any bank account audit report myself. 1 have never prepared or reviewed any feasibility study myself. The bank in the Bahamas had its own board and its official auditing company and I had no responsibility with the bank.

Concerning questions l a) to 10) I can add to following:

• Hoard Meeting: As mentioned above, this was a meeting which took place once a year and lasted for ) - 2 hours. At the first meeting, the managers ~nd _ explained the auditing report of the official auditing company and they answered the questions regarding the finances of the company. In the following years there was not much change and it became routine work. There was always a short protocol of the board meetings. I do not have any of these protocols in my possession, because I did not take papers of the company home.

• Feasibility Studies: _ and some or the employees performed the feasibility studies. 1 have never been involved ill the preparation or review uf these studies and :I do not have .1 copy of any such study in my possession.

• : The audits of the bank accounts were performed by. nd some of the employees of AI Taqwa Management

. I was not involved in this and I do not have a copy of any such audit report in my possession.

• Swf(: The number of people working for :11 Taqwa Management were between .5 and 10, sometimes maybe 11 persons. The number was changing over the years. I did not have any relation to the employees.

LCCR Q & R - 013897 d

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011e(: every year.

• Compensation: r received signed by the managers for my pOSI

a check from the company

Quc~liol1 2

2a)_ needed a According to Swiss La and be Swiss citizens.

Question 3

J did m~lher business or social relationships with ... --' was sometimes there when I visited we do not have contact with any of them. My wife and I with an~'b()(ly except some good old friends who care about us.

Question 4

r purchased the shures after gelling a brochure which was sent to many Muslims in Switzerland and abroad announcing the establishment of a bank run according to

LCCR Q & R - 013898

I,,", •••

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6) & (b )(7)(C)

Islamic law (no interest. but taking share in benefits and losses). I thought this was a good experiment. I bought only.hares for a total value of~S Dollars. Unfortunately the experiment did no! succeed. 1 have already seru to you u eopy of the confirmation of the bank. Attached to this letter. [ send you now the last account concerning these shares,

Please refer [0 the attached copy of the audit report which provides detailed information concerning the lise of funds. As can be seen, the vast majority of expenses were for salaries, personnel insurances and office rent. Other expenses included travel expenses, various office expenses, taxes and legal, consulting and auditing fees. The recipients of (he funds were thus the employees, insurance companies. the Swiss Authorities and a number of private businesses. I do not remember any specific names. I did not have any authority over the funds and they were used like the funds of any other service company. My only responsibility is mentioned under IV of the preliminary remarks.

Rcgurdi I1g myself 1 would like to mention the following:

1 have been active scientifically

over t es and national and international

organizations including UN organizations. Many of my activities were in the US as mentioned in my letter of December 10, 200 I. For your in lurmation on my academic career, I join my Curriculum Vitae to this letter, I never was engaged in any other business except the one mentioned above.

As meuioucd in my fir~t letter, I am known by my students and colleagues worldwide for my opposi tion to any violence and war and my conviction that there is no justification of killing Innocent people under <Illy circumstances, J believe that all people have the sume rights irrespective of color, race, religion or worldview and ram known for that belief. I was invited several times in Switzerland and abroad 10 meetings on dialogue or cultures (mainly between Christians, Jews and Muslims) where r am active in prtlmoii'~g understanding between the people of the three Religions.

J hope that this additional information will allow you to rapidly review my lisling persuant to Execuii ve Order 13224.


n (1 t[_.,_", ...... ~--

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mansour


J) Audit report dated 9 May 200 J, prepared by

2) Bank statement concerning shares

3) Curriculum Vitae

LCCR Q & R - 013899

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C) unless otherwise indicated

Zeinab Mansour

August 11 ,2002

Ref.:FAC N Dear Mr. Newcomb

Office of Foreign Assets Control

U.S. Department of Treasury

ATTN: International Programs Division 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220

Thank you for your letter which I have just recei ved after returning from vacation. My response is as for 1-

I-The only association I had was with al- Taqwa Management Organization (later named Nada Management Organization). I was on the board of this Swiss company

from 1 n8 end of200 when the . .

3- No involvement in any other company.

4- My responsibility Oil the board was to review once a year in a board meeting the report or an official Auditing company containing the balance, expenses and income of the al-Taqwa management. Mostly my husband has represented me.

5- no written contract.

6-No outstanding obligations.

7- The company was liquidated end of2001.Since this time I have no association with the company .lt does no more exist. After this experience, I shall not associate myself with any company whatsoever.

11- Accounts and Assets

I-I did 1I0t prepare anything 011 behalfofthe individuals.

2- The capital of the company came from the bank

3- The same from the beginning in 1988 except changing the same in 2000.

lliiilible for Ihe operation ofthe company were the

LCCR Q & R - 013900

5- This was done by the managers and I have no idea about the 8lTangements.

6·The bank owned the capital of the company and transferred to the company the yearly expenses or some more than one million Swiss Franks. What I know is that the IlCCOUllt:; of the company have been blocked by the Swiss Authorities.

7- 1 have no idea about the assets of the bank.

8- All what I know is that the bank and the company did have the same managers.

I have given the information I could collect As I was not associated with the bank, I could not answer the questions concerning it.

I hope that our suffering will soon come to an end. Thank you and best regards.

Zeinab Mansour

LCCR Q & R - 013901

All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C) unless otherwise indicated

Office of Foreign Assets Control

U.S. Department of the Treasury ATTN: International Programs Division 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220 USA

Kuesuacht, October 8, 2002

My de-Jisting request (Ref: FAC N

Dear Mr. Newcomb

Thank you fur your fax of September 13, 2002. I am sorry to know that you were nut completely satisfied with my short answers. However, and according to your request, I shall try Illy best to give more detailed answers below.

Before answering your supplemcnrury questions, I shall gi ve some preliminary explana.ionx, which might be helpful in understanding the situation:

I - The only association I had W<lS with al-Tuqwa Management Organization (later named Nada Management Organization). I was on the board of this !;wiss company (which is a service company) from 1988 till the end of 200 1 when the company was liquidated according to the Swiss law. I did not have

.. n other function. husband Mohamed Mansour,

The company the uty

merna auditing bank accounts (wh ich means checking the accounts of

the bank especially (he customers accounts) and performing teasibility studies

Ior investments. The work of the co was carried out b the cmployee~

together and supervised by the managers We

t.ustcd them and never thought that they would be doing anything

IT - Jln official auditing company in Lugano named FlDlREYISA SA audited the accounts of the company. The bank in the Bahamas has its own board and auditing company.

III - The report of the official auditing company contained the balance (the current assets and liubil i ties), the expenses (salaries, office expenses, travel expense." taxes, insurances ctc.) and income which is the money coming from the bank to cover the expenses. A copy of the last audi ting report is attached to the letter of my husband .

. , LCCRQ&R-013902

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IY - My only responsibility on the board was to review once a year in a board meeting in Lugano the above mentioned official auditing report. Mostly my husband has represented me at the meeting. This was rou tine work with no major changes lrom year to year.

Now I C<JITlC (0 your supplementary questions. I have taken care to answer them to the best of ray knowledge.

Question I

As mentioned in the preliminary remarks, my only responsibility on the board was to review once a year the auditing report prepared by the official auditing company. I have never reviewed any hank account audit report myself. I have never prepared or reviewed any feasibility study myself. The bank in the Bahamas had its own board and its official auditing company and I had no responsibility with the bank.

Concerni ng questions I a) to 10) 1 can add to following:

" Board Mc~ting: A~ mentioned above. this was a meeting which took place once a year and lasted for I - 2 hours. At the first meeting, the managers _ _ explained the auditing report or the official auditing company and in the following ycnrs it became routine work.

• Feasibility Studies: and some of tile employees performed the feasibility

studies. I have never been involved in the preparation or review or these studies and I do not have it copy of any well study in my possession.

• : The audits of the bank accounts were performed by.

and some of the employees of Al Tuqwa Management

g:'fn Z:f110n. 1 was not invol ved in this and I do not have a copy of any such audit report in Illy possession.

• Staff: The number of people working for al Taqwa Management were between 5 and 10, someti mt:..~ maybe J 2 persons. The number was changing over the years. I did not have any relation to the employees.

• COll1pensat ion: I recci signed by the managers for Illy POSl

year by a check from the company e board.

Oucstioll 'J

2a) According to Swiss Law, the majority of

LCCR Q & R - 013903

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other business or social rcl;nionships with was sometimes there when we visited there IS no contact at all with them.

I did net purchase any shares.

Please I cfer to the copy of the audit report attached to the letter of my husband. The report provides detailed information concerning the lise of funds. As can be seen, the vast majority of expenses were for salaries, personnel insurances and of rice rent. Other expenses included travel expenses, various office expenses, taxes and legal. consulting and auditing fees.

The rec: pierus of the funds were thus the employees, insurance companies, the Swiss Authorities and a number or private businesses. I do not remember any specific names. :I did not have any authority over the funds and they were used like the funds of any ether service company. My only responsibility is mentioned under IVaI' the preliminary remarks.

Regarding myself 1 would like to mention the following:

LCCR Q & R - 013904

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I hope that this additional information will allow you to rapidly review my listing persuant to Executive Order 13224,


Attachment: is joined to the letter of Illy husband

LCCR Q & R - 013905

·ct·1 <Il 1 Ii;' ~ 1 ~ 11



All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C)


Director.Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S.Department of the Treasury,

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW, Washinglon,D.C. 20220 USA

President Bush issued the Executive Order 13224 blocking property and prohibiting transactions with persons who commit, threaten to commit or support terrorism.

On November 7,my name as well as the name of my wife were put by the US government on a list related to the above Executive Order.

I am a Swiss citizen and Prof.Emeritus of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH.I have served the US in different capacities as visiting professor teaching and doing research at. UC Berkeley,Univ.of Illino is.Univ.of Florlda.Univ.ofMiaml.and IBM Research Laboratory San Jose and gave lectures at Stanford Univ. ,ue Santa Barbara.Univ.of Arizona.Univ.of New Mexico.Rice Univ.,Purdue Univ., .....

At the same time.I was chairman of IEEE Control System Society Awards and Nominations committee and reviewer of different research projects of the National Science Foundation NSF-All my international activities you can find on my website:

I received two prizes [Torn the US.

Since 1988 1 have been together with my wife on the board of Nuda Management Orguruzation(previously Al Taqwa management organization) which 1S a service company doing internal auditing and feasibility studies for AI Taqwa Bank.Bahamas.Our duty was to accept the auditing report of the external auditing company once a year.

Regarding myself I have been active scientifically since my retirement in 1993 at different universities and conferences all over the world.I am also member and chairman of the engineering committee of the Third World Academy of Science TW AS,Advisor to the International Federation of Automatic Control.Adviser to UNESCO and delegate of TW AS(us NOO) to the United Nations.

It is very strange and there is no reason whatsoever to put my name and the name of my wife on a list of people supporting terrorism.I am known by all my students and colleuges worldwide for my opposition to any violence and war and my conviction that there is no justification of killing innocent people under any circumstances.I believe that all people are equal irrespective of co lour.race.religion or world view and I am known for th:is belief.I ask you to make an effort to have my name and the name of my wife removed from this list.If you need more information from my side I am ready to offer the necessary information and would appreciate much if there is a chance to talk in p'"!rson.

Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.

Mohamed rnansour

' .. '

t ,

LCCR Q & R. 013906


~;41 1 632 1211

co py.Ccordinator for Counterterrorism, room 2507.U.S.Departmcnt of State, 2201 C Str.ecl,NW,Washington,D.C. 20520 USA



tees Q & R" 013907

"'lHl/U.l/U2 THU 1Ii:28. FA.X


All redactions on this page made pursuant to . exemptions (b)(6) & (b)(7)(C)


1, /"1.·/,,:····,~ ,( /,I~e~l~~··that 1 have any and all associations, direct

or indirect, that existed between al- Taqwa, and all other

entities owned imd controlled by persons designated pursuant to

Executive Order 13224 or by the United Nations Security Council pursuant to its resolutions 1267 or 1390, including but Dot limited to the following:

a. Bank al-Taqwa

b. al- Taqwa Management Organization

c. Nada Management Organization


e. f. g. h.


Neither I nor any enterprise I own or control shall engage in any activities for or on behalf of or under the direction or control of entities or individuals named by the United States pursuant to Executive Order 13224 or by the United Nations Security Council pursuant to U. N. Security Council Resolutions 1267 or 1390, or any business, agent or representative acting for or on behalf of any such named cmities or individuals.

J will not knowingly acquire or accept any contracts .• investments, joint ventures, employment, or any other form of business arrangement from or on behalf of any entity or individual named by the United States pursuant to Executive Order 13224 or by the United Nations Security Council pursuant to U. N. Security Council Resolutions 1267 or 1390. In receive knowledge of any such involvement, I will take immediate steps to terminate the relationship.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

[Printed Name and Title]

LCCR Q & R - 013908

08/0f/t12 THU 16:28 F.-IX


All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b )(6) & (b )(7)(C)


I/~:'i,-)h .'rq~~:;'a·edUJe that I have ceased any and all associations, direct

or indirect, that existed between Bunk al-Taqwa, and all other

entities owned and controlled persons designated pursuant to

Executive Order 13224 or by the United Nations Security Council pursuant to its resolutions 1267 or 1390, including but not limited to the following:

a. Bank al- Taqwa

b. al- Taqwa Management Organization

c. Nada Management Organization

d. Asat Trust

e. f. g. h.


Neither I nor any enterprise I own or control shall engage in any activities for or on behalf of or under the direction or control of entities or individuals name" by the United States pursuant to Executive Order 13224 or by the United Nations Security Council pursuant to U. N. Security Council Resolutions 1267 or 1390, or any business, agent or representative ilcling for or on behalf of any sucb named entities or individuals.

I ... vill not knowingly acquire or accept <my c?ntrncts, investments, joint ventures, employment, or any other form of business arrangement from or OIl behalf of any entity or individual named by the United States pursuant to Executive Order 13224 or by the United Nations Security Council pursuant to U. N, Security Council Resolutions 1267 or 1390, If I receive knowledge of any such involvement, I will take immediate steps to terminate the relationship.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.

[Printed Name and Title]

[Signature J

Executed on (J . X' ,j i ( '/ ; .. ,: :':' t

tcca Q & R - 013909

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